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3 hours ago, kjsdhl212 said:

Hoping this means the bar for admissions will be lower and scholarships will be easier to get.


Right. I know if I wasn't on here talking to myself then we would really be on page 1 in November. 2018 was a similar year, not sure if there's a connection between people having more success when Grad Cafe is dead or not, but that would be cool if it is true. 

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This is my second go. I'm applying for programs in ceramics/sculpture. Last year I got into Cranbrook and was waitlisted at RISD. Ultimately decided Cranbrook wasnt right for me. Currently my list is: UW Seattle, UC Davis, SAIC, UC Boulder, and RISD. I'm trying to expand my list. Does anyone have any reccs for other schools I should look into for ceramics besides UCLA, Cranbrook, and Alfred?

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4 hours ago, jay4444 said:

Hi everyone - this will be my first time applying to grad school. I'm applying to Yale for Graphic Design this year.

I have a question regarding the portfolio requirements. (I contacted their Admissions email a week ago but I haven't received a response yet).

The portfolio requirements for graphic design appear to conflict and be more flexible compared to their general portfolio guidelines:

  • The graphic design criteria suggest showcasing your best work, with an emphasis on projects from the past two years. In contrast, the general requirements specify including at least half of the pieces from the previous year, with all works being from the last three years.

Would anyone know if I'd be able to adhere to just the graphic design-specific portfolio requirements? And if this is acceptable, would it imply that I can basically also include a few works that are older than 2-3 years?


I'm also thinking about applying to Yale but not for graphic design. 

I would recommend reaching out to them again, perhaps through multiple channels like email and phone if possible.
In the meantime, you might consider crafting your portfolio to align more closely with the specific requirements for graphic design. Focus on showcasing your best and most relevant work from the past two years, ensuring it reflects your skills and growth in the field. If you decide to include a piece that slightly exceeds the two-year timeframe but is essential to your portfolio, you could make a note explaining its significance or relevance. 

But definitely keep following up to get a concrete answer from them. Best of luck! 

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On 11/20/2023 at 9:56 AM, jay4444 said:

Hi everyone - this will be my first time applying to grad school. I'm applying to Yale for Graphic Design this year.

I have a question regarding the portfolio requirements. (I contacted their Admissions email a week ago but I haven't received a response yet).

The portfolio requirements for graphic design appear to conflict and be more flexible compared to their general portfolio guidelines:

  • The graphic design criteria suggest showcasing your best work, with an emphasis on projects from the past two years. In contrast, the general requirements specify including at least half of the pieces from the previous year, with all works being from the last three years.

Would anyone know if I'd be able to adhere to just the graphic design-specific portfolio requirements? And if this is acceptable, would it imply that I can basically also include a few works that are older than 2-3 years?

Yale does not offer much (or any) pre-application feedback. I am on my second round, and they have alluded in open houses and other random events that they really want people to figure it out themselves (my words not theirs, but my impression)

I have sent probably... 5 emails to them in the last two years, and the only one they replied to I received way after the deadline!

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9 hours ago, jay4444 said:

Best of luck to you too! And thanks so much for the advice!

Ah I see! Thanks for your response. That's a bit dispiriting to hear that they don't reply 🤷‍♂️

They seem to want people who are naturally compatible with their program, and I think THEY think that offering feedback doesn’t help with that

SAIC is the exact opposite. They not only give feedback, their staff edited my writing lol


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15 minutes ago, jay4444 said:

Oh wow, maybe I failed one of their tests already? 😅 Did you find their open house informative? I'm regretting that I missed their virtual one ☠️.

That's awesome SAIC does that btw!

I found it intimidating, I knew a few of the other artists in there, and some are very successful 

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5 hours ago, Gkrenz said:

They seem to want people who are naturally compatible with their program, and I think THEY think that offering feedback doesn’t help with that


I also heard they get over 1000 applicants compared to other programs that get around 100 to 200. The amount of emails they get is probably crazy, it makes sense that they don't reply. 

