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I just did my sculpture/photo interviews with SAIC; It's a lot more personable, for sure. I asked about 20 questions, and they answered them well. I got to learn about the program in more depth, given that I did not go to any info sessions. They only give 30% aid, one full ride for one student in each department. I definitely learned a lot. great experience, since it is my first time for all this. 

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I have to say after interviewing with saic sculpture im really pleased they were so lovely to speak with..... Im also like shit what are thier names wanted to send a thank you but im blanking on the names of who interviewed me....so if anyone interviewed with saic sculpture and remembers their names lemme know:)

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6 hours ago, bunnie99 said:

Were you at the zoom meet and greet/tour? Did you happen to write down the current students email that was taking us around? I neglected to and I have some questions I want to ask her.

I was there, but I didn't write that down either..

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7 hours ago, TNRic said:

From what it seems painting applicants for RISD, Hunter, and Bard have already gotten responses. Is it safe to assume that I'll be receiving a rejection since I haven't heard anything?

Also, people who have been accepted to programs in the past but didn't attend and decided to reapply for different programs in future years, can I ask why? I'm somewhat considering it due to financials, but I'm not sure if it's the right decision for me. 

Congrats to everyone who has had interviews/acceptances/ and any other good things happen to them lately! :)

I was accepted to a couple funded programs last year, and while the financial situation was good, the programs didn’t feel like the best fit for me. It was a tough decision, but ultimately I decided to decline and wait another year. Through last year’s application and interview process I learned a lot about how MFA programs vary drastically program to program, and I figured out exactly what I want and am looking for in an MFA program. I think timing is really important but, for me, I think the most important thing is finding a program that is the right fit. Grad school is a serious commitment so i feel like it’s important to not rush it and make sure you make the right decision and find the right program. Good luck w your decisions

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to share my SAIC MFA interview experience – it's been my dream school for ages, so yeah, I was kinda nervous. The vibe wasn't exactly what I expected; it wasn't the kind of atmosphere where they throw compliments and react a lot to what you're saying. They started off asking why I wanted to attend SAIC and why it was my dream school. After that, the focus shifted entirely to my work, and they asked me a lots of questions about it. They even gave me a bit of critique, suggesting ways I could take my work forward, which was cool but also a bit unexpected? – they mentioned approaches I'd never really considered or tried before.

Overall, the interview felt less casual compared to other places I've interviewed with – a tad intimidating, maybe? They had some pretty sharp questions about my work, but I think I managed to answer them well! It was an interview that really reflected the intense and vibrant atmosphere of SAIC's painting program.

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3 hours ago, xxxxoxe said:

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to share my SAIC MFA interview experience – it's been my dream school for ages, so yeah, I was kinda nervous. The vibe wasn't exactly what I expected; it wasn't the kind of atmosphere where they throw compliments and react a lot to what you're saying. They started off asking why I wanted to attend SAIC and why it was my dream school. After that, the focus shifted entirely to my work, and they asked me a lots of questions about it. They even gave me a bit of critique, suggesting ways I could take my work forward, which was cool but also a bit unexpected? – they mentioned approaches I'd never really considered or tried before.

Overall, the interview felt less casual compared to other places I've interviewed with – a tad intimidating, maybe? They had some pretty sharp questions about my work, but I think I managed to answer them well! It was an interview that really reflected the intense and vibrant atmosphere of SAIC's painting program.

Congrats!! Did Michelle interview you too?

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On 2/24/2024 at 3:15 PM, hihihi123 said:

lmao we are all the same ❤️

yall i gave an artist talk at this time yesterday and i was already 3 mimosas deep.. lmao. and then we went out right after till 9:30. stg i woke up drunk until 1:30pm today but im a big lightweight sooo

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If you had the choice between RISD and Yale for graduate studies in painting/visual arts, which would you choose? regardless of funding options. I keep seeing different ratings between the schools based on international and domestic rankings.

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