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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Laura I really love your portraits, you've been busy this year. Wish I could pull up my '11 stuff but I'm having a hard time finding a new photographer. I've also applied to SAIC, and to be honest, seeing your work makes me a bit nervous for myself! Best of luck to you, I'd love to know when you here from them. I'm out in Seattle.

well i'm sincerely surprised that my work would make you doubt your own, because i think your work is quite fantastic. i couldn't do what you do. it's a natural thing i guess, to compare i mean, but it's easy to doubt your own skills when the thing you love doing comes so effortlessly to you. but you have serious skills, have no doubt. we'll have to keep each other, and everyone else of course, posted on painting at SAIC.

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WOW, congrats to MICA Mt Royal interviews! I'm so freakin bummed though that I didnt get one!!!!!!! and if they already sent out Rinehart interviews I guess that means MICA is off my list... I really thought Rinehart might ne my place, I love the work and I thought I might really fit in well there, but I guess the feeling wasnt mutual!!!!!!

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Mt. Royal is more interdisciplinary and is a larger program. They embrace mixed media, video, collage, etc. Hoffberger is specifically for painting and only has 8 slots a year. At Hoffberger you work specifically with the directer, Joan Waltemath who is nothing short of amazing. The two schools represent a shift in the academic approach towards painting in the art world.

Congrats on interviews! What's the difference between Hoffberger and Mt. Royal?

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Maybe they have moved you into that program. I am on glass of wine #2...so I may be feeling a bit imaginative.

Congrats on the Mt. Royal interviews. This made me nervous, it's one of my top choices. I checked my slideroom portfolio and found out the program I applied to now says "MFA Applications for Post-Bac Consideration" instead of Mt. Royal. I'm pretty sure I submitted it to Mt. Royal last month (I checked so many times before I submitted), not post-bac...Now I'm worried Mt. Royal didn't even get my portfolio. Super worried now because they've already sent out interview notices. I called and talked to Chris and he said he will look into it...

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Keep the faith sista!...or start drinking, like me. Kidding. At least everyone is getting responses, all of my schools are marked to let people know around March which feels so far away when I read these boards.

ugh i think i might be sick. no mt royal for me.

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So one can be a sculptor, painter, photographer and go to Mt. Royal, whereas Hoffberger is strictly painting. That's cool that MICA offers those types of different programs for people whose works don't fit into one category or another, thanks for the info.

Mt. Royal is more interdisciplinary and is a larger program. They embrace mixed media, video, collage, etc. Hoffberger is specifically for painting and only has 8 slots a year. At Hoffberger you work specifically with the directer, Joan Waltemath who is nothing short of amazing. The two schools represent a shift in the academic approach towards painting in the art world.

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I just checked my slideroom and instead of Rinehart it says Hoffberger and I applied to Rinehart. Do you think the school switched me over bc my portfolio fit better in the other school? Did they say anything on the phone about why?

Congrats on the Mt. Royal interviews. This made me nervous, it's one of my top choices. I checked my slideroom portfolio and found out the program I applied to now says "MFA Applications for Post-Bac Consideration" instead of Mt. Royal. I'm pretty sure I submitted it to Mt. Royal last month (I checked so many times before I submitted), not post-bac...Now I'm worried Mt. Royal didn't even get my portfolio. Super worried now because they've already sent out interview notices. I called and talked to Chris and he said he will look into it...

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My rinehart says hoffberger too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WTF?????????????????????????????????????? Mine is DEF not painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just checked my slideroom and instead of Rinehart it says Hoffberger and I applied to Rinehart. Do you think the school switched me over bc my portfolio fit better in the other school? Did they say anything on the phone about why?

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cool! i've applied to Guelph too, as well as Toronto and Concordia. didn't know if anyone else on here was applying to Canadian schools. I know people working at Guelph and word is they were supposed to make/announce first cuts starting next monday, but it's been delayed by at least a week. so don't hold your breath just yet!

yeah guelph! im in the united states (oklahoma) and a professor of mine recommended I apply there. I really like the faculty. Let me know if you hear anything further and good luck!

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WTF???? this is weird.. You should call first thing or start emailing right now. Seems like things got really messed up.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My rinehart says hoffberger too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WTF?????????????????????????????????????? Mine is DEF not painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just checked and my application says that I am missing a recommendation too. Ugh I sent them all at the same time. I will e-mail her too.

oh, i did email Audrey there b/c it said on my application that one of my recommendations was missing, but she said everything was in.

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