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SMFA Scholarships and Fin Aid decisions


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I finally heard from SMFA about scholarship decisions. I was told that I was selected for the SMFA Graduate Scholarship based on my portfolio application, merit and financial need. $10,000.

I wanted to know what scholarships and offers anyone has has received from SMFA?

Originally I was told that they had two full-ride scholarships and two half scholarships based on merit. Is this still true or did they disperse that among more students this year? The amount I was awarded is less than half.

Does Tufts University offer additional funding through scholarships and/or grants (besides Loans and Work Study)? Have you heard anything from Tufts yet?

We have until May 1st to decide and place the deposit. I was wondering what type of financial aid other applicants/students received and how they intend on paying for the tuition costs, etc?

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I heard from them as well--also received a scholarship based on merit for a similar amount. I know Tufts provides loans and work study, but I was under the impression that SMFA also provided purely need-based grants along with merit-based scholarships.....but, for whatever reason, I haven't heard anything about that part of the financial aid package yet. Has anyone received a grant from SMFA?

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Does Tufts University offer additional funding through scholarships and/or grants (besides Loans and Work Study)? Have you heard anything from Tufts yet?

We have until May 1st to decide and place the deposit. I was wondering what type of financial aid other applicants/students received and how they intend on paying for the tuition costs, etc?

I only received the e-mail regarding the scholarship information too. Most schools I believe are getting their financial aid packages (the need based stuff based on your FAFSA) out late March/early April.

The maximum federal loans available for grad students is about 20K per year, and then you can apply for outside loans or the plus loan if you're credit worthy (I'm not, so that'll be interesting). I'm not sure how much grant money is available to graduate students... I'm hoping some to cover the gap between federal loans and the scholarship. I've been working full time but will be quitting for grad school, so I'm hoping they take that into account when considering my need.

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Yeah, there's still a gap with the federal loan max amount. I can't do PLUS or Private loans and work study doesn't pay upfront....I don't have thousands sitting around to pay for the gap. I have to save just to do the move and not even sure if I can find an affordable apartment in Boston. I was told that apartments are in the $1000-1200 range and if you are lucky wayyyy out in the suburbs maybe $800. Is this true? I'm not old....but too old to live in a house full of students. I've had my share of bad roommates and would like to have a place of my own (have a pet) even if an efficiency.

I'm hoping that Tufts will provide some grants or scholarships based on need. Otherwise, I don't see how I can go. :(

I only received the e-mail regarding the scholarship information too. Most schools I believe are getting their financial aid packages (the need based stuff based on your FAFSA) out late March/early April.

The maximum federal loans available for grad students is about 20K per year, and then you can apply for outside loans or the plus loan if you're credit worthy (I'm not, so that'll be interesting). I'm not sure how much grant money is available to graduate students... I'm hoping some to cover the gap between federal loans and the scholarship. I've been working full time but will be quitting for grad school, so I'm hoping they take that into account when considering my need.

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I was told that apartments are in the $1000-1200 range and if you are lucky wayyyy out in the suburbs maybe $800. Is this true? I'm not old....but too old to live in a house full of students. I've had my share of bad roommates and would like to have a place of my own (have a pet) even if an efficiency.

Not entirely true. A one bedroom in the area will cost you close to a grand, but I've seen some studios in the Mission Hill and Jamaica Plain areas around $800/mo with utilities included (this is important during the winter). I'd recommend looking before August 1, though. A lot of college students move into the Boston area in for the fall and prices do seem to go up a bit.

I've lived in JP for the past few years and love it, but I'll be moving out to the suburbs to live with some friends while in school (my rent is babysitting for them, so SCORE). Jamaica Plain is the best place to live, but there are other affordable neighborhoods not too far away... Dorchester has some nice parts (public transport isn't great though), West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Roslindale... you'd have to take the T or drive in, but it's a lot more reasonable than living in town. Even Quincy and Southie aren't too bad.

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Thanks for the info! I really don't know anything about the area and where to live. I didn't even get to see the city while there for an interview. Everything was so rushed.

I don't have a car so I'll have to rely on public transportation so that's an important factor. $800 is quite a bit for a college student but hopefully I can find decent work (and work study). I have a really good resume but with the economy its a crapshoot. I didn't ask how much work study pays. I know at SAIC its $15 an hour, which is pretty good.

