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Berkeley GSPP Results 2011


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A little bird told me that the application review is done. Just about every year over the past few, the results have come by mail in the first week of March. It is the first week of March now. Do fellow board members see where I'm going with this? Let the fretting begin! :)

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I'm not sure if we're going to hear from Goldman this week. Most of the people who heard from GSPP last year got notice in mid-March, which is consistent with what they stated in their email correspondence. Still, it would be nice to hear from anyone who does hear from them before then.

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It looks like from previous results trends that mid-March has been the Judgement Day(s)... BUT the minute I saw this topic my stomach dropped - I'm so nercited! (Nervous/excited) I hope it is this week!!!

Edit: I'm wrong! Many Fall 2010 applicants DID hear back in the first wk! Aiiieeeeee!

Edited by skeedy
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I'm jumping the gun here, but does anyone know when GSPP's admit day(s) will be? Just trying to plan visiting all the schools...if admitted of course!

It looks like from previous results trends that mid-March has been the Judgement Day(s)... BUT the minute I saw this topic my stomach dropped - I'm so nercited! (Nervous/excited) I hope it is this week!!!

Edit: I'm wrong! Many Fall 2010 applicants DID hear back in the first wk! Aiiieeeeee!

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Hi folks!

Long wait for GSPP is nearly over. I've just received an email with offer several hours ago.

The admit days are 6 April in Berkeley and March 31 in Washington DC.

Good luck everybody!

I'm jumping the gun here, but does anyone know when GSPP's admit day(s) will be? Just trying to plan visiting all the schools...if admitted of course!

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Congrats mushroom288! I didn't get an email - does this mean my hopes of attending GSPP are long gone? Seems like both email and postal notifications went out last year? Trying to hold onto the tiny sliver of hope I still have...

From what I can gather from last year, GSPP emailed applicants who are currently abroad/not in the U.S. as well as sent them snail mail, but they ONLY notified domestic applicants via postal.

Am I onto something? Mushroom288 is that your situation?

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From what I can gather from last year, GSPP emailed applicants who are currently abroad/not in the U.S. as well as sent them snail mail, but they ONLY notified domestic applicants via postal.

Am I onto something? Mushroom288 is that your situation?

Mushroom's location does say Asia-Pacific.

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Congrats Mushroom! And thanks for the dates!

Hi folks!

Long wait for GSPP is nearly over. I've just received an email with offer several hours ago.

The admit days are 6 April in Berkeley and March 31 in Washington DC.

Good luck everybody!

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Yes - that's right. I'm an international student. Fingers crossed everyone - good luck. Hopefully we'll be studying together in 5 months -EEK!!!!

Thanks for the reply mushroom. And I can't believe I forgot to say- CONGRATULATIONS! You are awesome.

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Same here, reeeeejected from GSPP, my first choice. That's life.

Just wanted to say: I remember reading on this board that folks who got rejected from GSPP were later admitted to HKS and other great schools. So keep your chin up--good news could be on the way soon!

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Just wanted to say: I remember reading on this board that folks who got rejected from GSPP were later admitted to HKS and other great schools. So keep your chin up--good news could be on the way soon!

thanks for nice note smerd

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This has me on pins and needles - I didn't get ANY email from GSPP yet. They are definitely switching up the process as opposed to last year, when people weren't notified of rejections via email (or so says the Results page). I guess I'll just have to sit tight a bit longer? Did any domestic applicants out there get an acceptance notification?

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Le Sigh - got the rejection email too! GSPP wasn't my "top choice" (actually, I suppose I don't have one?) but it never feels good, right?

Even though I *thought* I'd be leaving California, this guarantees it (Cal was my only West Coast school)... SO even this rejection has been exciting/life changing! AHHH!

I am so proud/excited for all of you that got in, and let me know if you have questions as I've been in Berkeley for almost 2 years smile.gif

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For those who were rejected via email, who was the sender? I so expected to be rejected that I'm actually worried that I accidentally deleted it, it got stuck in a spam folder, etc. etc. even though I've checked my inbox multiple times & don't recall deleting anything related to GSPP.....ok yeah, I'm officially wiggin' out.

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For those who were rejected via email, who was the sender? I so expected to be rejected that I'm actually worried that I accidentally deleted it, it got stuck in a spam folder, etc. etc. even though I've checked my inbox multiple times & don't recall deleting anything related to GSPP.....ok yeah, I'm officially wiggin' out.

The email was from a gsppadm@socrates.berkeley.edu address. I'm sure they have to send things in batches given the sheer number of applicants.

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I am so nervous. Haven't heard anything yet but I got a weird message last week saying they still needed my official transcript, even though I received an application complete email in January and my college says they sent my transcript last November. The next few days are going to suck.

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