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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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so...it didn't even occur to me to look at slideroom. trouble is...i can only steal wireless when i stand near the bathroom in my window, and it's spotty at best...and slideroom takes a long time to think.

anyway. we seem to have determined that "eliminated" on slideroom means not accepted...but what would indicate acceptance?

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Still absolutely nothing from IUB since their deadline update email forever ago. I'm pretty interested in them.

Same here on both points.

Here's how insane I am - I looked at the admission results section and averaged IU's response date (from the 4 measely stats listed for Painting acceptance/rejection) and got an estimated date of March 9th.

I've officially lost my marbles.

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Hi folks. I want everyone to know that I applied to six schools last year (my final undergrad semester) for Printmaking, and was roundly rejected from all six! I was devastated, naturally, and for far too long.

OK, so I applied to five completely different schools this year, the earliest deadlines were February 1st. No rejections yet, but yesterday, I was notified that I was accepted into one of the schools, and I was pretty elated. There was a personal, rather informal congratulatory email from the Grad Coordinator with several attachments detailing my offer. Can I share this and see if people think this offer is good? It sounds pretty good to me, but my head is swimming and some "sensible" acquaintances and friends have talked me down a bit by using reason.

I won't have to pay any tuition (I'm a non-resident) due to a combination of fee-waivers, a fellowship and a Graduate Teaching Assistantship with "salary/stipend" where I'll work 20 hours per week for all six semesters. All the money goes right to tuition, though, and I won't actually see any of it. It seems like a pretty good deal to me; really humbling and beyond my expectations, but I won't actually be paid so I won't have any living expenses, and I'm currently looking into whether federal loans will pay for my rent and food. Fortunately, the school is in an area where rent is super cheap, and it kind of looks like I might almost be able to swing it right now.

Someone told me that a really good offer would include actual money for living expenses and even health insurance. Do they ever even do that for art programs? I'm trying to look on the bright side no matter what. Some people get accepted with no funding, and some don't even get accepted (like me last year). I haven't heard back from the other schools yet, so I'm not going to accept the offer until I have. I am super grateful to have even been accepted.

Anyone have an opinion about this offer? I know, I'm being vague and not mentioning the schools because I don't want to jinx anything.

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Knowing the University or at least the location to comparatively know what the UCs in that area offer would make this much more of a solid question. At the end of the day something is better then nothing and you've got to just have the debt talk with yourself (how much you can handle) coming out of your program. Also don't let your friends be brats ;) Artists and the word sensible-laughable! ;)

Cheers! Also that is crazy you got rejected from all last year and now got an offer! Feel proud, did you completely modify your portfolio?

Hi folks. I want everyone to know that I applied to six schools last year (my final undergrad semester) for Printmaking, and was roundly rejected from all six! I was devastated, naturally, and for far too long.

OK, so I applied to five completely different schools this year, the earliest deadlines were February 1st. No rejections yet, but yesterday, I was notified that I was accepted into one of the schools, and I was pretty elated. There was a personal, rather informal congratulatory email from the Grad Coordinator with several attachments detailing my offer. Can I share this and see if people think this offer is good? It sounds pretty good to me, but my head is swimming and some "sensible" acquaintances and friends have talked me down a bit by using reason.

I won't have to pay any tuition (I'm a non-resident) due to a combination of fee-waivers, a fellowship and a Graduate Teaching Assistantship with "salary/stipend" where I'll work 20 hours per week for all six semesters. All the money goes right to tuition, though, and I won't actually see any of it. It seems like a pretty good deal to me; really humbling and beyond my expectations, but I won't actually be paid so I won't have any living expenses, and I'm currently looking into whether federal loans will pay for my rent and food. Fortunately, the school is in an area where rent is super cheap, and it kind of looks like I might almost be able to swing it right now.

Someone told me that a really good offer would include actual money for living expenses and even health insurance. Do they ever even do that for art programs? I'm trying to look on the bright side no matter what. Some people get accepted with no funding, and some don't even get accepted (like me last year). I haven't heard back from the other schools yet, so I'm not going to accept the offer until I have. I am super grateful to have even been accepted.

Anyone have an opinion about this offer? I know, I'm being vague and not mentioning the schools because I don't want to jinx anything.

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That debt amount is intense. Sending positive vibes your way that you'll get another offer and then perhaps your could angle your way to get a better offer from them!

Yes, I have for sure considered waiting, and I still might! I also have 8 other schools to hear from, so before making conclusions I gotta hear from them first in case I end up with more than one option.

One possibility for me is that I am about to get my teaching license, so I will be able to teach k-12, and will get payed more with the mfa. Downside is I won't have a lot of time to make my own art because kids are time consuming to teach.

I thought about VCU....but I've lived in VA my whole life so I really wanna get out! lol. VCU is definitely an incredible school...but I'm trying to leave here, so that's the reason why I didn't apply.

I'm going to make these decisions in April, and they will be hard! Thanx for the insight.

