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Scrolling through some previous threads here, Bard was significantly overhauled in 2022. Can anyone speak to if it's better this year? I've only heard back from painting there for an interview from the other schools I applied for, so I'm wondering if the program is still good for kickstarting a contemporary art career.

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7 hours ago, Sweetie123 said:

Congrats! I think they are! I know someone who graduated from the painting department there. lmk if you want me to try and connect you to her. 


Thank you!! I will let you know for sure, I want to see what happens with UCSB first though. But do you know if she liked UIUC? And do you know what she does now that she has graduated? Feel free to dm me 

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I applied to Yale and RCA(which is in UK). For a graphic design department.

I had an interview with Yale, and waiting for the result freaks me out.

I am just wondering if it's a bad sign when they kept asked me about my resume and my life trace, like wondering about gap year....etc rather than my works and portfolio. I got none of the question about my work!!!

Edited by UndefinedTomato
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12 hours ago, meyocallo said:

Hi! Has anyone applied to University of Maryland or University of Oregon and heard anything back? They're the last two I haven't gotten anything back from so I'm assuming I've been rejected by this point haha.

I applied to UO, interviewed at the end of January, and am waitlisted. 

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43 minutes ago, murmur said:

me showing off my luxury collectibles 20 years from now: 

-sooo, here is my 2023 rejection letter from UCLA. I paid a pretty penny for this piece. 

Did you get email for this? I didn't receive anything yet and don't see anything in portal.

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15 hours ago, ulyssesbloom said:

As a first time applicant straight out of undergrad I'm looking for some advice.

The only school that interviewed me was SAIC (fiber and material studies), and assuming I get in and receive funding, is it worth it? I've considered not going, but having to work a low-income job outside of my field and do art on the side for at least a year isn't very appealing. I really want to continue my education now so I can continue my art career (and move out of my small college town) but I am worried if SAIC can do this. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews, some people saying its one of the best art schools, and others saying it's all about money and that they don't provide a lot of career support.

I love SAIC's location and facilities, but that's all I know for certain. If anyone has gone there/ knows people in the grad program, I would love to hear what you think.


My advice is definitely wait. I graduated with my BFA in 2017 and I had absolutely every intention of going for my MFA within a couple of years… but then life happened, and with the benefit of hindsight, I am unequivocally certain it is far better for me to be going now than it would’ve been for me to go then. Having a few years experience outside of school on yr record is beneficial, even just on paper—every school I’ve talked to explicitly expressed that was to my credit, so I do believe that it’s a real factor in a (serious) program’s consideration. More importantly, I know now how much those few more years of maturing, both personally and in my portfolio, makes me a lot better prepared to take on another degree. I was a decent painter when I graduated but I’m shocked at the massive growth that’s happened since, I am so much better now than I was then. I wouldn’t change a thing about my timeline because if you think of how an MFA is a catalyst for yr work, receiving that now is going to yield an incalculably greater result than if I had gotten it before when my work was of a lesser caliber, if that makes sense. Plus, just fundamentally the fact that I have better portfolio now means I have a shot at better schools. 
I think the main thing to keep in mind is that going to school is not a required element for growth. Looking back I realize it didn’t occur to me that I would be improving as a painter while I wasn’t in school. Like subconsciously I was holding a paradigm that having gap years between degrees meant having gap years in my progress, which couldn’t be more wrong. The absolutely critical thing is just to keep making work. Seriously. Focus on making the work. I managed to structure my life to allow me to spend dedicated time, consistently, in the studio and it shows. And again, even just on paper, that is a factor in my credibility as a grad candidate—it shows the faculty I need no external motivation to be working. I am reliable in maintaining a self-driven studio practice. That’s huge! So  I know this response is long but any opportunity I can to share that input, I am going to reinforce that there is nothing at all wrong with having time in between degrees, and in fact, most schools expressly prefer it. 
All of that being said, I absolutely understand that under capitalism, not everyone is going to find a way to afford the potentially career-delaying reality of not having getting the terminal degree in their field as quickly as they can. However, it’s not impossible, you never know what can happen. I worked retail full-time for a year at Artist & Craftsman right out of school and then did a few months stint as a figure drawing model (pays better than ya think) before landing a education program’s assistant role at an art museum, and eventually over the years was promoted until I became now the manager of all studio programs as well as the interactive learning space at the largest art museum in the state. No Masters and I’m salaried, baby! 
So. Take heart, just do yr best and pursue a path that is right for you. 

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33 minutes ago, Beenthereonce said:

are you nervous about the decisions? 

No, not nervous. Just wanted to know when to expect hearing from them. Also can't wait for the application process to be over so that I can focus on my practice. Are you expecting to hear from them too?

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28 minutes ago, murmur said:

No, not nervous. Just wanted to know when to expect hearing from them. Also can't wait for the application process to be over so that I can focus on my practice. Are you expecting to hear from them too?

likewise, & yes,  is that your first choice? 

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1 hour ago, mfaapplicant said:

I received an unofficial offer from RISD on 2/24. Does anyone know when they send out official letters & funding info? Did any other department mention this timeframe in their unofficial letters?

btw I also received rejections from UCLA & Stanford this morning.

What department? I also received an unofficial acceptance about 2 days after I interviewed lol. I've been in communication with the department head (ceramics) about visiting and possibly attending NCECA to get to know the program better. She said she expects the official letters to go out March 6

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1 minute ago, bunnie99 said:

What department? I also received an unofficial acceptance about 2 days after I interviewed lol. I've been in communication with the department head (ceramics) about visiting and possibly attending NCECA to get to know the program better. She said she expects the official letters to go out March 6

Thanks for the info!! I applied to Digital+Media, but I believe all official offers and funding letters go out on the same day, regardless of department. 

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