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History Admissions 2009


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Haven't heard anything from Temple. Last time I got my acceptance on the TUPortal.

TUPortal? The only thing I have a username and password for at temple is the applications site as far as I know...

Edit: Apprentely I should have gotten a username password for TUPortal but I somehow didn't. I called the computer help desk and they helped me get one. Still no decision from Temple, but at least now I know the right site to check for one. Thanks!

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TUPortal? The only thing I have a username and password for at temple is the applications site as far as I know...

Edit: Apprentely I should have gotten a username password for TUPortal but I somehow didn't. I called the computer help desk and they helped me get one. Still no decision from Temple, but at least now I know the right site to check for one. Thanks!

That's because I applied before they set up the new system. They gave me an old system password. I also have a new system account. I've been checking both, to no avail :)

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i got into pitt! the director of grad studies emailed me. a first year arts & sciences fellowship with no teaching requirements, a fourth year social science doctoral dissertation fellowship with no teaching requirements, and three years of a teaching fellowship (2nd, 3rd, and 5th years).

i am really excited. pitt was one of my top choices and definitely the best "fit" out of any school that i applied to. i'mma go do a happy dance now. :D

Congrats! Me too! Did your email say that they admitted you to the MA program or the MA/PhD program?

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Congrats! Me too! Did your email say that they admitted you to the MA program or the MA/PhD program?

nice! congratulations to you too!

it said the MA program, but it also said that i was getting 5 years of funding and the doctoral dissertation fellowship, so i assumed that meant i was in for the PhD program. i think the way pitt works is they admit you to the MA program and as you're finishing your courses, they admit you to the PhD.

now i'll have to double check... but i imagine it's the MA/PhD if they've laid out a 5 year funding package.

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nice! congratulations to you too!

it said the MA program, but it also said that i was getting 5 years of funding and the doctoral dissertation fellowship, so i assumed that meant i was in for the PhD program. i think the way pitt works is they admit you to the MA program and as you're finishing your courses, they admit you to the PhD.

now i'll have to double check... but i imagine it's the MA/PhD if they've laid out a 5 year funding package.

whew okay - i was confused and got kind of nervous that i only applied to the ma program. let me know what they tell you :)

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Columbia is having its accepted students' weekend starting on sunday. From communications with the director of history graduate admissions it seems like things are a bit of a mess there. I think they're trying really hard to figure out the implications of the financial meltdown on their incoming cohort (of 20 students). Now, I don't know if that means they have sent out all their acceptances - but I have heard from three people who got in.

Anyone else beginning to feel like they're in some strange limbo? Rumor has it the Columbia and Cornell have already contacted all their accepted and waitlisted students, and Columbia seems to have sent out email rejections while Cornell has mailed out theirs, but I still haven't heard from either! If you're going to reject me, just reject me already!

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Anyone else beginning to feel like they're in some strange limbo? Rumor has it the Columbia and Cornell have already contacted all their accepted and waitlisted students, and Columbia seems to have sent out email rejections while Cornell has mailed out theirs, but I still haven't heard from either! If you're going to reject me, just reject me already!

I will trade you my rejection for at least the faint glimmer of hope you still have. It appeared something like a mass rejection yesterday - that you weren't included in it probably ought to be read as a good sign.

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I got my official Duke rejection email today and after months of waiting finally called and got my rejection over the phone from Ohio State.

Temple people: Is your tuportal page updated? Mine was never updated to show all my materials were in. Has your page changed at all?

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I got my official Duke rejection email today and after months of waiting finally called and got my rejection over the phone from Ohio State.

Temple people: Is your tuportal page updated? Mine was never updated to show all my materials were in. Has your page changed at all?

I think I'll go ahead and email the grad secretary to get my rejection. They are really making me mad with this no notifying policy they seem to have. Per the forums, it seems that it was the case last year as well.

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hey ironduke, i applied for south asian history as well. and from the look of things, we both applied to similar places. so far, i've been waitlisted at emory and at cornell, with rejections from everywhere else. sadly, i only have harvard and nyu left to hear back from, and it seems like they've already sent out their acceptances. could i ask as to what your field is within south asia?

Well, I'm waiting for NYU as well...I have no idea when they will notify, or if they've already taken someone for South Asia (I assume they don't have many applicants since it's a brand new field, so this long wait is a bit strange). At Harvard I actually applied under British history with an imperial focus, but I was told I could work closely or even within South Asia. So I can't exactly tell you when or how they notify people who applied under South Asia. You asked to work with Bose, right?

My own interests are social/cultural (early 19th century Hindi popular press, social reform movements) and also economic (from the agrarian/environmental angle), but all mainly North India and all focused on the early period of British colonisation.

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@riddimorrhyme: its good to hear that you haven't from Harvard (South Asia) as yet because i was getting pretty sure that my roommates had misplaced the rejection letter. i'm not expecting it but then again who doesn't hope?

Does that mean you applied for South Asia as well? Wow, I really didn't think that there'd be so many applicants in this field.

Well, I'm waiting for NYU as well...I have no idea when they will notify, or if they've already taken someone for South Asia (I assume they don't have many applicants since it's a brand new field, so this long wait is a bit strange). At Harvard I actually applied under British history with an imperial focus, but I was told I could work closely or even within South Asia. So I can't exactly tell you when or how they notify people who applied under South Asia. You asked to work with Bose, right?

My own interests are social/cultural (early 19th century Hindi popular press, social reform movements) and also economic (from the agrarian/environmental angle), but all mainly North India and all focused on the early period of British colonisation.

I did indeed apply to work with Bose. My proposed project was (operative verb tense, as it's all over now) on oceanic travelogues from early colonialism.

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does anyone know what's up with Chicago? Every day I check the post, expecting my rejection letter, but it hasn't come.

My faculty contact there just told me that their accepted students event starts on Monday.

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I got my official Duke rejection email today and after months of waiting finally called and got my rejection over the phone from Ohio State.

Temple people: Is your tuportal page updated? Mine was never updated to show all my materials were in. Has your page changed at all?

My page was updated from the start, but my applyyourself page hasn't been updated. Nothing has changed on the portal since the time I made application though. It indicates that I applied in Jan, when in fact I applied in Oct.

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Wow, really? I guess the rejection letter should be in the mail. :(

I was also told that they ended up making 20 offers this year, aiming for a cohort of only 11. That's a pretty severe cut, if that's true. :|

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my anxiety overcame my good sense, and I e-mailed the grad director at Ohio State. they haven't finished making decisions yet, and won't be done until next week, so if you haven't heard, don't panic yet.

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I e-mailed the admissions administrator at Columbia GSAS, and was told I would receive a decision via e-mail within a week. When I called the department itself, the administrator said that she thought a lot of FedEx and e-mail notifications have already gone out. Since I haven't gotten any FedEx package, I assume I've been rejected, but it would be good to know for sure. My spring break starts in a week, and I was planning on visiting any East Coast places I got accepted to then. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from Columbia, Rutgers, Maryland, and George Washington, so I don't have arrangements to visit the East Coast. At this point I'm pretty sure I'll end up at UCLA (or maybe USC, if I get accepted) regardless. My family and my SO's family is on the West Coast, mostly in California, and staying in the LA area just makes the most sense for the both of us. UCLA is probably the perfect academic fit anyway.

Congrats to everyone who's heard good news recently, and good luck to all of us who are still waiting for decisions.

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Congratulations on South Carolina! Congrats also to everybody else who has received good news this week. It is definitely a much tougher year for grad admissions than usual so every admission is reason for celebration!

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