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Professional vs academic references?

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Hey all,

I'm applying to grad school for Fall 2012 (and definitely starting early!) and I'm already trying to figure out what the best thing to do about references is. I'll be applying to MPA's and MA's in International Affairs/Peacebuilding so I'm not sure whether to cheat my application more towards academia or my professional life. A lot of schools seem to ask for three recommendations, and I'm not sure whether to have one professional with two academic, or two professional and one academic.

My references choices are as follows:

Professor A: Internationally recognised, has bounced about to a lot of prestigious universities. Pros: He knows me well, and I was a research assistant for him for 6 months over the summer and he was also the second-reader on my undergrad dissertation. Cons: I'm pretty sure he'll write me a positive reference, but it might be slightly dry.

Professor B: He knows me well, and made reference to me being in the top few percent of students he has taught. Pros: He's a close friend now and I'm pretty sure he'll write me a gushing reference as he knows US universities expect recommenders to be a bit OTT. Cons: Not well known internationally as he does quite specific work.

Professional X: He's the assistant director of a very big/well known international NGO. I interned there for 5 months and undertook a lot of weighty research projects. Pros: On my end of internship he said I was the best intern he'd ever had on my written evaluation, and has kept in touch since I left. I also know he'll send it off promptly. Cons: I was just an intern - not a paid member of staff.

Professional Y: He was the field director of an overseas mission I was on. I was there for 5 months and gradually took on more and more responsibility, eventually training other members of staff. Pros: He's another close friend, and has done the whole grad school thing recently so knows what they're looking for and I did substantive paid work under him. Cons: He was a bit tardy when I asked him to write me a job reference a few months back, so I'm a bit worried it'd be the same thing with grad school.

What do you guys reckon? I'm probably leaning towards using A, B and X, but do you think the fact I was 'just' an intern with my professional experience will hurt me? I'm hoping the fact he's a senior member of staff at a big NGO will outweigh that.

Thanks for any advice!

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I would say A, B and X as well. I don't think the fact that you were an intern will hurt you at all, especially since you were "the best intern he'd ever had." Sounds like you will have some extremely impressive LORs!

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