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NDSEG fellowship


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I have to figure out how to relearn dynamics and controls before this stupid qualifying exam. I knew there was a reason I did fluids instead of D&C.

Ugh, when are your quals? And are they general quals? We have specific "topic" quals, so we (presumably) don't have to relearn all the different subdisciplines (but the systems quals cover most of the disciplines anyway because of how general they are, unfortunately).

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Our quals are the 16th - 20th of May and they are general, meaning I have to know all the D&C and materials and structures stuff as well. It annoys the daylights out of me. I ran into our department head in an elevator the other day and joked that he didn't have to give us the exam if he didn't want to, and surprisingly he told me he was trying to change it. It looks like I will be one of the last groups that has to take an all-encompassing version of the exam. Oh well, at least they put weight on your grades in those classes and your advisor's recommendation, so I have a little leeway.

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That is super frustrating - I don't think I could pass quals like that (a major factor in school decisions >>) because I wasn't an aero undergrad. Materials/structures is pretty much my main overlap between the disciplines (and heat transfer).

If you don't pass, is there an option to retake?

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Yeah, if you don't pass only one section you retake it orally and they just make sure you aren't an idiot, taking into account what your major area of research is. If you don't pass two of them, you have to retake the written exam. My undergrad was mechanical so I am slightly more worried but not TOO much. The main difference is only terminology after all. Still, it is a huge pain in the butt and is now officially cutting into my research time simply due to how much extra preparation it requires to go back over those two other areas.

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You are missing the point a bit. Yes, it could still be a troll. However, I am impressed enough if it IS a troll by their efforts in spite of none of us knowing when NDSEG will actually mail that I am willing to accept it and move on. If they are a troll, they didn't do a great job by saying that there was a rejection, because that's what is making none of us too worried or anxious at the moment. *shrugs*

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Yeah, if you don't pass only one section you retake it orally and they just make sure you aren't an idiot, taking into account what your major area of research is. If you don't pass two of them, you have to retake the written exam. My undergrad was mechanical so I am slightly more worried but not TOO much. The main difference is only terminology after all. Still, it is a huge pain in the butt and is now officially cutting into my research time simply due to how much extra preparation it requires to go back over those two other areas.

Ughhhhhhhh. I just can't imagine having to relearn ALL of those things (I was a MechE undergrad too). I'm gonna need to start studying this summer for next January as it is. Good luck - it definitely sounds like you'll need it! ):

I think we have to wait a year to retake ours if we fail the oral section, 5 months if we fail the research section.

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You are missing the point a bit. Yes, it could still be a troll. However, I am impressed enough if it IS a troll by their efforts in spite of none of us knowing when NDSEG will actually mail that I am willing to accept it and move on. If they are a troll, they didn't do a great job by saying that there was a rejection, because that's what is making none of us too worried or anxious at the moment. *shrugs*

Unless it is a group of unaffiliated trolls who are inadvertently undermining each other... hmmm. Ponder on this I will

Ughhhhhhhh. I just can't imagine having to relearn ALL of those things (I was a MechE undergrad too). I'm gonna need to start studying this summer for next January as it is. Good luck - it definitely sounds like you'll need it! ):

I think we have to wait a year to retake ours if we fail the oral section, 5 months if we fail the research section.

I could only wish... At any rate, my advisor is plenty happy with my work (I think, he notoriously never gives a pat on the back) so I have that going for me. As long as he vouches for me, I think I should be good unless I totally bomb it. He is one of those unbelievably untouchable guys in our department. He has a parking pass that says he can park literally anywhere except handicapped spots. He frequently parks in the building's loading zone.

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I could only wish... At any rate, my advisor is plenty happy with my work (I think, he notoriously never gives a pat on the back) so I have that going for me. As long as he vouches for me, I think I should be good unless I totally bomb it. He is one of those unbelievably untouchable guys in our department. He has a parking pass that says he can park literally anywhere except handicapped spots. He frequently parks in the building's loading zone.

If I were him, I would so park in handicapped spaces anyway. xD

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If I were him, I would so park in handicapped spaces anyway. xD

When I know he is gone (out of town or sick at home) I do sometimes park in his reserved spot because it is infinitely closer to the main building than my random spot ends up being. They don't tow in that lot unless someone calls it in, and since he is gone, he can't call it in. B)

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When I know he is gone (out of town or sick at home) I do sometimes park in his reserved spot because it is infinitely closer to the main building than my random spot ends up being. They don't tow in that lot unless someone calls it in, and since he is gone, he can't call it in. B)

Your advisor TELLS you when he's gone?

...oh man, that would be the life. To know when not to show up for a 9AM meeting that isn't going to happen for months on end...