1 hour ago, Gkrenz said:

I found it intimidating, I knew a few of the other artists in there, and some are very successful 


I wonder if MFA programs even like applicants who are very successful and overqualified. I would think they prefer people that show potential for growth; people they can actually help reach new heights. 

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40 minutes ago, Gaara said:

I also heard they get over 1000 applicants compared to other programs that get around 100 to 200. The amount of emails they get is probably crazy, it makes sense that they don't reply. 

I wonder if MFA programs even like applicants who are very successful and overqualified. I would think they prefer people that show potential for growth; people they can actually help reach new heights. 

They told us last year was their record for most received at 2500+ for the entire MFA program 

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13 minutes ago, Gkrenz said:

They told us last year was their record for most received at 2500+ for the entire MFA program 

Yikes...that is actually insane, that means they make a quarter of a million dollars off application fees alone and I bet they still won't be handing out full rides lol 😂 

I wouldn't be surprised if 1000 of that 2500+ are painting applicants. We all have like a .00001% chance of getting in 

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2 minutes ago, Gaara said:

Yikes...that is actually insane, that means they make a quarter of a million dollars off application fees alone and I bet they still won't be handing out full rides lol 😂 

I wouldn't be surprised if 1000 of that 2500+ are painting applicants. We all have like a .00001% chance of getting in 

As a sculpture applicant I hope so haha. At this years open house, the Yale admin (Taryn Wolfe, as I’m sure you know) mentioned they’re trying to become debt free like Rutgers and Alfred but the fine arts endowment won’t be able to sustain itself indefinitely at this point. 


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22 minutes ago, Gkrenz said:

As a sculpture applicant I hope so haha. At this years open house, the Yale admin (Taryn Wolfe, as I’m sure you know) mentioned they’re trying to become debt free like Rutgers and Alfred but the fine arts endowment won’t be able to sustain itself indefinitely at this point. 


Lol you're lucky, I get a feeling that painting/drawing is the most competitive concentration at almost every MFA program, but I could be wrong. If Yale ever became fully funded, I think that would force them to only accept like 5 people. 

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2 hours ago, Gaara said:

Lol you're lucky, I get a feeling that painting/drawing is the most competitive concentration at almost every MFA program, but I could be wrong. If Yale ever became fully funded, I think that would force them to only accept like 5 people. 

Well best of luck on your applications this year! If I hear any more info I’ll post it too

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1 hour ago, Gkrenz said:

Well best of luck on your applications this year! If I hear any more info I’ll post it too


Same to you, hope you get into your top choices! GradCafe has been glitchy on my end, it won't allow me to like post or click on the notification bell in the top right corner, but I will keep posting with updates as well 

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1 hour ago, scraps said:


has anyone on here dealt with transferring MFA programs? I am a first year at a big state school and for many reasons it is not the right program...

thank you


While I don't have direct experience with transferring MFA programs, I would recommend reaching out to the admissions offices of the schools you're interested in. They can provide specific information about transfer policies and whether credits from your current program would be accepted. Keep in mind that policies may vary between institutions, so it's crucial to gather accurate details directly from the schools you're considering. Starting the conversation with admissions will give you a clearer understanding of the possibilities and requirements for transferring. 

I am curious what big state school are you at? And what aspects make it not the right fit for you? Sharing this info could help people who may have this program on their list. 

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Hello everyone. MFA Photography applicant back in the hunt after not having applied since 2019. I did interview with Bard that cycle but didn't get in, and inspiration difficulties/the pandemic kind of knocked me off my game until a couple of years ago. Any other photographers in the forum? Would love to also talk to other disciplines!

Applying to these programs as of tonight: Yale, Bard, Columbia, Hunter, RISD, SUNY Purchase, SUNY New Paltz, University of Delaware.

