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Help me decide what to do this summer?


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I'm finishing up the first year of my PhD program, and I cannot for the life of me decide which of these two options I should do this summer:

1) take an intensive class in one of the languages I need to learn. If I don't learn this language this summer, I'll need to either wait until next summer or make room in my schedule during the school year (definitely possible, but not ideal). I came into the program with less language experience than is recommended (although my program is obviously aware of this), so I'm a little anxious about fulfilling my requirements in time.

2) get field experience abroad doing something related to, but not required for, my degree. I've been really wanting to get hands-on experience doing this for years, but it hasn't been financially possible until this particular opportunity arose. I'd get more face time with certain professors I'd like to work with in the future if I choose this, plus some much-needed time away from my university.

My advisor is pushing me slightly toward staying here and taking the language class (if he were more adamant, the decision would be made). My mom and friends are pulling pretty hard for option #2 because I'm more passionate about it-- but then, they're not in academia. I really need to make a definite decision. Strangers on the internet, do you have any advice?

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I'd vote for option 1). You'll need to get the language experience anyway, and it's hard to do that during the school year. Also, it's never a great idea to go against your advisor's wishes without a very compelling reason (and to me, the case you've made for option 2) isn't all that compelling- it's just something you'd like to do).

Too bad you don't have the option of combining 1) and 2). I am actually doing a summer language program abroad in the country where I plan to do my dissertation fieldwork, so it's a pretty sweet deal.

Hope your summer turns out well, no matter what you do!

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I'd do the field experience and make room in my schedule to do the language in the fall. I'm all about getting professional experiences that may lead to other opportunities down the line. However, the caveat is that I am in a field that doesn't require languages and so I don't know how hard or easy it is to pick up that language during the year.

I don't know if Rosetta Stone would work because it emphasizes speaking and listening, and most of the time in grad programs when you need languages you need reading.

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