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Hi all! I know there has been some talk about specific rhet/comp concentrations and a few comments on other threads about where people are applying, but I thought it might be good to get our own thread started. So, if you're willing to share, where are you applying? what are your specific interests? And anything else you'd like to share with the class.

I'll get the ball rolling with my ridiculously long and ultimately very expensive list of apps:

(these are all PhD programs, btw)

Bowling Green (Rhetoric & Writing)

Iowa State (Rhetoric & Professional Communication)

Kent State (Rhet/Comp)

Louisville (Rhet/Comp)

Miami University (Comp/Rhet)

Michigan State (Rhetoric & Writing, already rejected, boo)

Nebraska (Comp/Rhet)

NC State (CRDM)

UNC - Greensboro (Rhet/Comp)

Ohio University (Rhet/Comp)

Old Dominion (English - Rhetoric & Textual Studies)

Purdue (Rhet/Comp)

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (Rhet/Comp)

UT-Austin (English, Rhetoric concentration)

TCU (Rhet/Comp)

TWU (Rhetoric)

University of Utah (Rhet/Comp)

VTech (Rhetoric & Writing)

University of South Florida (Rhet/Comp)

Wisconsin - Madison (Comp/Rhet)

Wisconsin - Milwaukee (English, Rhet/Comp concentration)

whew! My interests are primarily first-year composition, writing program administration, technology and writing, new media, women's rhetorics, women's and gender studies, and critical theory.

Good luck to everyone this application season!


Hi there. You did apply to a lot of schools--and I thought my 14 were expensive! I came close to applying to Old Dominion, too, and am having thoughts about sending an app in before the deadline, although I'm not sure I can justify spending any more money and bothering my profs again at this point.

My list (all Ph.D. programs--I'm in a master's program now):

CSU (pcat)

FSU (rhet/comp)

Georgia Tech (dm)

U Louisville (rhet/comp)

Minnesota (rstc)

MSU (rhet&writing) -- rejected (sad day)

NC State (crdm)

Northwestern (mts)

OSU (rhet/comp)

Pittsburgh (ccs)

Purdue (rhet/comp)

Texas Tech (tcr)

UT Austin (dig. lit.)

I'm interested in animal studies, vegan/vegetarian rhetoric, social activism, feminism, and new media.

I am reaching the point of obsession/neurosis when it comes to checking my mailbox and e-mail.

  On 1/20/2011 at 2:17 AM, digitality said:

I am reaching the point of obsession/neurosis when it comes to checking my mailbox and e-mail.

Me too! Even though I know I probably won't hear anything (aside from msu) for at least a month, I just keep checking EVERYTHING. It's terrible.


risking redundancy, i'll throw my hat in here to help get this rolling.

Rhet-Comp/Comp-Rhet PhD Apps:

  • Berkeley
  • U Wisconsin-Madison
  • U Mass-Amherst
  • Miami University
  • U Arizona
  • U Washington
  • U Oregon
  • Carnegie Mellon

    Interdisciplinary PhD App:
    • Stanford MTL


    [*]Dialogic Rhetoric (Rogers, Buber, Bakhtin, etc)

    [*]Mediation Studies

    [*]Comparative Rhetoric (Luso-Brazilian)


    [*]Too many others....


So I just got an e-mail from FSU with "application status" in the subject line and almost had a heart attack until I saw that the e-mail pretty much just said that offers will be made mid-March. Not nice.

  On 1/24/2011 at 7:34 PM, digitality said:

So I just got an e-mail from FSU with "application status" in the subject line and almost had a heart attack until I saw that the e-mail pretty much just said that offers will be made mid-March. Not nice.

But Minnesota is in the bag! Fantastic. My thesis adviser/life coach earned his PhD there and never tired of good things to say. Nice work.

  On 1/20/2011 at 2:17 AM, digitality said:

I'm interested in animal studies, vegan/vegetarian rhetoric

Hey digitality, I have the same main research interest yet we don't have one program in commonlaugh.gif

Can you expand on your interests? I'm very perplexed as to how we have no progams in common despite a very niche AOI. Are you coming at "the animal question" from a social sciences angle?

  On 1/28/2011 at 5:37 PM, KRC said:

Hey digitality, I have the same main research interest yet we don't have one program in commonlaugh.gif

Can you expand on your interests? I'm very perplexed as to how we have no progams in common despite a very niche AOI. Are you coming at "the animal question" from a social sciences angle?

Hi there, Nice to meet a fellow animal studies person.

Where did you apply, out of curiosity? I hope I didn't miss all the programs that would have been perfect for me. :)

I am looking at how AR activists disarticulate and rearticulate ideas with linguistic and extralinguistic (digital and not) discourse to change cultural ideas about animal treatment and consumption. I'd say my approach is more rhetorical and philosophical. What about you?

