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Hello there everyone!

I am an applicant for the fall 2011 term to the ACCESS PhD program in UCLA, and the MCB PhD program in Dartmouth. I still have not got any notification from them regarding the status of my application. I believe that the interview weekends started in both Universities a long while ago. Repeated emails to them yields no definitive answer, and in the case of Dartmouth, no answer at all! Is there anyone else in the same boat? Can someone please tell me if this means a rejection actually? Is there still a chance that I may be called upon to interview?Please help!
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If adcoms are silent try contacting more people from the department. I was in the same situation and mass-emailed the department inquiring my application status, and a small percentage of them replied.

Whether it means rejection or not is not clear, as it depends on the program. For example, in my case most of the programs have finished notifying successful applicants few weeks ago, but JHU neuro program has only started reviewing international applications this week.

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