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Thanks for pointing that out, Uncle! For convenience, here's a dIrect Link to text of Obama's speech this morning:

http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsi ... -ac-2.html

You'll need to be on your school network so you can get into sciencemag.

Here's the part of his speech where he references GRFP:

"My budget also triples the number of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships. This program was created as part of the Space Race five decades ago. In the decades since, it

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OK, I went balls-out (pretty good for someone with no balls, huh!) and emailed William Hahn, director of GRFP. See text below. No new information except that the tripling of fellows Obama referenced doesn't seem related to this year's number of awards at all. Mr. Hahn seems like a really nice guy though, and he responded to me, a lowly grad student pestering him, in about 2 minutes without telling me to f-off. Honestly, I am impressed. I also emailed him a week ago begging to know if I was going to get an award because I had to decide whether or not to take my second-choice RA at my university. He gave me personal advice and was really nice. He wouldn't tell me jack squat about the numbers or my standing though so I guess I don't recommend emailing him.


Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:45:34 -0600

From: "Hahn, William J."

Subject: RE: Obama's address to the Academy of Sciences

The FY09 budget was, in part, from the last administration (ARRA

excepted). The "budget" referred to in this speech is, essentially, that

for FY10 and for the next few years. As to the FY09 budget, yes, it has

been passed and appropriated but the actual final spending plan for

different agencies are not completely finalized.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 1:39 PM

To: Hahn, William J.

Subject: Obama's address to the Academy of Sciences

Dear Mr. Hahn,

As I'm sure you know, President Obama addressed the National Academy of

Sciences this morning. Regarding the GRFP, he said

"My budget also triples the number of National Science Foundation

graduate research fellowships. This program was created as part of the

Space Race five decades ago. In the decades since, it's remained largely

the same size - even as the numbers of students who seek these

fellowships has skyrocketed. We ought to be supporting these young

people who are pursuing scientific careers, not putting obstacles in

their path."

As far as I understand, the president was referring to his FY09 budget,

which was passed by congress already. I feel a little naive asking this,

but if the President of the United States said that he allocated money

to triple the number of GRFs, then why is there still confusion over the

number? And why is everyone saying there will be nothing close to a

tripling at all?

Thank you very much,

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NSF on twitter replies to my request about "finalizing the budget plan" (something that apparently needs to happen before GRFP can even get a number):

"@HigginsTheBrave Our FY09 and ARRA budget plans have been sent to the Hill for approval. We await reply by letter, there will be no vote."

Great, so now we have to add three MORE days to the timeframe that doesn't exist to account for USPS and then mailroom sorting.

This reminds me of "Where in the world and when in time is Stephen Colbert?"

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Here's the latest unsubstantiated rumor: a faculty member in my dept who does reviewing for the NSF (not sure if for the GRFP or for other awards) asked around last week and heard that the projected timeline for the additional awards is "early May". I know this is no more detailed than anything else we've heard, but for me it indicates that we won't hear anything this week either. Maybe by the end of next week? And this is pretty much verbatim what I hear so no, I can't elaborate my sources, though I trust that this person did actually hear this.

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maybe we already have swine flu and these pages are just symptoms of our influenza-generated delusions .. . . :cry:

:mrgreen: actually, i'm off to mexico in a couple weeks, so i'll answer the question: what's more likely? a final list from nsf or contracting swine flu? (sample size=1).

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Which is worse? Swine flu or waiting to hear from NSF?

I'm going to say the flu is worse... and this is from someone waiting for the NSF who had a lab mate come in with a fever... but he tried to play it off as "okay" b/c he had a mask on... yeah.

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