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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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@ms_brooke: by positive notifications, I meant notification on interviews, acceptance, etc.....The woman I talked to didn't mention interviews, but I'm pretty sure they do them.

I assume that the majority of cuts have been made, and they are probably deliberating over whom will get an interview out of a significantly smaller group.

However, I have no factual evidence to support this.

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Didn't apply to any of these schools or any schools for painting- BUT IU is awesome, bloomington is sweet, brown county is beautiful and very close to columbus - 6th architectural city in US

I've heard that Bloomington is great. I wait tables at a fine dining restaurant, and for some reason people always ask "What do you do besides this?" Which is extremely insulting, but hey - it brings up conversations about my artwork. Anyhow, one night a big table of retired Profs of different types asked and the conversation about my grad school wishes began. I brought up IU Bloomington and they all gasped and practically started cheering. They explained that a few of them had received their Master's degrees there and how fantastic the city is. I have my fingers crossed for IU.

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I've heard that Bloomington is great. I wait tables at a fine dining restaurant, and for some reason people always ask "What do you do besides this?" Which is extremely insulting, but hey - it brings up conversations about my artwork. Anyhow, one night a big table of retired Profs of different types asked and the conversation about my grad school wishes began. I brought up IU Bloomington and they all gasped and practically started cheering. They explained that a few of them had received their Master's degrees there and how fantastic the city is. I have my fingers crossed for IU.

Good luck!

Wether good or bad I hear IU is one of the only schools left that stresses traditional figure painting very hard.

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Ok I want ot get some feedback on this from you guys.

If you have an interview that you think went particularly well and you enjoyed your talk,do you think it would be good/bad/indifferent to write a short one line email to the faculty you spoke with and tell them how much you enjoyed the conversation and that you hope you will have the opportunity to speak again with them soon??????? How wold that come accross? it is a completely genuine sentiment and I want them to know I appreciate their time.... let me know what yall think.

Edited by wannaknow
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Ok I want ot get some feedback on this from you guys.

If you have an interview that you think went particularly well and you enjoyed your talk,do you think it would be good/bad/indifferent to write a short one line email to the faculty you spoke with and tell them how much you enjoyed the conversation and that you hope you will have the opportunity to speak again with them soon??????? How wold that come accross? it is a completely genuine sentiment and I want them to know I appreciate their time.... let me know what yall think.

I've written two professors that I interviewed with after the fact for that reason with no ill consequences–in fact, they were both very nice and responsive. However, both had personally reached out to me about the interview before hand (in addition to the grad office that actually arranged it). It probably depends on the school/professor–it you feel comfortable contacting them and think they'd be receptive, do it!

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I think it would be nice to drop a handwritten thank you note in the mail.

I've written two professors that I interviewed with after the fact for that reason with no ill consequences–in fact, they were both very nice and responsive. However, both had personally reached out to me about the interview before hand (in addition to the grad office that actually arranged it). It probably depends on the school/professor–it you feel comfortable contacting them and think they'd be receptive, do it!

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well i just got an email from Margo Margolis @ Tyler:

I am pleased to inform you that you have made the first round in the admission process for the MFA program in painting. We will make final decisions in late March.

so...maybe there isn't an interview :unsure:

regardless....I'm fucking pumped....I still have a chance at my top 4 choices!! :)

Edited by inscho
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Just got an email from Tyler stating that i have made the first round in the admissions process and that they will be making final decisions in late-March. Nothing about an interview was mentioned.

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Just got an email from Tyler stating that i have made the first round in the admissions process and that they will be making final decisions in late-March. Nothing about an interview was mentioned.

simul-post :lol:

Congratulations! I certainly get the feeling that there aren't interviews.

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I work in undergrad admissions, and I always appreciate it when someone thanks me for my time--I wrote a couple lines to the Penn folks after the interview and I think it's a great thing to do, @wannaknow.

Ok I want ot get some feedback on this from you guys.

If you have an interview that you think went particularly well and you enjoyed your talk,do you think it would be good/bad/indifferent to write a short one line email to the faculty you spoke with and tell them how much you enjoyed the conversation and that you hope you will have the opportunity to speak again with them soon??????? How wold that come accross? it is a completely genuine sentiment and I want them to know I appreciate their time.... let me know what yall think.

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I did not receive the letter from SAIC.. should I call to find out???

I'm so stressed...

I'm not sure... may be it's because usps is slow in my town ???...

i'm in the same spot, emailed their admissions office and recieved a reply today, i had check mySAIC page and noticed that a second letter of recommendation appeared missing, but the reassured me that they have recieved it. their site is experiencing a few problems from what i understand.

woonayoung, your in PA? My assumption is that, with a college recieving so many applicaitons, they would most likely be conducting interviews in rounds. SAIC is (and is competing with)one of the top grad programs in the country. As far as bringing in the caliber of students they aim for, i would think that the sooner they can interview the better in this scenario. then again, this would be a different process than i'm used to as i work at an art school that offers only undergrad programs.

it's getting hard to sit on your hands and wait it out, from what i can tell people had been notified of rejection into march of last year. best of luck!

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I'm right there with you all....still waiting for a letter. I saw the posts last year that people were rejected into March...but I had assumed they were interviewed first if they got rejected that late.

i'm in the same spot, emailed their admissions office and recieved a reply today, i had check mySAIC page and noticed that a second letter of recommendation appeared missing, but the reassured me that they have recieved it. their site is experiencing a few problems from what i understand.

woonayoung, your in PA? My assumption is that, with a college recieving so many applicaitons, they would most likely be conducting interviews in rounds. SAIC is (and is competing with)one of the top grad programs in the country. As far as bringing in the caliber of students they aim for, i would think that the sooner they can interview the better in this scenario. then again, this would be a different process than i'm used to as i work at an art school that offers only undergrad programs.

it's getting hard to sit on your hands and wait it out, from what i can tell people had been notified of rejection into march of last year. best of luck!