Lucky you for the babysitting deal! Score! :)

Not entirely true. A one bedroom in the area will cost you close to a grand, but I've seen some studios in the Mission Hill and Jamaica Plain areas around $800/mo with utilities included (this is important during the winter). I'd recommend looking before August 1, though. A lot of college students move into the Boston area in for the fall and prices do seem to go up a bit.

I've lived in JP for the past few years and love it, but I'll be moving out to the suburbs to live with some friends while in school (my rent is babysitting for them, so SCORE). Jamaica Plain is the best place to live, but there are other affordable neighborhoods not too far away... Dorchester has some nice parts (public transport isn't great though), West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Roslindale... you'd have to take the T or drive in, but it's a lot more reasonable than living in town. Even Quincy and Southie aren't too bad.

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Thanks for the info! I really don't know anything about the area and where to live. I didn't even get to see the city while there for an interview. Everything was so rushed.

I don't have a car so I'll have to rely on public transportation so that's an important factor. $800 is quite a bit for a college student but hopefully I can find decent work (and work study). I have a really good resume but with the economy its a crapshoot. I didn't ask how much work study pays. I know at SAIC its $15 an hour, which is pretty good.

Lucky you for the babysitting deal! Score! :)

Yeah my friend's already referring to me as the live in nanny haha. I'm depending on a work study gig to cover my car and any other living expenses though.

I think work study pay generally depends on what job you can get. I work at a university right now... the student workers in our office make more than most of the others, but then they do more work than, say, kids sitting around the library all day. I don't think Boston got quite the recession bitchslapping other parts of the country did, so you should be able to find something decent, I think.

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I called the financial aid office--they only offer scholarships for MFA students, not need-based grants. The maximum amount in loans that we are eligible to receive from Tufts is $20,500, and work study is about $2,000, roughly.

Unfortunately, that's not enough to cover the tuition--not to mention living expenses.

At this point, I really don't see how it's possible for me to attend.....

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zaquon, are you going to consider taking out that much in loans? i honestly don't know if i can do it....

If you all got around $10k, consider yourselves very lucky. My scolarship was not so generous.

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I was prepared to take around $50k. I have some money saved. But if I'm in the lowest scholarship tier, I have no faith that I'll get the teaching and second year scholarships that I'd need to keep it under that amount. But yes, I'm prepared to borrow a lot to do this.

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Hmmm...I was thinking it would be a lot more than that in total, once you consider living expenses in addition to tuition. Personally, I would need to borrow 25k each year to reach the roughly 35k tuition. While that's 50k, I also need to support myself during the year, which includes paying rent and all the rest (I think the grad housing was about 15k per year, and this isn't taking into consideration other daily expenses or MFA-related expenses). So that's around at least another 30k I would need to have in addition to the 50k in loans, and honestly, I'm not certain where I'd be getting that money....I have no problem getting a part-time job (obviously, I would have to leave my full-time job), but there's really no certainty that I'd be able to swing it even then.

I was prepared to take around $50k. I have some money saved. But if I'm in the lowest scholarship tier, I have no faith that I'll get the teaching and second year scholarships that I'd need to keep it under that amount. But yes, I'm prepared to borrow a lot to do this.

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has anyone heard of someone being not admitted to SMFA MFA program but then suggested for the Post-bac?

Hmmm...I was thinking it would be a lot more than that in total, once you consider living expenses in addition to tuition. Personally, I would need to borrow 25k each year to reach the roughly 35k tuition. While that's 50k, I also need to support myself during the year, which includes paying rent and all the rest (I think the grad housing was about 15k per year, and this isn't taking into consideration other daily expenses or MFA-related expenses). So that's around at least another 30k I would need to have in addition to the 50k in loans, and honestly, I'm not certain where I'd be getting that money....I have no problem getting a part-time job (obviously, I would have to leave my full-time job), but there's really no certainty that I'd be able to swing it even then.

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has anyone heard of someone being not admitted to SMFA MFA program but then suggested for the Post-bac?

Yes, a good friend of mine, and it looks like he's going to take it. It seems like a pretty good deal...

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Yes, a good friend of mine, and it looks like he's going to take it. It seems like a pretty good deal...

That happened to me last year. I decided not to take it, sometimes I wish I had. But I reapplied this year and got into the MFA.

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I got a $9000 merit scholarship per year for two years, so $18k total if I take it. I lived in Boston when I did my undergrad. I lived in dorms all years except spring semester junior year and had to pay $825 a month in an apartment with 3 other people. Rent is ridonkulous. The summer after my graduation I lived in an apartment with 5 other people and only had to pay $350. that was awesome, altho it meant living with a direct roommate, I was used to it after doing it for all of undergrad. and the apartment was incredibly bad, but hey it was super cheap for Boston.

