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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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AMEN. I'm getting annoyed with people who have told me "See? You got in everywhere, I knew you would because you have good grades and you're smart." No, Mom/Dad/Grandma/BFF/boyfriend/random neighbor, there was definitely some luck there as well. Silly geese.:D

That's definitely something to be proud of, mscongeniality! OWN IT.

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That's definitely something to be proud of, mscongeniality! OWN IT.

Haha, well I am proud for sure! But I do realize that it could have also gone the other way, and I didn't apply to some of the really really competitive places that I feel got a billion apps (Emerson, MGH, Rush, Northwestern). Sometimes I think the admissions committees just do some weird things and their decisions don't always make sense...but in this case I will certainly take it!

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What does everyone consider manageable debt after leaving grad school (including undergrad)?

I have $30,000 in debt from undergrad and a master's degree (that I'm not using, ugh!). I got accepted into a great, but expensive program and wait listed at my cheaper safety school. If I choose the expensive place, I will have $90,000 in debt.

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What does everyone consider manageable debt after leaving grad school (including undergrad)?

I have $30,000 in debt from undergrad and a master's degree (that I'm not using, ugh!). I got accepted into a great, but expensive program and wait listed at my cheaper safety school. If I choose the expensive place, I will have $90,000 in debt.

I'm curious to hear the responses because I'm in pretty much an identical position. Undergrad debt, expensive dream school, 20 -- so I'm linked to my parents' income even though they won't be contributing anything...

Other people have told me that it matters a lot what kind of work you're going into post-graduation -- aka: someone going into medical speech pathology can probably afford to risk going into more debt than someone who wants to work as a public school SLP (although this isn't necessarily true across the board and there are some options for loan forgiveness in public service jobs).

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What does everyone consider manageable debt after leaving grad school (including undergrad)?

I have $30,000 in debt from undergrad and a master's degree (that I'm not using, ugh!). I got accepted into a great, but expensive program and wait listed at my cheaper safety school. If I choose the expensive place, I will have $90,000 in debt.

I think it really depends on your personal situation. It is hard to come up with a number because any high number is super scary!!! I figure that with school + living, I will be in debt a minimum of $27,000. My dad has always said, in refence to vacations.....take what you think you will need and double it. So, if I double that as a precaution, I'd be taking on $54,000 minimum.

As an international student, I think that is 'reasonable'. Do I like it, no. Will I deal with it, for sure. I am lucky enough to have no undergrad debts and I've also been working for 2 years out of school and have saved up some money.

I've also heard that it is recommended that your monthly re-payments should not exceed 10% of your monthly gross salary. So that may be a good starting point to figuring it out.

Edited by squaresquared
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Well, I got my letter from University of Connecticut today and because I'd be resigning myself to paying 2 years of out-of-state tuition ($28,000/year!), I need to decline. The letter indicated that merit aid is 'extremely limited' so I'm not holding out any hopes for that. Boo. :(

I'm going to Emerson on Tuesday for an informational visit (the meet-and-greet date doesn't work for me). If anyone has any questions regarding the program, let me know so I can jot them down and ask! :)

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Did anyone else get a really strange email from UMass Amherst? It basically says that they waitlisted many people.... without using the word waitlist OR telling me if I was one of those people! I assume I am, but I haven't received any letters from them yet.

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Alright folks! It's time to think about making decisions. I'm trying to choose between Loyola Maryland (foundation program) and GWU. Anybody have opinions? Anyone IN either of those programs want to shed light?

I'm interested in the connections with animal language that can be had at GWU -- they have a program with the National Zoo. I did my undergrad work in anthropology, so this is particularly exciting.

The people from Loyola have been so kind, interested in me, and responsive .... no other school has been such a pleasure to deal with throughout this process.

I don't know what to do!! Finances are definitely an issue, either way!

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Alright folks! It's time to think about making decisions. I'm trying to choose between Loyola Maryland (foundation program) and GWU. Anybody have opinions? Anyone IN either of those programs want to shed light?

I'm interested in the connections with animal language that can be had at GWU -- they have a program with the National Zoo. I did my undergrad work in anthropology, so this is particularly exciting.

The people from Loyola have been so kind, interested in me, and responsive .... no other school has been such a pleasure to deal with throughout this process.

I don't know what to do!! Finances are definitely an issue, either way!

I am making the same decision, but also have Towson to chose from. Which way are you leaning? I am looking for input on these programs as well as info regarding their reputation and placements.

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I was accepted in the UNC and MGH program for SLP. I am debating about both. Anybody have any feedback on both of these programs? I should be making my decision in the next week. Is anyone looking for a roommate in Boston or Chapel Hill, NC?


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Hey guys,

Ok so I'm not applying until the fall so I don't have any exciting news like the rest of you (!!!!) but I took the GRE yesterday for the first time and I was wondering if most of the schools you applied to take your highest scores from each section? Basically I was curious to see if the stats you guys post are the highest from each section if you took it more than once. I did really well on the quantitative section but didn't do well at all on the verbal portion. I'm obviously planning to take it at least one more time but I'm just hoping I didn't completely mess things up with the low verbal score.

