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When did you hear about VCU sculpture?

updated list:

mica rinehart school of sculpture: accepted with 10k per semester merit scholarship

rutgers: accepted with taship that gives full tuition remission and 24k a year plus benefits.

uc irvine: accepted tuition and stipend for about 62k for 3 years

yale:interviewing tomorrow(fingers crossed)

USC: rejected

UCLA: rejected

VCU: rejected but offered a chance to apply to their summer program for free and without having to do any additional work for it (do they offer that to everyone?)

There are going to be some tough choices to be made here. and soon.

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I was on vacation all week and last night I came home to:

-a rejection from MICA Mount Royal

-a rejection from MICA Hoffberger

-a rejection from SAIC painting departments

-an acceptance from SVA

Kind of disappointed about the SAIC painting rejection. I walked out of that interview feeling better about it than I ever have any other interview. Oh well, at least I was accepted to their printmedia program.

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Final Tally for MFA Graphic Design / Visual Communication.

VCU - Accepted w/o aid.

SCAD - Accepted w/ 10k scholarship

OU (norman) - Accepted w/ 3k scholarship

FHSU - Accepted with funding pending

MICA - Rejected.

I'll be attending VCU. Best of luck to everyone who is still making decisions or waiting to hear back!

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When did you hear about VCU sculpture?

I had sorta known, because i found out someone i sorta knew had gotten in.

then what happened was really strange.

I received a letter a few days ago, but it wasn't the official rejection.

they said they really wanted to let me know about the rejection so that they could offer this chance to apply to the summer thing and that they would send me the official rejection soon.

so weird. I wasn't sure if this was something they offered everyone or what the deal was.

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I have not heard anything from VCU good or bad :/

I had sorta known, because i found out someone i sorta knew had gotten in.

then what happened was really strange.

I received a letter a few days ago, but it wasn't the official rejection.

they said they really wanted to let me know about the rejection so that they could offer this chance to apply to the summer thing and that they would send me the official rejection soon.

so weird. I wasn't sure if this was something they offered everyone or what the deal was.

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Hello :)

Just wondering if any SVA applicants got an email from the grad admissions office about a document they forgot to include? I've yet to receive my rejection/acceptance letter from them (my current mailing address is in Italy, so I suppose it'll take a while to get here), but I got a fairly cryptic email saying that they recently sent me a package and that they forgot to include a document with instructions on logging into the student portal. Soooo I'm thinking why would I need this if I was rejected... right?? But I'm not quite sure if they just sent this email to all applicants, or.. perhaps I'll need this info even if I was rejected? Thoughts? This is totally killing me. I think I'd prefer to be rejected outright than maybe-but-maybe-not-accepted :/

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updated list:

mica rinehart school of sculpture: accepted with 10k per semester merit scholarship

rutgers: accepted with taship that gives full tuition remission and 24k a year plus benefits.

uc irvine: accepted tuition and stipend for about 62k for 3 years

yale:interviewing tomorrow(fingers crossed)

USC: rejected

UCLA: rejected

VCU: rejected but offered a chance to apply to their summer program for free and without having to do any additional work for it (do they offer that to everyone?)

There are going to be some tough choices to be made here. and soon.

Just curious...what discipline did you apply to for these programs?

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Awesome! I bet it feels good to finally make a decision!

I'm going to visit CCA and Parsons next weekend and make my decision, after that.

I still have 4 schools to hear from.. but I can only wait so long.

Final Tally for MFA Graphic Design / Visual Communication.

VCU - Accepted w/o aid.

SCAD - Accepted w/ 10k scholarship

OU (norman) - Accepted w/ 3k scholarship

FHSU - Accepted with funding pending

MICA - Rejected.

I'll be attending VCU. Best of luck to everyone who is still making decisions or waiting to hear back!

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Most likely you got in..I received a letter with the login and I was accepted :)

Hello :)

Just wondering if any SVA applicants got an email from the grad admissions office about a document they forgot to include? I've yet to receive my rejection/acceptance letter from them (my current mailing address is in Italy, so I suppose it'll take a while to get here), but I got a fairly cryptic email saying that they recently sent me a package and that they forgot to include a document with instructions on logging into the student portal. Soooo I'm thinking why would I need this if I was rejected... right?? But I'm not quite sure if they just sent this email to all applicants, or.. perhaps I'll need this info even if I was rejected? Thoughts? This is totally killing me. I think I'd prefer to be rejected outright than maybe-but-maybe-not-accepted :/

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Most of all is the kind of work SVA´s students are doing... very focused in getting into galleries right away. In my opinion, they don´tt have a very theoretical/critical background.

I'm curious, why do you say SVA is too commercial? because when I visited I somewhat got that impression from the admissions counselor I met with.

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I heard the same thing about assistantships, for painting. I really was not expecting to get offered an assitantship for the first year- it covers it. I guess there is a class offered which after taking it will you'll be set up for teaching/ TA positions. When I visited I met a printmaking grad student who was teaching her own under graduate class, so I guess there's that nice option beyond a TA position. Let me know if you plan on accepting and what you think after your visit! It would be great to know one of my fellow classmates in a place where I know no one. . haha.

I was told that nearly all painting grads get an assistantship their second year..is the assistantship they offered covering your first year as well? I have been accepted, but haven't received a paper copy yet. Going to visit on Tuesday.

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