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11 hours ago, RadicalDreamers said:

Applying to these programs as of tonight: Yale, Bard, Columbia, Hunter, RISD, SUNY Purchase, SUNY New Paltz, University of Delaware.

Hey, I am also applying in photography.  Don't have my school list finalized but will be applying to Purchase and Hunter as well.  What made you choose New Paltz and Delaware?  I haven't heard much about their programs.

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7 hours ago, kjsdhl212 said:

Hey, I am also applying in photography.  Don't have my school list finalized but will be applying to Purchase and Hunter as well.  What made you choose New Paltz and Delaware?  I haven't heard much about their programs.

Hey there, maybe we can share more info in a message. I added New Paltz because I really liked the work of the faculty and location (I'm trying to stick to the northeast with the programs I'm applying to). A former instructor of mine from SVA recommended Delaware, and I checked out their site and I liked a lot of the work too. Best of luck!

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On 12/4/2023 at 4:25 PM, jay4444 said:

Could anyone provide insights into the preference of graduate programs regarding resume length? Specifically, is a detailed two-page resume more favored, or do programs typically prefer a concise, one-page format? Additionally, what are the key factors that graduate admissions committees look for in a resume?

(For more context, I'm applying to Yale for graphic design)


I believe a CV/Resume for visual art MFA's would look different from someone with a graphic design background. Mine has stuff like exhibitions I have been in but yours probably wouldn't so it's tough for me to give the best advice on this. But from what professors have told me, just be honest and make sure your resume/CV format is easy to read. Go for a clean and professional look like the examples Harvard gives: https://cdn-careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/161/2023/04/HES_resume-and-letter_2022-final.pdf

Professors have told me they just look at them to see what you have been up to recently, a resume/cv shouldn't make or break you

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How long are peoples artist/personal statement?  Some schools have word or page guidelines but others don't.  From talking to people at the schools it seems like they don't want super long statements so I am thinking keep everything to 1 page no matter the guidelines but I am coming from a non-art background so want to be concise while making sure I hit some important points that might not come across in portfolio and CV.

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Hey everyone! I posted a thread in this forum earlier in the year but unfortunately didn't get my shit together in time to apply, haha. Planning on doing so next winter and maybe being more open-minded to leaving the west coast, as that was a big mental roadblock in researching schools initially.

Good luck to everyone!

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Hi everyone!

New here, last year I only applied to two schools (UofA and UNM), waitlisted at U of A. My portfolio is in a much better place this year and I am also not restricting myself as much location wise. So far I have submitted my applications to UMass Amherst and UConn. I am planning on applying to UNM (sculpture), RISD (sculpture), SMFA, Rutgers, UCLA, UC Davis, Hunter and MICA (Mt Royal). 

I had an interview at UMass (zoom) on Wednesday already so I am currently waiting on results. Did anyone else interview with UMass yet? Thoughts?

Good luck everyone!

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7 hours ago, aluminumfried said:

Hi everyone!

New here, last year I only applied to two schools (UofA and UNM), waitlisted at U of A. My portfolio is in a much better place this year and I am also not restricting myself as much location wise. So far I have submitted my applications to UMass Amherst and UConn. I am planning on applying to UNM (sculpture), RISD (sculpture), SMFA, Rutgers, UCLA, UC Davis, Hunter and MICA (Mt Royal). 

I had an interview at UMass (zoom) on Wednesday already so I am currently waiting on results. Did anyone else interview with UMass yet? Thoughts?

Good luck everyone!


I didn't apply to UMass but I applied to 3 of the schools on your list (UConn, Rutgers, UCLA). I'll let you know if I hear anything from them. I'm surprised a school is interviewing this early, hope it went well! 

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Update: got an acceptance from UMass Amherst!

This is super exciting and I am super grateful. 90% sure I will be going there, but I do want to see if I get an answer from UNM, RISD and UConn. I feel bad waiting to reply though, because in all likelihood I will be choosing UMass. The funding amount is insane and I have family in the area. Thoughts?

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