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Your advisor TELLS you when he's gone?

...oh man, that would be the life. To know when not to show up for a 9AM meeting that isn't going to happen for months on end...

We usually know when he is out of town, though sometimes not until the last minute. We often know he is sick but not until 20 minutes into us waiting in the conference room for him to show up to that weekly meeting and then we get an email from his secretary. I think most advisors were created alike in that they don't tell us a lot. Shoot, for the first 3 semesters here, I was honest to God scared of my advisor to a certain degree.

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We usually know when he is out of town, though sometimes not until the last minute. We often know he is sick but not until 20 minutes into us waiting in the conference room for him to show up to that weekly meeting and then we get an email from his secretary. I think most advisors were created alike in that they don't tell us a lot. Shoot, for the first 3 semesters here, I was honest to God scared of my advisor to a certain degree.

The true benefit of a fellowship - being able to remind yourself in those moments of sheer terror that you cost him nothing except his time......which is *usually* reassuring enough...

I just show up, see his door is closed, and disappear back into my windowless office for another week. B)

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The true benefit of a fellowship - being able to remind yourself in those moments of sheer terror that you cost him nothing except his time......which is *usually* reassuring enough...

I just show up, see his door is closed, and disappear back into my windowless office for another week. B)

I think I went a month at one point without seeing mine and only getting a couple emails here and there. Then again, my lab is off campus at the local airport, so that would certainly not help (or hurt?) that matter.

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I think I went a month at one point without seeing mine and only getting a couple emails here and there. Then again, my lab is off campus at the local airport, so that would certainly not help (or hurt?) that matter.

An airport? At least when that day inevitably comes wherein you have to turn to the person next to you and say "We have to leave the country", transportation is the easy part?

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An airport? At least when that day inevitably comes wherein you have to turn to the person next to you and say "We have to leave the country", transportation is the easy part?

Well it isn't a large airport. There just isn't room on campus for large wind tunnel facilities anymore, so we have new (albeit somewhat spartan) lab facilities out at the airport here, which is technically on campus I suppose.

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We have a ginormous wind tunnel, but I don't know how "upkept" it is. I know it's pretty dang old, and as with a surprising number of our lab spaces, I bet it desperately needs renovation.

(FYI to whoever gave me a -1 on the handicapped spot comment - I actually have a handicapped placard/status; it was a little inside joke with myself that I probably ought to have clarified. I'm not that terrible of a person, promise!)

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Our wind tunnel complex is the reason I came here. It is pretty fantastic.

On another note, I am suddenly feeling like I ought to not have quite so much information on my forum profile... :unsure:

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I know the thread has moved to happier topics of wind tunnels and missing advisers, but I see that in the few hours I was gone the situation has not improved. Just out of curiosity, for those that know the history of such things better than I, has a fellowship result ever been released on a Saturday? I know that NDSEG hasn't for the last three years, but I don't know about before that, or about NSF or SMART.

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I'd have to say there's little chance the full results will be released over the weekend. The only way that would happen (being that all of the agencies involved are government-run) is if the entire process were automated and ASEE actually already has the list of recipients, in which case I'd have expected some sort of batch e-mail. There's been a few claims of people who have received notifications (a few on here, and one I saw using google real-time results), but I wouldn't put much faith into those being legit at this point.

Edited by green31OSU
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I'd have to say there's little chance the full results will be released over the weekend. The only way that would happen (being that all of the agencies involved are government-run) is if the entire process were automated and ASEE actually already has the list of recipients, in which case I'd have expected some sort of batch e-mail. There's been a few claims of people who have received notifications (a few on here, and one I saw using google real-time results), but I wouldn't put much faith into those being legit at this point.

Look, it is a little weird that they didn't send out all the notifications at once, but that's what happened. There's really no point in questioning the validity of the notifications that were sent out, since it's clear that there are still both awards and rejections pending.

Edited by fortytwo
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For the purposes of this post, assume the above are not faked (I agree with jendoly, if it is faked, wow, that's a lot of effort). It was suggested that perhaps the results were being sent out by area of study, but then there was the result of 1, and only 1 aero award. It was then suggested that perhaps only awards from certain sponsors were being sent out, though overall the number of results seemed low.

I just looked over the distribution of awards by area of study and sponsor and what occurs to me is this: though the Army, Navy and Air Force sponsor quite a few (~60 each), there is a fourth sponsor - the High Performance Computing Modernization Office. They sponsor on the order of 10 awards each year, and, despite their name, sponsor awards in a variety of fields. Perhaps they were the only office to get their list in on time? Did we ever get confirmation that a full list was received, or just a vague promise from the NDSEG that "results would be released"?

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