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hello! I got waitlisted at one of the schools I applied to (yay!) and would like to respond something along the lines of “thanks for keeping me in consideration/I continue to be excited about this program” just to show that I’m still interested. is that advisable, or would a response like that imply that I would definitely go if admitted (which is not necessarily true)? I don’t want to burn the bridge if I am admitted to this school and don’t end up going, but I do like their program and want to keep my options as open as possible… including by getting admitted if I can lol :)

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, choltebito said:

hello! I got waitlisted at one of the schools I applied to (yay!) and would like to respond something along the lines of “thanks for keeping me in consideration/I continue to be excited about this program” just to show that I’m still interested. is that advisable, or would a response like that imply that I would definitely go if admitted (which is not necessarily true)? I don’t want to burn the bridge if I am admitted to this school and don’t end up going, but I do like their program and want to keep my options as open as possible… including by getting admitted if I can lol :)

Congrats on the waitlist!!! Definitely do reply! What you wrote above sounds perfect. They often do take enthusiasm into consideration esp if the waitlist is unranked, so it's important to let them know you're excited. 

Edited by pananoprodigy
9 minutes ago, choltebito said:

hello! I got waitlisted at one of the schools I applied to (yay!) and would like to respond something along the lines of “thanks for keeping me in consideration/I continue to be excited about this program” just to show that I’m still interested. is that advisable, or would a response like that imply that I would definitely go if admitted (which is not necessarily true)? I don’t want to burn the bridge if I am admitted to this school and don’t end up going, but I do like their program and want to keep my options as open as possible… including by getting admitted if I can lol :)

grats! do respond, but don't lie. If you don't say 'youre my number 1!' then i don't think it's implied that you're an auto-accept.


Anyone else get that (kind of random) update email from UPitt? I didn't receive an interview request from them (But I also didn't see any CNF interviews in the MFA Draft tracker), so I was taking that as a soft r. Has anyone applied with them before and had a similar experience? Kind of confused lol. 

15 minutes ago, Jane Wyman said:

I'm an Iowa waitlist! Just got the email, am losing my shit.

OMGGG, Jane! I'm rooting so hard for you to make it in, CONGRATS!!! 

8 minutes ago, Jane Wyman said:

UMass Amherst, UMich, Vandy, Michener, Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, and Cornell all gave me form rejections, and I thought the rest of app season would go like this. So, if you've gotten nos across the board so far, don't give up hope.

HUGE congrats, Jane. We got this 💪


A question that's unrelated to admissions/applications, as a palate cleanser! I'm a fiction writer, but I'm really interested in creative nonfiction, mostly because I have no idea what it is. For the CNF writers: how did you discover your genre? What are your favorite pieces of CNF writing?

10 minutes ago, snottlebie said:

Congrats all! I’m also on the waitlist! Curious if you all crossposted to Draft Spreadsheet or not (trying to gauge how big this waitlist is)


23 minutes ago, momeraths said:

I also got the Iowa waitlist email!! Screaming, crying, etc etc

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That’s so exciting!!

3 minutes ago, DJ Lambchop said:

Should the rest of us consider Iowa a soft rejection? Sometimes I look at all the acceptances and waitlists and wonder what am I even doing here

"What am I even doing here" — yup, pretty much sums up my second MFA app cycle.

And, coincidentally, my life! 😂

1 hour ago, Jane Wyman said:

I'm an Iowa waitlist! Just got the email, am losing my shit.

This makes me so happy! I have been quietly rooting for you, Jane, since you told us about your horrible program director. Fingers crossed you make it off the waitlist!!!

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