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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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I'm sitting outside Starbucks near Mercy right now! I got accepted last night to TC at Colimbia so

That takes a little pressure off of this interview. I have no idea what to expect! I heard they do group interviews?? I apples for regular admission..I think I sent my app in around Feb 1st. I will let you know how it goes and if you get an interview you will know what to expect! And damn you Montclair! They need to get on the ball!

Good luck at your interview. Hope you rock it!!!

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Do you think it will be this week? I'm thinking probably next week...they're kind of late this year right? Or am I just getting extremely impatient??

you're right.. they are late this year. last year, people had decisions as early as march 4th. but they did send out rejections on february 15th this year, so it looks like they're taking a different approach in making admissions decisions. i was getting so annoyed with their join us on facebook messages. those almost gave me a heart attack last week when i was hoping for a decision email from them. i haven't gotten any this week, though.

i wish all the schools had the same deadline for submitting applications, and then would also notify applicants on the same day.

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Praying for just one notification today. PLEASE. email, phone call, letter, anythingggg. I'm still waiting on Southern Connecticut, East Stroudsburg, SUNY New Paltz, Umass Amherst, Mercy College, Montclair, and the University of New Hampshire. Does anyone know anything about these schools? (acceptances/rejections?)

Last year SCSU's letters didn't go out until the last week of March. Blah.

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you're right.. they are late this year. last year, people had decisions as early as march 4th. but they did send out rejections on february 15th this year, so it looks like they're taking a different approach in making admissions decisions. i was getting so annoyed with their join us on facebook messages. those almost gave me a heart attack last week when i was hoping for a decision email from them. i haven't gotten any this week, though.

i wish all the schools had the same deadline for submitting applications, and then would also notify students on the same day.

I agree they are late. I think those early rejections were done on a numbers-only basis and now they're examining all application materials. That is just a guess though.

Their last day of classes is tomorrow, and next week is final exams. Week after that is spring break. I was really hoping for a decision today or tomorrow-- I figured they wouldn't be meeting during final exams or break, but maybe I'm wrong. Good luck to everyone who's still waiting on them. Hopefully we get good news soon! :-)

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Hey did anyone on here already mention how the open house at Northwestern went last Friday? I couldnt spring for the $400 flight from Portland, but was really hoping to get some feedback from those who went.

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Hey did anyone on here already mention how the open house at Northwestern went last Friday? I couldnt spring for the $400 flight from Portland, but was really hoping to get some feedback from those who went.

I think my tour guide said 108 people attended.

Edit: oops, I thought you asked how many were there. I had a really wonderful time! We were split up into small groups with a current graduate student and got to go to different tables to talk with the faculty. It was basically like academic speed dating! We also took tours of the different labs in our small groups. Then there was a Q&A session with current students. The students said the atmosphere between them more collaborative than competitive. I was very impressed by the facilities (a downstairs lounge with a kitchen for the SLP students!) and how approachable the faculty was.

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For the people who did get emails from Washington, what did they say? Did they just direct you to the website (which website?)

I got a rejection email from UW - Med SLP program yesterday, and I double checked the application page today, under status it indicated I did not receive the acceptance. I guess if you status didn't change, at least you made it through the first round cut.

It's kinda disappointing because I didn't even make it to the waitlist. I'm really interested in working in a medical rehab setting. My grandmother suffered from stroke for 16 years and she passed away last year. Unfortunately in China and many other developing countries, people are really behind in the concept about rehabilitation. Watching my grandmother suffering from paralysis and lacking of rehab care really inspired me, plus I do work better with adults comparing with kids so hospital is my ideal career setting.

Oh well, I guess UW is just a super-reach school for me. Luckily yesterday there's also an acceptance from UT Austin, I guess they found me to be a better fit, which made the UW rej a little bit easier to take.

I'm an ELL student myself, immigrated to U.S. during high school, went through all the cultural and language barriers, so I am also enthusiastic to help those ELL as well.

But yeah, at least I'm going to graduate school and I'm gonna become a speech pathologist. =]

Congrats to all those who got acceptance letters, and good luck to those who are still waiting. Stay strong, guys.

