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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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REJECTED: Columbia (NGenres), MICA Mt Royal, USC, Parson's,

INTERVIEWED, WAITLISTED, haven't heard anything: VCU (paint & print - I print)

ACCEPTED: Cranbrook, just found out today ***Was waitlisted.

I had pretty much given up on Grad school this round, and was already making other plans......now what? Cranbrook is so $.

ANYONE ELSE GET INTO CRANBROOK WANT TO SHARE ANY INFO WITH ME?? I am pretty much winging this whole operation.

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I'm totally freaking out!!! WTF!

USC: rejected

UCLA: rejected

CalArts: rejected

Bard: rejected

Hunter: rejected

Yale: interviewed: wait listed

Royal College of Art: interviewed: no word yet

Columbia: interviewed: no word yet

Is it possible that out of all these schools, my top 3 choices show interest, yet I still may end up with nothing? I hear from the boards here that Columbia has already made the acceptance calls. Someone please show me the glimmer of hope in all this.

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Had the same situation last year. Got in royal college of art from the wait list and I was wait listed in Columbia. I can tell you it did not help me this year because I did not get an interview at Columbia at all. It's bullshit

I'm totally freaking out!!! WTF!

USC: rejected

UCLA: rejected

CalArts: rejected

Bard: rejected

Hunter: rejected

Yale: interviewed: wait listed

Royal College of Art: interviewed: no word yet

Columbia: interviewed: no word yet

Is it possible that out of all these schools, my top 3 choices show interest, yet I still may end up with nothing? I hear from the boards here that Columbia has already made the acceptance calls. Someone please show me the glimmer of hope in all this.

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Just like all of us who were wait listed at RISD last year and didn't even get an interview this year. I saw another poster who was wait listed at MICA last year and didn't get an interview with them this year. I am now thinking it's probably not a good idea to re-apply to a school that wait listed you.

Had the same situation last year. Got in royal college of art from the wait list and I was wait listed in Columbia. I can tell you it did not help me this year because I did not get an interview at Columbia at all. It's bullshit

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No, I think you should replay its all depending who seats on the committee. If the people remembers you it can work out. In my case I think anyway the painting department at Columbia looks like shit so... I did not see one good painter come out of there for the past 6 years. I think they should reconsider how or why they excepting new students

Just like all of us who were wait listed at RISD last year and didn't even get an interview this year. I saw another poster who was wait listed at MICA last year and didn't get an interview with them this year. I am now thinking it's probably not a good idea to re-apply to a school that wait listed you.

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nope, you misread that. on the 2nd they notified me i was a finalist via email and set up my interview for 3/28. they are supposed to send out their decisions this week. sadly, the woman in charge of processing the notifications had a death in the family so things are delayed on their end.

You were notified and accepted to Cranbrook on the 2nd according to your stats?

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Had the same situation last year. Got in royal college of art from the wait list and I was wait listed in Columbia. I can tell you it did not help me this year because I did not get an interview at Columbia at all. It's bullshit

quite fancy a good moan about this kind of thing myself actually - but really i think perhaps i should researched more places that would have been a better fit, that's what i'm thinking at the moment - funding is very, very difficult indeed.

I'm not quite sure if with this dynamic of us all meeting online anyway ...... do we need crits in a physical space so much ?

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I'm jealous.. wish I would have gotten half of what you got at any school.

But congrats, that's a great offer!!!

I applied to Rutgers this year they are offering free tuitions + 25k for TA. It's close to NY so they have a very good visiting artists. You can't beat that.

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Don't hate the player hate the game.

No, I think you should replay its all depending who seats on the committee. If the people remembers you it can work out. In my case I think anyway the painting department at Columbia looks like shit so... I did not see one good painter come out of there for the past 6 years. I think they should reconsider how or why they excepting new students

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I'm having a tough time deciding on Cranbrook... really tough. Did you visit?