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Curious to know where everyone else is ending up? I just sent my confirmation to Bloomsburg! Would love to talk to other grad students going to Bloom

I haven't sent in my confirmation yet, but I'm most likely going to Rush. I'm excited to be back in Chicago again! I've been away for nearly 5 years.

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I was accepted in the UNC and MGH program for SLP. I am debating about both. Anybody have any feedback on both of these programs? I should be making my decision in the next week. Is anyone looking for a roommate in Boston or Chapel Hill, NC?


Hey there! I have it narrowed down to UNC, Vanderbilt, and Mizzou. Are you going to the UNC open house tomorrow afternoon?

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Hi, I was accepted at Boston University and an in state school. I am trying to decide what to do but I am leaning towards going to BU. Does anyone have any info on BU and/or the program? I haven't visited yet and only know about it from what I have read online. I did not receive a merit scholarship at BU so I am worried about how expensive it is but hoping I can still go :)

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I was accepted in the UNC and MGH program for SLP. I am debating about both. Anybody have any feedback on both of these programs? I should be making my decision in the next week. Is anyone looking for a roommate in Boston or Chapel Hill, NC?


Congrats! I was also accepted to MGH. I am trying to decide between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and MGH (although I still haven't heard from 2 schools but most likely between these). I visited MGH a few months ago and it was really nice and modern. The program there seems really intense and challenging which is appealing to me, but may not be to others. They have something outrageous like over 300 placement sites which is also really great. Another thing I like is the ability to have a concentration. Cost will definitely be another factor that I consider since MGH is so expensive. I have only been to Boston that one time, but I am going to the information session on April 2. Are you going? If I do choose MGH I will also be relocating and looking for a roommate. I hope that helped at least a little... I know it is going to be a tough choice for me between MGH and Nebraska. I applied to UNC as well but didn't get in. I couldn't imagine choosing between them. GOOD LUCK!

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I am making the same decision, but also have Towson to chose from. Which way are you leaning? I am looking for input on these programs as well as info regarding their reputation and placements.

Heather and Msara,

I applied to Towson, GWU, Loyola, UMD, and Gallaudet. I got into Towson but haven't heard anything from GWU or Loyola, but in the unlikely event that I am accepted to those schools, I will be in the same position as you. Here are my thoughts:

If you are an MD resident, Towson is way cheaper, especially is you get a GA position. Towson is also in the process of setting up a new building which will house the speech and hearing clinic, autism, and kinesiology clinics, which sounds awesome. As of right now though, I prefer GWU's facilities, then Loyola's, then Towson's.

What I like about Towson is that almost all faculty still practices, which I think is very important, since I am more interested in the clinical aspect than research. Also Towson has been the friendliest, always promptly responding to my emails. I love Melissa, the current GA handling admissions stuff.

I am highly interested in Autism, and all 3 programs seem to have focus on that, but I like GWU's most. GWU also uses a treatment that I am very familiar with, Floortime/ABLC.

Loyola apparently has a curriculum that is favorable to obtaining clinical practicum placements.

I just had lunch with Diane Lewis last week, who created the ABLC (affect-based language curriculum) and asked her if she would be more likely to accept someone to her clinical practicum who went to either Towson, GWU or Loyola and she said that if she had contracts with all those schools (which she doesn't by the way. She only has a contract w/ GWU), it wouldn't matter which school they went to. It would be solely based on their achievements, drive, and "fit". Thus, I concluded that reputation doesn't necessarily play a huge role.

Towson accepted me "early decision" which tells me that they wanted me. That also plays a role in my decision.

I hope this helps guys. Maybe you could shed some light on my dilemma: Since I have not heard anything from GWU and Loyola, should I contact them?

Take care :) Steph

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Congrats! I was also accepted to MGH. I am trying to decide between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and MGH (although I still haven't heard from 2 schools but most likely between these). I visited MGH a few months ago and it was really nice and modern. The program there seems really intense and challenging which is appealing to me, but may not be to others. They have something outrageous like over 300 placement sites which is also really great. Another thing I like is the ability to have a concentration. Cost will definitely be another factor that I consider since MGH is so expensive. I have only been to Boston that one time, but I am going to the information session on April 2. Are you going? If I do choose MGH I will also be relocating and looking for a roommate. I hope that helped at least a little... I know it is going to be a tough choice for me between MGH and Nebraska. I applied to UNC as well but didn't get in. I couldn't imagine choosing between them. GOOD LUCK!

Hey there! Congrats about both schools!

I will be at the information session on April 2, 2011..maybe I'll see you there! If you do end up choosing MGH- let me know! I did not know they you could choose a concentration..definitely a plus! Relocating to Boston is going to be a task..but having a roommate would be amazing. Keep me posted.

