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History Admissions 2009


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Holy shit. Seriously? In history? Did you post that on the results page? I didn't see it.

Currently crapping myself. Berkeley is my one option where I don't have to haul husband, cat and thousands of books across the country.

Shit shit shit, shit, shit.

Who emailed you? A professor? Barbara? I really want to go to the Obama talk sponsored by history tomorrow night but I don't want to make an ass of myself. I know one of the profs from when he was a grad student, and he's awesome, and I have a total Obama fixation, so. I swear it's not a brownnosing endeavor.

OMG, I'm dying now.

It was from Barbara.

Speaking of which, having communications conducted by a human and not a robot like every other school has already earned Berkeley a thousand points of respect and admiration.

I only applied to major "reach" schools, and was barely in contact with any professors at any of them, so really this was a shock--as would be any future acceptances.

Good luck!

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It was from Barbara.

Speaking of which, having communications conducted by a human and not a robot like every other school has already earned Berkeley a thousand points of respect and admiration.

OK, right? Barbara is absolutely the best. Wrote the most incredibly clear instructions, wrote when our files were complete, gracefully handled that whole Berkeley grad app server meltdown on the deadline - and yeah, that Dec 1 deadline almost killed me - and when I hand-delivered my non-electronic stuff on Dec 1, fifteen minutes before the deadline, because I am SUCH a neurotic freak, she was Zen-like even though she told me she had 95 phone calls that day. Applying to any UC school is like having the IRS give you a colonoscopy. Barbara rules.

If only all departments were like Berkeley's.

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Yikes, I was just accepted to Berkeley after reading on the results page that I really should check my spam. Am breathless! It's been my dream school for years, and I've been applying from overseas as a Peace Corps volunteer so this whole process has been done in a total vacuum (not to mention was fraught with the logistics of applying from a country with a dreadful postal system).

Now I'm hoping I can manage a visit... I've not been in the states for over a year and a half, so it'll be some serious re-entry shock!

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It's sort of a mysterious thing. The e-mail said that they had "strong interest" in my application and they are paying for travel, lodging, and food during the weekend's events. But they also said that they would be making their final admissions decisions soon thereafter. So it's like a combination of Admit Weekend and Applicants' Weekend...

rwcole...Regarding NYU, are you located in the US or international? Just wondering if any international applicants have been invited to the weekend. I'm guessing the cost of a flight might keep the department from inviting international applicants.....or at least that's what I'm hoping. What do you guys think?

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For the people wondering about NYU: I was an applicant last year and the visit day was indeed confusing. I didn't get invited (I'm international) and assumed I wasn't in but actually got in in the end (my would-be advisor called with the news and apologized at the time for the fact that they couldn't invite me to the day!). I do know there were people who were invited who didn't get in in the end. I'm not sure if this is good news or bad (!) and I know its stressful trying to second-guess what the department thinks but thought my experience from last year would help. My boyfriend was in the same situation - he is also an international, also didn't get invited, also ended up getting in and is now at NYU as a PhD student (I'm at a different school). so its really rather confusing! I would say if you go though, it is indeed a good sign - they would only invited people they are really interested in - so make the most of the opportunity to ask lots of questions, get to know professors and eat free food :)

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I'm also applying from overseas, and wasn't invited to NYU weekend. NYU did send me an email saying something about "strongly favoring" my application or something and inviting me to contact faculty that I think are interesting. I also got a call from one of the faculty I'd be working with there... I'm fairly sure it's what they do for us across-the-pond peoples.

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I just got my acceptance to UC-Davis! Pretty excited, but also worried about the clause in the email referencing the precarious shape of California's economy.......

Congrats on the acceptance! Did you get an email from a professor?

I'm beginning to think it's likely I did not get in to UC-Davis now, which is very disappointing, but I'm also beginning to think that the UC system may not be the place to be for the next few years. I applied to a number of UCs because I'm already in California and enjoy living here and have some other constraints that I won't go into here, but imagining that the State of California would have enough foresight to realize that cutting the UC budgets even further will have (very) bad consequences in the long term was apparently a mistake.

