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History Admissions 2009


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BU told me that my application was in the batch that's being considered now, but they haven't made a decision since the 10th it seem. (They post a complete list of applications without names on their site, it's kind of interesting to look at. Not the best for privacy though, since reccomenders names and school names are listed.)

Where is that?

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It was--thanks! Although after Harvard, everything seems kind of anticlimactic...

I think Princeton will notify admits this week and rejects the next, based on last year's results. That should be interesting.

Great job slawkenbergius; you are fairly much rolling through admissions so far. I'm glad I'm not directly competing with you in more schools. :) Although honestly, I wish I'd applied to more east coast schools now... I had no idea how badly the economic situation was going to impact the UCs. One would think that California would be reluctant to let the UC system follow so many other formerly great aspects of California down the tubes, but no such wisdom prevails here.

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I just looked it up out of curiosity. This seems like a terrible idea, even if it doesn't give any substantial information. Is it that hard to have your application status password protected like everywhere else?

Interesting reading. Saw an applicant from my small undergrad school, so it was intriguing to see who was writing for the nameless applicant. But yes, I think I'd be unhappy if my information, anonymous or not, was on a public webpage. Other than this one of course.

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Saw an applicant from my small undergrad school, so it was intriguing to see who was writing for the nameless applicant. But yes, I think I'd be unhappy if my information, anonymous or not, was on a public webpage. Other than this one of course.

I also saw an applicant from my very small undergrad school on there. I could probably figure who it was out if I tried hard enough.

That table seems like a very handy, simple INTERNAL way to know at a glance everyone's statuses (although if it was internal they could also have applicants' names on there). But I really don't think it's such a good idea to have it out there on the public Internets...

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Interesting reading. Saw an applicant from my small undergrad school, so it was intriguing to see who was writing for the nameless applicant. But yes, I think I'd be unhappy if my information, anonymous or not, was on a public webpage. Other than this one of course.

That is weird. Super unorthodox.

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Great job slawkenbergius; you are fairly much rolling through admissions so far. I'm glad I'm not directly competing with you in more schools. :) Although honestly, I wish I'd applied to more east coast schools now... I had no idea how badly the economic situation was going to impact the UCs. One would think that California would be reluctant to let the UC system follow so many other formerly great aspects of California down the tubes, but no such wisdom prevails here.

All I can say is, it helps to have academic parents willing to hold your hand through the whole process...

But yeah, the Republicans in your state senate are kamikaze, it's scary. Still, there are hardly any schools which haven't been hit--my undergrad lost 30% of its endowment or something. Definitely enough woe to go around.

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Argh, STILL waiting, and fighting the urge to call or email. It's frustrating, knowing that someone heard from Northwestern last week, but I still haven't heard anything from them myself, nor have I seen anything else up on the results board :(

Anyone else having trouble getting their work done this week? I'm so distracted!

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Argh, STILL waiting, and fighting the urge to call or email. It's frustrating, knowing that someone heard from Northwestern last week, but I still haven't heard anything from them myself, nor have I seen anything else up on the results board :(

Anyone else having trouble getting their work done this week? I'm so distracted!

Yeah. Pretty much nothing is getting done. Northwestern seems to be holding their cards particularly close. Kieckhefer and Elliott have been very friendly in e-mails (Elliott went so far as to say that she "enjoyed" reading my file - God only knows what that means), but not very forthcoming about the process. That said, I've been abiding by the unspoken rule that I shouldn't ask direct questions about my application status.

At first I thought this rolling admissions concept was great, but now I wish we just had a firm date on which results would be released.

Good luck with the waiting!

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Regarding Northwestern - Newman indicated in the email I received from her last week that the history department would be making final decisions this week, so hang in there!

Thanks! I know I'll hear eventually either way, but hoo boy, the wait is killing me! I guess there's no reason to keep compulsively checking this week. Better get back to work on the thesis!

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Congrats on the acceptance to Princeton! I'm waiting to hear back as well, but I won't be too surprised if they don't take me.

slawkenbergius--have you received a definate yes/no from JHU yet? I was just curious because you have it listed on your rejected/probably rejected column. I know they notified some candidates a few weeks ago. I haven't heard anything, either good news or bad. Does that mean it's probably a rejection?

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