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2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum


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12 minutes ago, Scribe said:


Go me.

Looks like no package but i have to fill out a form to be sure.


"Just found out I got onto the waitlist for nyu 😢. Is this like a "pretty much everyone gets waitlisted if they weren't accepted" kind of thing or is it like an actual thing?"

it is an actual thing. congratulations. 


9 minutes ago, newyearnewtea said:

Go you indeed!!!! 

Just got in for poetry, and am as hype as I am sure that I won't be able to go due to financial aid haha. This'll be the kick in the pants I need to finally finish my FAFSA for this year at least.

congratulations!!!!! amazing!! and congrats to everyone who’s gotten good news these past couple of days:)

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4 hours ago, trenchywrench said:


saur late here. posting because i want advice from the other doers and have-doners.

i got my rejections from Syracuse and JHU, as well as the famous UVA soft rejection that i see has been a topic of discussion here. i am waiting on NYU (the full-residency--not the Paris), Rutgers (Camden), and Maryland. i understand there have been sentiments here about giving up on NYU and Rutgers.

because of this, and because i intend to move out of the state in which i'm currently living to be closer to family in case i don't get in anywhere (which i'm assuming so that i may plan accordingly), i am starting research on applying for the 2025 cycle already.

so i wanted to ask you guys. i am looking for programs that offer teaching assistantships because i want to teach undergraduate students for a living. while i only applied to fully-funded programs this year due to cost concerns, i am a disabled veteran and i just learned that i can probably get two years of a program paid for if i want to attend one that'll cost me.

more importantly, i am a chiefly a speculative writer and am wondering if anyone knows of programs with admissions committees that don't laugh science-fictioners out the door. 

based on the research i have done, many speculative programs don't have what i need as they tend to be low-residency/expensive/lacking the teaching opportunities i'll need to begin a professorial career. do i have to be a poser and pretend i only want to write what we call "literary" fiction?

of course, i plan to research on my own, because
1. this is obviously very important to me, being the most major step i can take now toward what i want to do with my existence, and;

2. what half-sane person wouldn't?

but i feel as if multiple people here--because we've all researched programs and will continue to, extensively--may be able to chime in.

if anyone would like to help, then what's the word?

also, it's nice to meet you lovely people. let's hold hands in anxious solidarity?

Just wanted to chime in and add UNevada to your list. I've been accepted there and the faculty seem amazing. They're very explicitly open for specfic and not many people know about the program because IIRC it's pretty new. It doesn't show up on any "fully funded" lists because they can't guarantee funding for everyone, but they do offer most(?) students full funding through teaching assistantships. Also, Reno seems super cool!

Good luck and happy to have you here!

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13 minutes ago, newyearnewtea said:

Go you indeed!!!! 

Just got in for poetry, and am as hype as I am sure that I won't be able to go due to financial aid haha. This'll be the kick in the pants I need to finally finish my FAFSA for this year at least.

Exactly. I only applied because a professor told me I should. she said i wouldn't get any money but i might get a free ride. I'm not keen on it anyway but if i got a scholarship I'd have to think about it. I'll fill out their stupid form over the weekend. 

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Huh, I got an acceptance to The New School with a 30% tuition funding offer! I really thought they were done, perhaps this is the "lower half of the alphabet" curse again 🤣 or something else. Who knows, admissions offers are a nebulous magical force.

With NYU wailists and Columbia acceptances coming out now, hoping for good news for everyone! 🙏 and congrats to those who've gotten that good news already today!

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3 minutes ago, writernity said:

Huh, I got an acceptance to The New School with a 30% tuition funding offer! I really thought they were done, perhaps this is the "lower half of the alphabet" curse again 🤣 or something else. Who knows, admissions offers are a nebulous magical force.

With NYU wailists and Columbia acceptances coming out now, hoping for good news for everyone! 🙏 and congrats to those who've gotten that good news already today!

yay congratulations!!