  On 1/28/2011 at 5:50 PM, digitality said:

I am looking at how AR activists disarticulate and rearticulate ideas with linguistic and extralinguistic (digital and not) discourse to change cultural ideas about animal treatment and consumption. I'd say my approach is more rhetorical and philosophical. What about you?

I think this is very similar to my approach. I look at the intersections of psychoanalysis and the literature of animal rights (including literature that isn't rights-based but gets lumped in with animal rights) and critique the latter from the standpoint of the former.

One issue that I've been working with in particular is the role of affect in conceiving of animals as food (and as objects to be exploited more generally) as an issue unto itself, and more specifically how this is dealt with in AR. In Singer and Regan's work, for example, it's hardly addressed at all in favor of legalistic/and or argumentative forms of reasoning. "These animals share these qualities with humans, ergo they should be extended rights/we should not exploit them."

By contrast, in films like Earthlings, the whole thing is affect, which I suggest is equally "self-sabotaging." "Here is horrifying image after horrifying image that will make you weep from minute one to the end of the film."

Psychoanalysis comes into play (specifically Freudian/Lacanian) viz. it's unique theory of affect which it includes (along with signifiers, identifications, etc.) in a theoretical but also, and more importantly, clinical effort to "let the unconscious speak" against the discourse of the other, against the dominant discourse of meat-eating/animal exploitation.

Because of psychoanalysis (which is my main AOI, followed closely by AS) I applied mostly to english/comp lit/specialty depts. I spent innumerable hours scouring teh interwebz looking for departments with both AS and Psyalaugh.gif

These programs are not necessarily great places for AS but are stellar programs and/or good homes for psychoanalysis.

Stanford MTL

Emory ILA

Buffalo English

Brown MCM

The rest all have at least some good connection to AS and psya.

Vanderbilt Philosophy (Kelly Oliver <3 <3 <3 )

Cornell Comp. Lit.

Columbia English

SUNY Albany (damned Cary Wolfe taught here just a few years agoangry.gif)

Penn State

Chicago English

Wow this was a long post.

  On 1/28/2011 at 6:14 PM, KRC said:

I think this is very similar to my approach. I look at the intersections of psychoanalysis and the literature of animal rights (including literature that isn't rights-based but gets lumped in with animal rights) and critique the latter from the standpoint of the former.

One issue that I've been working with in particular is the role of affect in conceiving of animals as food (and as objects to be exploited more generally) as an issue unto itself, and more specifically how this is dealt with in AR. In Singer and Regan's work, for example, it's hardly addressed at all in favor of legalistic/and or argumentative forms of reasoning. "These animals share these qualities with humans, ergo they should be extended rights/we should not exploit them."

By contrast, in films like Earthlings, the whole thing is affect, which I suggest is equally "self-sabotaging." "Here is horrifying image after horrifying image that will make you weep from minute one to the end of the film."

Psychoanalysis comes into play (specifically Freudian/Lacanian) viz. it's unique theory of affect which it includes (along with signifiers, identifications, etc.) in a theoretical but also, and more importantly, clinical effort to "let the unconscious speak" against the discourse of the other, against the dominant discourse of meat-eating/animal exploitation.

Because of psychoanalysis (which is my main AOI, followed closely by AS) I applied mostly to english/comp lit/specialty depts. I spent innumerable hours scouring teh interwebz looking for departments with both AS and Psyalaugh.gif

These programs are not necessarily great places for AS but are stellar programs and/or good homes for psychoanalysis.

Stanford MTL

Emory ILA

Buffalo English

Brown MCM

The rest all have at least some good connection to AS and psya.

Vanderbilt Philosophy (Kelly Oliver <3 <3 <3 )

Cornell Comp. Lit.

Columbia English

SUNY Albany (damned Cary Wolfe taught here just a few years agoangry.gif)

Penn State

Chicago English

Wow this was a long post.

I considered applying (donating...) to Stanford's MTL program because I am a huge Haraway fan. In hindsight, I probably should have explored philosophy programs. Your scholarship sounds very interesting. I am reading Singer and Adams this semester and am hoping to gain more specific direction.


Looks like somebody posted a Texas Tech acceptance on the results board... I didn't apply there, but congrats to whoever just got accepted!

  On 1/29/2011 at 8:23 PM, snappysorbet said:

Looks like somebody posted a Texas Tech acceptance on the results board... I didn't apply there, but congrats to whoever just got accepted!

That was me--thanks for the congrats!