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It seems like today is almost as fantastic for acceptances as the other day was horrible for rejections! :D Congrats to all the UC Berkeley, SD and Davis admits! It's nice to read exciting GOOD news. It also appears someone got into Harvard! Are you on here?

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Thank you for responding me to my NYU question:

I am also a int'l student, but currently live in the U.S. Today, I received another email from one of NYU's ADMISSION COMMITTEE!! people who is "very intrigued by" my interests. It was nothing important, she just asked me if I have any questions before coming to NYU for the weekend thing.

NYU is my first choice... I really really hope to get in.

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Finally heard back from Yale. Wait List. I'm starting to worry that the same will happen with other schools, since I didn't get accepted on days when people posted acceptances nor rejected on days when people posted rejections. I realize that's silly, but I cant help concocting ridiculous stories in my head on how this admissions thing works.

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Finally heard back from Yale. Wait List. I'm starting to worry that the same will happen with other schools, since I didn't get accepted on days when people posted acceptances nor rejected on days when people posted rejections. I realize that's silly, but I cant help concocting ridiculous stories in my head on how this admissions thing works.

hey on the bright side, you could have been one of the 10,000 rejections. while I know that that doesn't help much, I think it indicates hope for the rest of your applications...good luck!

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Finally heard back from Yale. Wait List. I'm starting to worry that the same will happen with other schools, since I didn't get accepted on days when people posted acceptances nor rejected on days when people posted rejections. I realize that's silly, but I cant help concocting ridiculous stories in my head on how this admissions thing works.

Don't stress yourself out too much. If you got WLd at Yale, I imagine you'll be in good shape at other programs. Many of us havent heard from most of our schools. You still even have some hope for Yale!

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Also, what the hell is it with people who post "other via other" and ask questions? Are you stupid, or just allergic to simple directions? No one's going to reply. You're just pissing into the wind. Just ask it on the damn forums like everyone else, and stop cluttering up the results page.

Sorry. carry on.

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Slawkenbergius, and for anyone else waiting on UCLA: I don't know what their deal is. I got in last year but wayyyy later than a ton of other people (I think I heard at the end of February). Although: I got no funding, for whatever that may or may not be worth. People seemed to hear at all kinds of different times, with no apparent rhyme or reason with respect to admission/rejection. And this was all via website.

I hope you start getting responses soon, slawkenbergius, but for what it's worth I gather that for UCLA at least, you can't worry about not having heard back yet. Or at least you should try not to worry. Good luck!

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I've heard UCLA is a zoo anyway and that their history grad students are generally not well supported or as happy as in other departments, but I would love if a current UCLA student (or anyone else) could correct me on this. I've applied there as well, but they have made their way to the bottom of my list as far as interest/excitement in attending.

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Slawkenbergius, and for anyone else waiting on UCLA: I don't know what their deal is. I got in last year but wayyyy later than a ton of other people (I think I heard at the end of February). Although: I got no funding, for whatever that may or may not be worth. People seemed to hear at all kinds of different times, with no apparent rhyme or reason with respect to admission/rejection. And this was all via website.

I hope you start getting responses soon, slawkenbergius, but for what it's worth I gather that for UCLA at least, you can't worry about not having heard back yet. Or at least you should try not to worry. Good luck!

Thanks. I'm not really worried about UCLA--it isn't a priority for me, I just felt like I needed to apply because it's the best 18th century program in the country. Something did feel kind of messy and annoying about the application process for that school, but I can't put my finger on it.

As for the rest, meh. I'm perfectly happy going to Indiana (even if I'm a bit unsure about their placement record); Princeton is my dream school, but it won't notify until late February anyway.

EDIT: Oops, I thought you were synthla.

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To the person wondering about Emory on the results board - I got an email from them on Monday morning notifying me that I had been accepted with full funding and have been invited to a visit for accepted students the last weekend in February. The email said that they'd had a much larger and stronger pool of applicants this year.

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To the person wondering about Emory on the results board - I got an email from them on Monday morning notifying me that I had been accepted with full funding and have been invited to a visit for accepted students the last weekend in February. The email said that they'd had a much larger and stronger pool of applicants this year.

Congrats on your acceptance and thanks for the info.

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