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Unfortunately the GRE does not work like that. If you (for example) get a 500 verbal 400 quantitative score the first time and then take it again and get a 450 verbal and 410 quantitative. The schools see all of the scores but they are not replaceable. You can't choose to carry that 500 V score and drop the Q score or vice versa (and the schools will see all the times you took the test / scores). If you go on the GRE site, it explains all of this. Good luck. :)

Hey guys,

Ok so I'm not applying until the fall so I don't have any exciting news like the rest of you (!!!!) but I took the GRE yesterday for the first time and I was wondering if most of the schools you applied to take your highest scores from each section? Basically I was curious to see if the stats you guys post are the highest from each section if you took it more than once. I did really well on the quantitative section but didn't do well at all on the verbal portion. I'm obviously planning to take it at least one more time but I'm just hoping I didn't completely mess things up with the low verbal score.

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Hey there! Congrats about both schools!

I will be at the information session on April 2, 2011..maybe I'll see you there! If you do end up choosing MGH- let me know! I did not know they you could choose a concentration..definitely a plus! Relocating to Boston is going to be a task..but having a roommate would be amazing. Keep me posted.

I completely agree. I will be coming from a small town so it would definitely be a challenge. I will make my decision after the session and I am sure you will see it posted here! You can check out the concentrations on the website.... I know there is a literacy one and autism and a few others. They might talk about it at the session also.

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Thank you! I knew they would see them all. Hopefully if I do a lot better on the verbal section the second time, they will take that into consideration! :)


Unfortunately the GRE does not work like that. If you (for example) get a 500 verbal 400 quantitative score the first time and then take it again and get a 450 verbal and 410 quantitative. The schools see all of the scores but they are not replaceable. You can't choose to carry that 500 V score and drop the Q score or vice versa (and the schools will see all the times you took the test / scores). If you go on the GRE site, it explains all of this. Good luck. :)

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Hey there! Congrats about both schools!

I will be at the information session on April 2, 2011..maybe I'll see you there! If you do end up choosing MGH- let me know! I did not know they you could choose a concentration..definitely a plus! Relocating to Boston is going to be a task..but having a roommate would be amazing. Keep me posted.

Hello fellow MGH prospects : ) I'm going to the info session April 2nd too. I am deciding between MGH and BU which I'll be visiting that weekend too. Are you guys both CSD undergrads? I'm not so I am not sure yet what area I want to specialize in. kroge23, did you get the impression that there are opportunities for both clinical and education settings when you visited?

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I heard from GWU on Feb 9th and had all of my application materials in by the end of October. I am surprised that you did not hear from them. I was notified by email. I would definitely send them an email or call. It can't hurt. It's tough to still be waiting at this point, b/c it's impossible to make a decision without having all of the info. I like GW, but don't think I will go b/c it is the most expensive of the 3 I am seriously considering. Taking public transportation there from Maryland would be almost an hour each way! I think if reputation does not matter and how I perform matters more, then I should go to the place that fits my life the best. Towson is also an hour from me. I am leaning towards Loyola b/c for the first year I'd only have classes 2 days per week and for the 2nd and 3rd years the Graduate Campus is closer to my house. The cost of Towson is very tempting though...but the schedule and distance would mean a lot more sacrifice. I really appreciate your input and insight into these programs. Let me know how it goes with GW and where you end up deciding to go. Did you apply to the 2 year or 3 year programs? I applied for the 3 year ones.

Heather and Msara,

I applied to Towson, GWU, Loyola, UMD, and Gallaudet. I got into Towson but haven't heard anything from GWU or Loyola, but in the unlikely event that I am accepted to those schools, I will be in the same position as you. Here are my thoughts:

If you are an MD resident, Towson is way cheaper, especially is you get a GA position. Towson is also in the process of setting up a new building which will house the speech and hearing clinic, autism, and kinesiology clinics, which sounds awesome. As of right now though, I prefer GWU's facilities, then Loyola's, then Towson's.

What I like about Towson is that almost all faculty still practices, which I think is very important, since I am more interested in the clinical aspect than research. Also Towson has been the friendliest, always promptly responding to my emails. I love Melissa, the current GA handling admissions stuff.

I am highly interested in Autism, and all 3 programs seem to have focus on that, but I like GWU's most. GWU also uses a treatment that I am very familiar with, Floortime/ABLC.

Loyola apparently has a curriculum that is favorable to obtaining clinical practicum placements.

I just had lunch with Diane Lewis last week, who created the ABLC (affect-based language curriculum) and asked her if she would be more likely to accept someone to her clinical practicum who went to either Towson, GWU or Loyola and she said that if she had contracts with all those schools (which she doesn't by the way. She only has a contract w/ GWU), it wouldn't matter which school they went to. It would be solely based on their achievements, drive, and "fit". Thus, I concluded that reputation doesn't necessarily play a huge role.

Towson accepted me "early decision" which tells me that they wanted me. That also plays a role in my decision.

I hope this helps guys. Maybe you could shed some light on my dilemma: Since I have not heard anything from GWU and Loyola, should I contact them?

Take care :) Steph

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