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My schools so far:

U of Penn - Phone interviewed today

Yale - In-person interview for Painting Mar 22 (email status update)

SAIC - In-person (or phone) interview for Fiber Mar 5 or 6 (letter)

SAIC - Admissions today implied I had an interview for Painting but they had a handful of letters stacked up that hadn't gone out. She said they'd try to email everyone soon.

RISD - No word yet

VCU - No word yet

CalArts - No word yet

Columbia - No word yet

Hunter - No word yet

Indiana Univ. Bloomington - No word yet

Has anyone applied to Art Center College of Design? Their rolling admissions is odd.

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I did not receive the letter from SAIC.. should I call to find out???

I'm so stressed...

I'm not sure... may be it's because usps is slow in my town ???...

I called admissions today. I had gotten an interview letter for fiber but no word on painting and was wondering if they'd all gone out. She said they'd had some inter-departmental problems and there was a handful of painting interview letters that hadn't been sent yet. She said they'd try to send them soon but would send an email before the letters would arrive just to let everyone know if they got an interview.

I asked about coming in to interview on a different date since I'd be in Chicago then and they said the dates are pretty firm and that people who interviewed in person had a big advantage, jfyi.

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How was your phone interview at Penn? Did they say anything about why they wanted an interview? I applied there too, and figured the worst since I wasn't contacted to interview, but I called them yesterday and was told that different people do interviews for different reasons, and that you can still get in without an interview...don't know whether to believe in that, bc it seems like a bunch of ppl on here got interviews, but who knows...

My schools so far:

U of Penn - Phone interviewed today

Yale - In-person interview for Painting Mar 22 (email status update)

SAIC - In-person (or phone) interview for Fiber Mar 5 or 6 (letter)

SAIC - Admissions today implied I had an interview for Painting but they had a handful of letters stacked up that hadn't gone out. She said they'd try to email everyone soon.

RISD - No word yet

VCU - No word yet

CalArts - No word yet

Columbia - No word yet

Hunter - No word yet

Indiana Univ. Bloomington - No word yet

Has anyone applied to Art Center College of Design? Their rolling admissions is odd.

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I called admissions today. I had gotten an interview letter for fiber but no word on painting and was wondering if they'd all gone out. She said they'd had some inter-departmental problems and there was a handful of painting interview letters that hadn't been sent yet. She said they'd try to send them soon but would send an email before the letters would arrive just to let everyone know if they got an interview.

I asked about coming in to interview on a different date since I'd be in Chicago then and they said the dates are pretty firm and that people who interviewed in person had a big advantage, jfyi.

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Thank you so much for the information!

Did they send out the emails already??????????

If I call them, will they tell me the result???

I'm having really bad dreams these days...

quote name='eleven' timestamp='1297893434' post='196194']

I called admissions today. I had gotten an interview letter for fiber but no word on painting and was wondering if they'd all gone out. She said they'd had some inter-departmental problems and there was a handful of painting interview letters that hadn't been sent yet. She said they'd try to send them soon but would send an email before the letters would arrive just to let everyone know if they got an interview.

I asked about coming in to interview on a different date since I'd be in Chicago then and they said the dates are pretty firm and that people who interviewed in person had a big advantage, jfyi.

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My schools so far:

U of Penn - Phone interviewed today

Yale - In-person interview for Painting Mar 22 (email status update)

SAIC - In-person (or phone) interview for Fiber Mar 5 or 6 (letter)

SAIC - Admissions today implied I had an interview for Painting but they had a handful of letters stacked up that hadn't gone out. She said they'd try to email everyone soon.

RISD - No word yet

VCU - No word yet

CalArts - No word yet

Columbia - No word yet

Hunter - No word yet

Indiana Univ. Bloomington - No word yet

Has anyone applied to Art Center College of Design? Their rolling admissions is odd.

Wow, you got an interview at Yale! Do you have a website of your artwork if it is for painting? I would love to see what kind of work Yale is gravitating towards!

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I was told the same thing over the phone. My feelings are the same with yours and I wonder what the interviews are like and whether they mentioned why they conduct interviews too, if someone who got it doesn't mind talking about it...

How was your phone interview at Penn? Did they say anything about why they wanted an interview? I applied there too, and figured the worst since I wasn't contacted to interview, but I called them yesterday and was told that different people do interviews for different reasons, and that you can still get in without an interview...don't know whether to believe in that, bc it seems like a bunch of ppl on here got interviews, but who knows...

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I had an interview with Penn, and my sense was that they were calling lots of people, just to get a quick sense of us: there was a 10 minute time limit on the conversation, and they only asked two questions (Why Penn an which artists would you recommend for visiting artist lecture series?)--at least that's how mine went, and my understanding is that that was relatively standard format. Not much talking about our work. They may have been calling people they were on the fence about/ needed more info about--not sure. I wouldn't read too much into getting or not getting an interview there, at this point. Hope that helps--and if anyone who had an interview there feels differently, holler.

I was told the same thing over the phone. My feelings are the same with yours and I wonder what the interviews are like and whether they mentioned why they conduct interviews too, if someone who got it doesn't mind talking about it...

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