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Unfortunately with my $10,000 scholarship and full federal loans, it just isn't enough to cover. I can't take out Private Loans because I defaulted and in collections. Parents can't do PLUS. Workstudy doesn't pay upfront.

What happened to the Federal Pell Grant? Weren't there other Grants as well? There were several grant and scholarships available at my undergrad school, of course I graduated 5 years ago... but I really thought there would be more grants available for low-income.

I don't know where I can get the extra 6 K and change to pay (plus moving expenses, deposit and rent for apartment, money for supplies, etc). I would need at least $10 K to scrape by and go. I can't save up that much money within months. I only have enough money to move and save up for the apartment. I'm willing to work full time and do commissions while in school

Studios are incredibly small to work in. For around $36 K you'd think the school would provide slightly larger studios in better condition...considering that most of your time is spent in the studio.

Edited by paint2011
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Federal grants are only available for undergraduates. There is no free federal money for grad students (unfortunately). There are GradPLUS loans, but you have to be eligible (i.e. good credit history). Outside scholarships are your best bet for free money, but at this point, most deadlines have probably passed. Good luck, though–keep looking for scholarships, especially need-based ones.

Unfortunately with my $10,000 scholarship and full federal loans, it just isn't enough to cover. I can't take out Private Loans because I defaulted and in collections. Parents can't do PLUS. Workstudy doesn't pay upfront.

What happened to the Federal Pell Grant? Weren't there other Grants as well? There were several grant and scholarships available at my undergrad school, of course I graduated 5 years ago... but I really thought there would be more grants available for low-income.

I don't know where I can get the extra 6 K and change to pay (plus moving expenses, deposit and rent for apartment, money for supplies, etc). I would need at least $10 K to scrape by and go. I can't save up that much money within months. I only have enough money to move and save up for the apartment. I'm willing to work full time and do commissions while in school

Studios are incredibly small to work in. For around $36 K you'd think the school would provide slightly larger studios in better condition...considering that most of your time is spent in the studio.

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Oh, I assumed Federal grants for available for grad as well. :(

I'm applying for artist grants right now. I wasn't able to find outside scholarships that I could apply for. Everything I found online was targeted toward writing an essay about leadership in your community, changing the world, etc. I couldn't find any just based on an art portfolio. And I'm not a minority student, mother, or whatever else the other scholarships required. I'm registered with FastWeb and a couple other sites and couldn't find anything that I could really apply to.

So I'm applying for artist grants for personal projects....

My parents can't take out Plus loans due to low-income and bad credit history....and also I'm a little too old to ask my parents to take out loans for me anyway.

I'm going to look around online and see if *maybe* there are any scholarships that I could apply to that the deadline hasn't passed. Maybe there are some with an April or May deadline.. ::::crossing fingers::::

Federal grants are only available for undergraduates. There is no free federal money for grad students (unfortunately). There are GradPLUS loans, but you have to be eligible (i.e. good credit history). Outside scholarships are your best bet for free money, but at this point, most deadlines have probably passed. Good luck, though–keep looking for scholarships, especially need-based ones.

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You might want to look at this thread to help you get a better grip on what the overall cost of school will be:

Like many people have said, there's always next year. I know that's not ideal, but saving up to go might make it easier in the long run.

Oh, I assumed Federal grants for available for grad as well. :(

I'm applying for artist grants right now. I wasn't able to find outside scholarships that I could apply for. Everything I found online was targeted toward writing an essay about leadership in your community, changing the world, etc. I couldn't find any just based on an art portfolio. And I'm not a minority student, mother, or whatever else the other scholarships required. I'm registered with FastWeb and a couple other sites and couldn't find anything that I could really apply to.

So I'm applying for artist grants for personal projects....

My parents can't take out Plus loans due to low-income and bad credit history....and also I'm a little too old to ask my parents to take out loans for me anyway.

I'm going to look around online and see if *maybe* there are any scholarships that I could apply to that the deadline hasn't passed. Maybe there are some with an April or May deadline.. ::::crossing fingers::::

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm planning on declining for financial reasons... Plus University of Washington offered me a stellar financial package and has HUGE studios. I think SMFA is a great school, great faculty, great resources, but too expensive!

I'm curious--who here is planning to attend SMFA? Anyone decline?

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