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Does anyone have any info on Columbia now that responses are coming out? The general thing i've heard is: "they accept almost everyone who applies, unless you have funding don't go."


I don't have access to all the previous years data or how many applicants they got this year that didn't get an offer, but can anyone speak to how true this is?

And please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not just asking this to be vain or rude, knowing info like this is going to be part of what determines if the best idea is infact to just wait another year and apply somewhere else, because if it's not as easy to get in then maybe my writing actually has some value.


Congrats to everyone above, I'm so proud of all of you, even my fellow peeps with the R's and the W's, our time will come!

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On 2/29/2024 at 3:19 PM, dasiena said:

Also not to triple text in the g chat (sry) but how normal is it have literary agents going into an MFA? I've looked up current students at IWW as well as recent Iowa admits to see that a few already have literary agents, one being signed with the same agent as Sheila Heti (holy shit). I'm wondering why someone would want to get an MFA if they already have an agent. I guess it would just be a sort of long paid fellowship to work on the book they are already set to publish? Seems cool & wish it could apply to me. Also is a little discouraging. 


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7 hours ago, justasmidge said:

Oh, that's awesome!!! My father is from Sicily but grew up around Milan after an earthquake devastated his hometown of Partanna. We are going to Milan first and then we will be flying down to Sicily :)

Thank you so much for the tips - I was wondering how the waiting game was going to sort out with being 6 hours ahead :) The best of luck to you :)

good luck to you too! 

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8 minutes ago, LivingUnderABigRock said:

Does anyone have any info on Columbia now that responses are coming out? The general thing i've heard is: "they accept almost everyone who applies, unless you have funding don't go."

I don't think it's necessarily true that they accept almost everyone who applies - I know someone who got into Iowa but not Columbia.

I do agree though with the sentiment that you should be wary of going into debt for an MFA.

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3 minutes ago, LivingUnderABigRock said:

Does anyone have any info on Columbia now that responses are coming out? The general thing i've heard is: "they accept almost everyone who applies, unless you have funding don't go."


I don't have access to all the previous years data or how many applicants they got this year that didn't get an offer, but can anyone speak to how true this is?

And please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not just asking this to be vain or rude, knowing info like this is going to be part of what determines if the best idea is infact to just wait another year and apply somewhere else, because if it's not as easy to get in then maybe my writing actually has some value.


Congrats to everyone above, I'm so proud of all of you, even my fellow peeps with the R's and the W's, our time will come!

Columbia definitely does NOT accept everyone, it is still a competitive ivy league school. However, they do accept a larger cohort than a lot of other schools, and very few people get offered any funding, let along substantial funding. They're ridiculously expensive at about $140k for 2 years, and it's really not worth going into debt if you don't get a good enough funding offer. Columbia only just started sending out acceptances, so there's still news yet to come. If you get any acceptances or waitlists at all, have confidence in your writing-- even less competitive schools won't accept just ANYONE who's willing to pay!


7 minutes ago, RobbieWrites said:

Has NYU sent out any rejections? 

Not yet, they just started sending waitlists. Will probs take another couple days, though sometimes they stretch things out for a while.

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1 minute ago, rhiannonna said:

I don't think it's necessarily true that they accept almost everyone who applies - I know someone who got into Iowa but not Columbia.

I do agree though with the sentiment that you should be wary of going into debt for an MFA.

Seconding this. I know someone who went to Michener and didn’t get in to Columbia. I think the bad rap on Columbia is more centered on their contribution to the student debt pool for an MFA. I didn’t apply because I didn’t want to be tempted to go if I got in without full funding / my recommenders are all very anti-Columbia and I felt semi shamed from asking them to write recommendations for that program 

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13 minutes ago, rhiannonna said:

I don't think it's necessarily true that they accept almost everyone who applies - I know someone who got into Iowa but not Columbia.

I do agree though with the sentiment that you should be wary of going into debt for an MFA.