REJECTED: Columbia (NGenres), MICA Mt Royal, USC, Parson's,

INTERVIEWED, WAITLISTED, haven't heard anything: VCU (paint & print - I print)

ACCEPTED: Cranbrook, just found out today ***Was waitlisted.

I had pretty much given up on Grad school this round, and was already making other plans......now what? Cranbrook is so $.

ANYONE ELSE GET INTO CRANBROOK WANT TO SHARE ANY INFO WITH ME?? I am pretty much winging this whole operation.

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No, I think you should replay its all depending who seats on the committee. If the people remembers you it can work out. In my case I think anyway the painting department at Columbia looks like shit so... I did not see one good painter come out of there for the past 6 years. I think they should reconsider how or why they excepting new students

i feel the same way. i applied to that program for 3 straight years and always got rejected. i did went to the open house two year ago and it is very questionable the way they choose people. you might think it is highly conceptually oriented but it wasn't. there were 1 or 2 representational painters that years that could not be more conservative than the stuff you see from western art magazine. i understand how inadequate it is to judge the quality of the work based on a studio visit day but one can't help to be wondering where the line is drawn- it is in fact all random. it is extremely unfair but honestly that's the way the world is. i am not happy that they don't respect my work but at the same time it seriously motivates me. i think at the end, good work stands out regardless of where you go to school at ( i know everyone knows it, but i just have to say it)

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i have to ask... what does "good" painting look like and where have you all seen it?

bad painting is popular, even desirable when done well.

columbia, like yale, risd, and everywhere else has a mix. i've seen several great painters come out of columbia (even within the last 6 years). and i have seen some truly terrible work at the open studios (again, not just at columbia, but yale, risd, others on the east coast). ...i think you also have to look at what students do a couple years out of the program as well. most "famous" artists are not famous because of their thesis shows, but what they do in the next few years after.

with respect to career success: realistically the good work is 50% of the equation and the audience / social dimensions account for the other 50%. even if it the work is strong it still has to have an audience (a support base) to go anywhere (career-wise).

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was about to ask "please define a great work of art"............

i have to ask... what does "good" painting look like and where have you all seen it?

bad painting is popular, even desirable when done well.

columbia, like yale, risd, and everywhere else has a mix. i've seen several great painters come out of columbia (even within the last 6 years). and i have seen some truly terrible work at the open studios (again, not just at columbia, but yale, risd, others on the east coast). ...i think you also have to look at what students do a couple years out of the program as well. most "famous" artists are not famous because of their thesis shows, but what they do in the next few years after.

with respect to career success: realistically the good work is 50% of the equation and the audience / social dimensions account for the other 50%. even if it the work is strong it still has to have an audience (a support base) to go anywhere (career-wise).

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You said it well. What you wrote resonates with a quote from Kenneth Baker's book Minimalism.

"The Minimalist moment of stylistic clarity and critical purpose in art was a brief one partly because no stable community existed to sustain it. Its social basis was the art world, a competitive, volatile subculture whose economy depends on perennial renewal of novelty both in art and in opinion about it."

i have to ask... what does "good" painting look like and where have you all seen it?

bad painting is popular, even desirable when done well.

columbia, like yale, risd, and everywhere else has a mix. i've seen several great painters come out of columbia (even within the last 6 years). and i have seen some truly terrible work at the open studios (again, not just at columbia, but yale, risd, others on the east coast). ...i think you also have to look at what students do a couple years out of the program as well. most "famous" artists are not famous because of their thesis shows, but what they do in the next few years after.

with respect to career success: realistically the good work is 50% of the equation and the audience / social dimensions account for the other 50%. even if it the work is strong it still has to have an audience (a support base) to go anywhere (career-wise).

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Still haven't heard anything from UCI, neither an interview request nor a rejection, which is apparently a good thing for anyone out there who hasn't either (spoke with some current students). Still wait listed at UCR.. the 15th can't come soon enough, but sort of pumped on being wait listed at my top two choices. Just 5 more days of waiting!

Edited by toomuchinternet
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