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Advantages of having own funds fr phd


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Not necessarily. Many schools don't ask for any financial information when you apply, and fellowships/scholarships/RAships/TAships are offered on merit. State schools may ask that you file a FAFSA, and this probably does play a role in offers for those places. I think they *might* make an extra slot for an independently wealthy applicant, if that person was impressive enough, but they wouldn't reject a poor applicant in favor of a rich one.

But, I'm not on an adcomm, so I speculate here.

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It would be hard to bring this to the program's attention without looking like an entitled jerk. Why should rich people have a better chance at graduate school acceptance than other folks? They already get advantages everywhere else...!

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What sort of "own funding" are you talking about? Are you talking about being wealthy, or are you talking about, for example, a big multi-year fellowship, or working for a company that will fund your advanced degree?

In the latter two cases, it's something that you can bring to the program's attention without looking like a jerk who wants the school to take them because they are rich - after all, it is a sign of merit if you win a fellowship or your company has enough faith in you to pay for your PhD!

Having your own funding (and here, I am talking about your own merit-based funding, because I don't know what happens in the other case) can help you, but it will not get you in if you're not competitive. You might come free for the school, but if they don't think that you can pass classes and quals, complete a dissertation, and in general represent their name well during the course of your career, they won't let you in. Having your own funding can help if you're a "maybe."

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I don't think you would have any type of advantage over someone who would need funding...the admissions committee are looking for fit primarily...and they don't mind forking over money to students who they think best fit the program.

Edited by ZeeMore21
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