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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Will be going to Indiana U. Bloomington! Anyone else?

I'm thinking about it but leaning away. I like Caleb Weintraub a lot. I like having 1 1/2 years of tuition remission due to an AIship, plus a stipend. I think IUB is a great school for teaching but I don't know about galleries.

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new to here....

just received an email that I am wait-listed for RISD painting. anyone know more about the wait-list there? I'm hoping a bunch of people decide on Yale instead or something:)

I'm waitlisted in painting too. Were you at the interviews on the 23rd?

I haven't heard anything about list movement, but yeah, if they're accepting only the best, SOME of those people have to go to Yale; it has such a large program.

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I'm thinking about it but leaning away. I like Caleb Weintraub a lot. I like having 1 1/2 years of tuition remission due to an AIship, plus a stipend. I think IUB is a great school for teaching but I don't know about galleries.

I turned down a different school that had a pretty tight link with some NYC galleries for IU. IU just fits me better. It's a personal decision. I, in no way, think that attending IU will hurt my chances of gaining gallery representation. I'll get it on my own.

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I turned down a different school that had a pretty tight link with some NYC galleries for IU. IU just fits me better. It's a personal decision. I, in no way, think that attending IU will hurt my chances of gaining gallery representation. I'll get it on my own.

I should re-phrase that last statement; attending IU will not hurt my chances of gaining gallery representation.

My brain is fried.

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were you at the interviews on the 25th? I just heard back from them and I'm going! Have you decided on a school yet?

anna i think i might have met you in cranbrook. have you decided where to go yet?

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was about to ask "please define a great work of art"............

i think in my case, it is all subjective. as subjective as all the grad schools are out there. fame and financial success are secondary to me. i personally think that picking out a certain galleries from ny and see where these artists are coming from as the a gauging device is very inadequate and shot sighted ( don't get me wrong, i for once was also delusional enough to apply to these schools based on their fame and such. it is not a personal attack at all. i just want to point out the fact that the whole 'art schools feeding the art world' (vice versa) is so arbitrary and perhaps heavily money oriented.)

so to me what is good is what i think is good. does this answer your question? ( and yours too?)

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So now that you're no longer "delusional" which school will you be attending come fall or spring?

i think in my case, it is all subjective. as subjective as all the grad schools are out there. fame and financial success are secondary to me. i personally think that picking out a certain galleries from ny and see where these artists are coming from as the a gauging device is very inadequate and shot sighted ( don't get me wrong, i for once was also delusional enough to apply to these schools based on their fame and such. it is not a personal attack at all. i just want to point out the fact that the whole 'art schools feeding the art world' (vice versa) is so arbitrary and perhaps heavily money oriented.)

so to me what is good is what i think is good. does this answer your question? ( and yours too?)

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Well, i hope that really works out for you. MFA's aren't for everyone and i agree success is more of a personal definition than something in the concrete. Its also very possible to meet other people's definition of success and your own definition of success without an MFA. however, I do hope that you look to more places outside of your home for good artwork. I really doubt that it is the only place to find a good painting. Plus seeing work outside of your own context can be really helpful at bringing new ideas and evolution to your own work... in my experience at least.

i think i will be attending the school that i started at my house. because it is the only place that i see good paintings.

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i was just joking. but i agree with what you said.

Well, i hope that really works out for you. MFA's aren't for everyone and i agree success is more of a personal definition than something in the concrete. Its also very possible to meet other people's definition of success and your own definition of success without an MFA. however, I do hope that you look to more places outside of your home for good artwork. I really doubt that it is the only place to find a good painting. Plus seeing work outside of your own context can be really helpful at bringing new ideas and evolution to your own work... in my experience at least.

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Also, just want to say this is my third year applying, and I was waitlisted for the same program last year. I think it's totally worth it to reapply places you were waitlisted. I was prepared to give it a fourth and final try ( got rejectednfrom my other schools). It's worth it to keep trying!

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Guest bubuli

Anyone got accepted to SMFA Boston???

I heard nothing back for so long.. and then suddenly I got a very short email today saying Congratulations on your acceptance...

And I just realized last Tuesday I got a call from their Admissions office but I didn't answer it because I thought it's one of those telemarketers who are pursuing me because I requested info on an online MFA program.. bleh..

This is SOOO weird.. I'm suspicious.. I know SMFA did interviews in March.. been assuming rejection all this time, now all of a sudden they said I'm accepted!!! What does this mean???

Edited by bubuli
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It means you were accepted! Congrats!!!

Anyone got accepted to SMFA Boston???

I heard nothing back for so long.. and then suddenly I got a very short email today saying Congratulations on your acceptance...

And I just realized last Tuesday I got a call from their Admissions office but I didn't answer it because I thought it's one of those telemarketers who are pursuing me because I requested info on an online MFA program.. bleh..

This is SOOO weird.. I'm suspicious.. I know SMFA did interviews in March.. been assuming rejection all this time, now all of a sudden they said I'm accepted!!! What does this mean???

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Really for absolutely real. Go to Cranbrook- Call their Ass, and then call them again. I know the entire campus is very busy right now organizing the thesis show.

cran-BROOK! clap! clap! clap! cran-BROOK! clap! clap! clap! lol

@designr hope you hear back soon!

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