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Arizona State University Funding


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Got accepted to Arizona State University but there is no word about funding. Does anyone know about the funding policy of ASU? Should I wait or have to do other things like talking with the Professors for RA positions? Did anyone have experience about it? Thanks for your help in advance.

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I'm in the same situation. I got admitted to PhD in computer science, but still no words of funding. ASU is my first choice, I really love ASU since researches there really match my interest. Hope for good things to come!

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ASU is likely waiting to make decisions due to the pending budget in the state legislature that will cut tens of millions of dollars from each state university. The budget cuts will in turn affect programs and positions at ASU, which affects how many assistantships they can offer to incoming students.

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What I mean is that the AZ state legislature has no desire whatsoever to fund public education, particularly higher education. You can Google for news articles in the Arizona Republic and the Arizona Daily-Star if you want to read more about it. Here's an example article: http://www.azpm.org/news/story/2011/3/17/1131-new-university-cuts-on-the-horizon/

Obama can't help the states without passing another stimulus package. The last package forced Arizona, and other states, to restore funding to like 2006 levels to receive stimulus funds for education. The AZ legislature almost didn't do this and the Board of Regents for the universities was going to sue them to force them to. The stimulus package staved off millions of dollars in cuts, however now those have to happen in addition to whatever cuts come out of further reductions in state funding.

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