Have you heard anything from Berkeley or Stanford? I applied to those programs, on a whim... and for the risk of sounding nosey, what are your stats? Thanks.

  On 1/20/2011 at 3:54 PM, grifter said:

risking redundancy, i'll throw my hat in here to help get this rolling.

Rhet-Comp/Comp-Rhet PhD Apps:

  • Berkeley
  • U Wisconsin-Madison
  • U Mass-Amherst
  • Miami University
  • U Arizona
  • U Washington
  • U Oregon
  • Carnegie Mellon
    Interdisciplinary PhD App:
    • Stanford MTL


    [*]Dialogic Rhetoric (Rogers, Buber, Bakhtin, etc)[*]Mediation Studies[*]Comparative Rhetoric (Luso-Brazilian)[*]Architecture[*]Too many others....



Just saw an acceptance to UW-Madison comp/rhet on the results board. I guess it's really started then! Congrats to whoever just got accepted!


I'm curious why Berkeley applicants decided to apply to Berkeley . . . . Their rhetoric program seems to have nothing (or very little) in common with the greater "rhet/comp" community. In fact, I didn't meet one Berkeley student or professor at last year's RSA conference. Nor have I met any at regional MLAs. And when I read their dissertation list, I just think, "Huh?" Some interesting classical rhetoric faculty, but otherwise, their understanding of "rhetoric" seems quite different from the one I've developed. More like critical cultural theory than rhetoric. Thoughts? Reasons for applying?

My hopefuls are listed in my signature. Brown, Vandy, and Columbia were "why the hell not" literature applications. The rest are rhet/comp or rhetoric and technical writing PhD programs. I'm counting Duke's as a rhetoric program because it has several faculty members who work with (vaguely) rhetorical approaches to literature. Probably won't commit even if I get accepted, but I'm curious to see if the rhetoric angle has any weight for lit applications. I also really, really, really want to say to a top-10 literature program, "No thanks, I'm gonna do some rhet/comp work . . ."


I am being "bad" and double posting. Did any of you who posted here get accepted to University of Wisconsin-Madison for Comp/Rhet? I saw the post on the results page.


Hello. I'll throw myself into the fray here. I'm applying to rhet/comp PhD programs, and currently (going crazy in the process) completing an MA in English with a rhet/comp focus.

I've applied to the following schools:

U of AZ (RCTE)





U of WA

Has anyone heard from Louisville yet? There aren't too many results posted from previous years, but it looks like they've notified by end of January in the past.

  On 2/6/2011 at 4:39 PM, Chris83 said:

Hello. I'll throw myself into the fray here. I'm applying to rhet/comp PhD programs, and currently (going crazy in the process) completing an MA in English with a rhet/comp focus.

I've applied to the following schools:

U of AZ (RCTE)





U of WA

Has anyone heard from Louisville yet? There aren't too many results posted from previous years, but it looks like they've notified by end of January in the past.

I'm curious about Louisville, too!


Just emailed Louisville to ask about the status of my application (I had been missing a recommendation and wanted to make sure it was received).... got this response: "Your application is complete and has been reviewed by the committee. Thanks."

AAAAAAAAH of course I'm assuming rejection, but at least it's nice to know that hopefully I'll be hearing something soon?

  On 2/7/2011 at 4:50 PM, snappysorbet said:

Just emailed Louisville to ask about the status of my application (I had been missing a recommendation and wanted to make sure it was received).... got this response: "Your application is complete and has been reviewed by the committee. Thanks."

AAAAAAAAH of course I'm assuming rejection, but at least it's nice to know that hopefully I'll be hearing something soon?

That's *sort of* helpful of them...

  On 2/7/2011 at 4:50 PM, snappysorbet said:

Just emailed Louisville to ask about the status of my application (I had been missing a recommendation and wanted to make sure it was received).... got this response: "Your application is complete and has been reviewed by the committee. Thanks."

AAAAAAAAH of course I'm assuming rejection, but at least it's nice to know that hopefully I'll be hearing something soon?

I wouldn't assume that. Perhaps the DGS or person you contacted knows that the committee met and that all apps have been reviewed. Keep your spirits up!

  On 2/8/2011 at 12:30 AM, murkyama said:

I wouldn't assume that. Perhaps the DGS or person you contacted knows that the committee met and that all apps have been reviewed. Keep your spirits up!

I'll certainly try! Although I did just see a Louisville acceptance on the results board... anyone want to claim it? Congratulations to the lucky winner!

Posted (edited)

that was me. I'm pretty excited that my first notification was a positive one.

(edited to add-- I wouldn't totally discount getting in-- it's possible they are sorting out funding decisions still.)

Edited by Chris83

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