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Knowing the University or at least the location to comparatively know what the UCs in that area offer would make this much more of a solid question. At the end of the day something is better then nothing and you've got to just have the debt talk with yourself (how much you can handle) coming out of your program. Also don't let your friends be brats ;) Artists and the word sensible-laughable! ;)

Cheers! Also that is crazy you got rejected from all last year and now got an offer! Feel proud, did you completely modify your portfolio?


I did, I completely re-vamped the portfolio with almost all new stuff. out of 20 images, only about three were from last time. I think having all new stuff made my body of work look more consistent and maybe it made me look prolific. I also did a completely new artist statement and statement of purpose/intent. That worked for me, so hopefully someone else can benefit from my experience.

The school is in the very middle of the country.

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That offer is fantastic! The offer your friends were discussing is most commonly found in the sciences, not in the humanities.

Hi folks. I want everyone to know that I applied to six schools last year (my final undergrad semester) for Printmaking, and was roundly rejected from all six! I was devastated, naturally, and for far too long.

OK, so I applied to five completely different schools this year, the earliest deadlines were February 1st. No rejections yet, but yesterday, I was notified that I was accepted into one of the schools, and I was pretty elated. There was a personal, rather informal congratulatory email from the Grad Coordinator with several attachments detailing my offer. Can I share this and see if people think this offer is good? It sounds pretty good to me, but my head is swimming and some "sensible" acquaintances and friends have talked me down a bit by using reason.

I won't have to pay any tuition (I'm a non-resident) due to a combination of fee-waivers, a fellowship and a Graduate Teaching Assistantship with "salary/stipend" where I'll work 20 hours per week for all six semesters. All the money goes right to tuition, though, and I won't actually see any of it. It seems like a pretty good deal to me; really humbling and beyond my expectations, but I won't actually be paid so I won't have any living expenses, and I'm currently looking into whether federal loans will pay for my rent and food. Fortunately, the school is in an area where rent is super cheap, and it kind of looks like I might almost be able to swing it right now.

Someone told me that a really good offer would include actual money for living expenses and even health insurance. Do they ever even do that for art programs? I'm trying to look on the bright side no matter what. Some people get accepted with no funding, and some don't even get accepted (like me last year). I haven't heard back from the other schools yet, so I'm not going to accept the offer until I have. I am super grateful to have even been accepted.

Anyone have an opinion about this offer? I know, I'm being vague and not mentioning the schools because I don't want to jinx anything.

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I think this is actually totally different for each school--it sounds like at Columbia, it's "RJ" or something if you were rejected (although I think that's still unconfirmed). Many schools might not post anything on slideroom. Carnegie Mellon had no separate application, everything was on slideroom, so it makes sense that they would post results on there as well.

so...it didn't even occur to me to look at slideroom. trouble is...i can only steal wireless when i stand near the bathroom in my window, and it's spotty at best...and slideroom takes a long time to think.

anyway. we seem to have determined that "eliminated" on slideroom means not accepted...but what would indicate acceptance?

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are you in the US? i cant remember if guelph differentiates concentrations...which emphasis are you?

nope, I am canadian.

they said i am one of the seven MFA candidates, it's a really small program.

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Bad day today....

Received rejection from NYU through email.

Then checked my Carnegie Mellon Slideroom, and it also says "Eliminated"...

So now the pressure is on the upcoming interviews with Northwestern and Tyler.

I interviewed with Michigan last weekend and was blown away by their facilities!! Now the wait is killing me!

I would definitely love to go there, but they will only choose 10 out of the 27 they interviewed...

Please, choose me!!!

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That offer is fantastic! The offer your friends were discussing is most commonly found in the sciences, not in the humanities.

Hey, thanks for the input; it's hard to know for sure with not much info to compare my offer to. FYInformation, the school's deadline was on Feb 2, and they gave me the good news on Feb 21, which probably won't help anybody because this was an unusually fast decision. Best of luck with the rest of your schools, and there's always next year if the unthinkable happens.

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I am now feeling pretty sad. I got an extremely polite rejection e-mail from Bard explaining that they had over 400 applicants etc. Today I got an extremely polite rejection from CalArts in the mail saying pretty much the same (that it should not be taken as an evaluation of talent etc.) So, at least they weren't ugly. But now I feel like the next 10 will be rejections too. boo.

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Dont feel like that! EVERYONE gets rejections! No one gets accepted everywhere and you just have to know different schools are looking for different things! Keep hope, if you applied to 12 schools the odds are in your favor that one of your programs will really appreciate your approach and will love having you!!!

I am now feeling pretty sad. I got an extremely polite rejection e-mail from Bard explaining that they had over 400 applicants etc. Today I got an extremely polite rejection from CalArts in the mail saying pretty much the same (that it should not be taken as an evaluation of talent etc.) So, at least they weren't ugly. But now I feel like the next 10 will be rejections too. boo.

Edited by wannaknow
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