10 minutes ago, Hjanep said:

Seconding this. I know someone who went to Michener and didn’t get in to Columbia. I think the bad rap on Columbia is more centered on their contribution to the student debt pool for an MFA. I didn’t apply because I didn’t want to be tempted to go if I got in without full funding / my recommenders are all very anti-Columbia and I felt semi shamed from asking them to write recommendations for that program 


I really truly appreciate the responses and I hope I didn't offend anyone with my ask. It's my first year applying. So far good news has been hard to come by. I don't think Columbia gives out hard numbers for acceptance rate and such so info like this is super important.

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Hi, I’ve been lurking for some time but I saw someone mention Rutgers. Specifically Rutgers Newark, I interviewed with them last Sunday.

I haven’t seen much discussion on RUN, so I thought I’d share my experience if it helps! Pls send your support, I hope I get in! :,) 

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3 minutes ago, dasiena said:

Hey! I didn't mean to single you out, you just happened to be the most recent of a line up of people I stalked (sry lol) (online only not in real life dnt wry) that have agents! Obviously it's easy for us to compare our journeys to others, especially in a tense time like this, but I also realize that everyone has had many difficulties in both their artistic endeavors and general life experience. I know that life doesn't spare anyone from pain and challenges, and I hope you know I wasn't implying that! I'm genuinely sorry about the loss of your dad and also what sounds like the loss of an important part of your childhood/teenagehood. That seriously must have been so hard. But I love that you used writing as a sort of catharsis and outlet. We're all here because we genuinely love words and language and you guys :*) that's kinda beautiful. We were all probably that weird kid who read instead of going outside (not just me right ha ha) and that's also kinda :*) beautiful. 

But seriously--congratulations on an impressive acceptance to Iowa and also congratulations on being seen and appreciated and signed by someone who seems to have great taste! I can't wait to read your work one day. :) I hope you didn't take my comment as a diss against you as an individual! You seem cool and I'm sure you have many great things ahead.

omg no disses felt at all! I'm so glad you responded and also felt you resonated with being the weird kid inside reading :)  I also can't wait to read your stuff one day :) 

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25 minutes ago, sunnysequoia said:

Does anyone know if UMass Amherst, Rutgers Camden, and Iowa are done notifying for prose/nonfiction? I'm assuming rejections but would be nice to receive confirmation LOL

Didn't apply, but I saw acceptances and waitlists go out for Rutgers-Camden 3-4 days ago for both CNF/fiction. Acceptances/waitlists for Amherst went out early Feb and the prospie event is in April, so I'm fairly certain Amherst is done for fiction/poetry. Through Draft, a current IWW student indicated that Iowa was done notifying for fiction (but some fiction applications received emails that their apps were "still under consideration"). CNF might still be going on for Iowa, since I saw a waitlist today or yesterday, but I'm not entirely sure.  

I'm honestly a little surprised by the lack of reports for Iowa (I counted about 7 fiction reports, give or take) given the large cohort, but who knows ┐(°‿°)┌

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12 minutes ago, LivingUnderABigRock said:



I really truly appreciate the responses and I hope I didn't offend anyone with my ask. It's my first year applying. So far good news has been hard to come by. I don't think Columbia gives out hard numbers for acceptance rate and such so info like this is super important.

Your post was very reasonable and not offensive at all! It's important to ask these questions ❤️

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11 minutes ago, Ancestralhand said:

Hi, I’ve been lurking for some time but I saw someone mention Rutgers. Specifically Rutgers Newark, I interviewed with them last Sunday.

I haven’t seen much discussion on RUN, so I thought I’d share my experience if it helps! Pls send your support, I hope I get in! :,) 

I'm considering them a soft r. but that package tho.

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51 minutes ago, Scribe said:

I'm considering them a soft r. but that package tho.

Yeah, the funding they were offering and discussing with me was awesome. Sending u positivity though! 🩷

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