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Just heard from UT Austin! Excited that it is a possibility. Congratulations to all of the acceptances in the past couple of days, and good luck to those who haven't heard quite yet. Has anyone heard anything in the mail today? Just wondering if I should be anxious to check my mailbox when I get home....

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For the people who did get emails from Washington, what did they say? Did they just direct you to the website (which website?)

I just got the email a couple minutes ago with the decision and further instructions on how to respond. Deadline to respond is April 15th... CSULA's definitely going to complicate things with them sending out their decisions mid-April :\

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I'm going out of town tomorrow afternoon for ~9 days, so I won't have access to mail - do you all think it would be reasonable for me to call Vanderbilt and ask 1) when letters are supposed to go out and 2) if I can call them to ask for the decision, since I won't be home to get the letter? They're my only school that notifies by mail, and it's going to be hard to enjoy my vacation knowing a letter is sitting in my PO box waiting for me!

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I'm going out of town tomorrow afternoon for ~9 days, so I won't have access to mail - do you all think it would be reasonable for me to call Vanderbilt and ask 1) when letters are supposed to go out and 2) if I can call them to ask for the decision, since I won't be home to get the letter? They're my only school that notifies by mail, and it's going to be hard to enjoy my vacation knowing a letter is sitting in my PO box waiting for me!

i think you should. especially if you're only going to be talking to the graduate secretary.. the worst she can tell you is that she doesn't know anything. worth a shot. :)

i haven't heard from rush yet. and i'm manually refreshing my inbox repeatedly (even though gmail does this automatically), instead of studying for a neuroscience test i have tomorrow. :ph34r:

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Alliejcw, I am in the SAME boat. Planning to go out of town, and dying to know. I have thought about doing the same thing (I think it would be acceptable), but I am at work and wouldn't be able to call them until their office is closed. Would you mind letting me know what they say if you do call?

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Alliejcw, I am in the SAME boat. Planning to go out of town, and dying to know. I have thought about doing the same thing (I think it would be acceptable), but I am at work and wouldn't be able to call them until their office is closed. Would you mind letting me know what they say if you do call?

Definitely! I realized that they don't have a phone number listed ANYWHERE on the department page, and although I found one by doing some digging through the Med Center directory, the fact that they don't list it makes me think they might frown upon getting phone calls. I was thinking of emailing Penny Welch directly instead, since she requested in one of her emails that we ask questions via email rather than phone. (the only downside is that then she'll know it was ME bugging her with silly questions :P) Anyway, I'll let you know what I hear!

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Definitely! I realized that they don't have a phone number listed ANYWHERE on the department page, and although I found one by doing some digging through the Med Center directory, the fact that they don't list it makes me think they might frown upon getting phone calls. I was thinking of emailing Penny Welch directly instead, since she requested in one of her emails that we ask questions via email rather than phone. (the only downside is that then she'll know it was ME bugging her with silly questions :P) Anyway, I'll let you know what I hear!

Could you call the schools (not the direct department) grad school admissions number?

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Definitely! I realized that they don't have a phone number listed ANYWHERE on the department page, and although I found one by doing some digging through the Med Center directory, the fact that they don't list it makes me think they might frown upon getting phone calls. I was thinking of emailing Penny Welch directly instead, since she requested in one of her emails that we ask questions via email rather than phone. (the only downside is that then she'll know it was ME bugging her with silly questions :P) Anyway, I'll let you know what I hear!

I'm dying to hear from Vanderbilt! Keep us posted! :)

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Were you notified via email, on their admissions page, or postal letter? I can't take the suspense anymore! :(

I was notified by email, yesterday, at about 7am.

If you haven't gotten anything yet, I wouldn't lose hope. It would seem that several people will defer and more spots will open up (if you are waitlisted).

Good luck!!!

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Did you guys have an interview with mercy?

just left my interview. Super nice faculty and grad students. Overall not bad. I am terrible at interviewing. I get all nervous and red... Not a good look. If I don't get in I have to attribute it to my terrible interviewing skills because they obviously liked me enough to give me an interview. Oh well.
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For those of you put on the waitlist for Rush, how are you submitting the form? When I click 'Submit by Email,' nothing happens. I've tried calling, but nobody is answering. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks!!

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