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Is everybody else getting tired of the NSF GRFP website telling us they have no idea when they will announce the list and put us out of our misery? Really, no idea? Tomorrow, next week, June, the 12th of never? :::sigh:::


I just find it more than mildly ironic that a group which is entrusted with the job of deciding who has their shizz together enough to trust with a bunch of money doesn't have their own shizz together.


A fragment from Obama's speech to the National Academy of Sciences.

"My budget also triples the number of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships. (Applause.) This program was created as part of the space race five decades ago. In the decades since, it's remained largely the same size -- even as the numbers of students who seek these fellowships has skyrocketed. We ought to be supporting these young people who are pursuing scientific careers, not putting obstacles in their path."

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl ... 96221.html

A fragment from Obama's speech to the National Academy of Sciences.

"My budget also triples the number of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships. (Applause.) This program was created as part of the space race five decades ago. In the decades since, it's remained largely the same size -- even as the numbers of students who seek these fellowships has skyrocketed. We ought to be supporting these young people who are pursuing scientific careers, not putting obstacles in their path."

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl ... 96221.html

Self-assemble, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but not this year. Go to page 174 of this thread and read Higgins_the_Brave's post.

I don't think it's their fault really. I'm sure they're doing a lot of waiting on various approvals.

I wasn't assigning fault; merely noting dryly humorous circumstances.


A new update--this one's even more dismal!

For those applicants still waiting for notification of their 2009 applications, we regret that we do not currently have a timeframe for those notifications. Until decisions have been made regarding additional awards that will be offered this year, we will not be able to estimate when notifications will be sent.

As soon as we have a timeframe for notifications, we will update this page.

A new update--this one's even more dismal!

That just looks like a form letter they've probably been sending out for weeks now. I think we've all kind of given up - it's strange. I've been half celebrating in my head for weeks now. We know we at least got HM, which is party-worthy. But don't quite know how much to celebrate in case we got the fellowship. So party half of the brain is going "WHOOO!!!" and common sense part of the brain has been going "SHHHHH! not yet..." and so the excitement has been half as intense and twice as long. But then when the notice comes I'll already be partied out - I've already celebrated. So it's kind of a thrill rip off, huh? Like that roller coaster that looks more fun in line than the 5 seconds of it actually is.

When I find out either way, I've already gone through all the simulations, so the magic will be gone. Maybe that's a good thing though...

So it's kind of a thrill rip off, huh? Like that roller coaster that looks more fun in line than the 5 seconds of it actually is.

When I find out either way, I've already gone through all the simulations, so the magic will be gone. Maybe that's a good thing though...

That's exactly how I feel. I never celebrated, really, even though an HM is prestigious as well. I was holding off, just borderline excited, until we got notice. But now it's been almost three weeks, and the shine is rubbing off. When I eventually hear anything, whatever the result, my reaction may likely be "oh, that's nice." We deserve better than that, we all deserve a party!


a LIMBO PARTY, perhaps?

Higgins, it's a shame we all live scattered, or I would certainly suggest a mess limbo party! (if we ever get word, that is)


I'm going to contribute something of worth to this forum (which is odd, I know).

I just spoke with my advisor, who I would say has an excellent-to-phenomenal familiarity with the NSF and its associated red tape.

He told me the NSF will know exactly how much money is coming in on May 15. God knows how long it's going to them to figure out who gets GRFs, but it's definitely going to be after then. Any PIs who have resubmitted proposals are likely to hear within that same timeframe.


"Limbo, party of 2000. Your table will be ready in 2 weeks from 2 weeks from 2 weeks. . . ."

i finally told my advisor this week. i wasn't going to say anything until i'd heard one way or the other, but i figured this has dragged on so long, he might as well know.


I called the NSF GFRP office today to ask about what was going on. They told me they still have no new information and will update the website when they do have more. The lady on the phone was able to tell me that the for those who are funded, the funding starts on June 1st so I guess we could consider that the absolute last day we could find out. Which is unfortunate because my advisor told me yesterday he can't pay for me this summer and I have to decide on whether to try to join another group for this summer or sit on my ass and just hope the NSF solves all my problems.


Sorry to be the bearer of gloom, but to be honest, I doubt that we can even consider June 1 the last day. If they haven't figured it out by then, they may just disburse funding at a later date for the 2nd round awardees. But I hope hope hope that we will know before June. :(


ok, i'm sorry but I just have to get this out somewhere; and I'm sure none of you care but I think it will make me feel better to complain.

I just found out that winning a GRFP is now officially my only chance to join the lab that's doing research I care about. I have 2 "back up" labs but they both are studying an entirely different topic... not a bad topic, and Its not that I don't want to be there but It's just not my favorite thing... and I just don't really want to work on it for 5 years. The only thing is that everyone else in my class is already chosing their labs and every day that goes by I feel like my "back-up labs" are becoming more aware that they are clearly not my first choice or else I would have chosen one of them by now. becasue... I know they're willing to take me and they know that I know that so every day that I don't officially join (IE sign our "official grad student-PI contract") I feel they're becoming more aware that I must not REALLY want to be there. Everybody knows that a graduate student is a huge investment and are they really going to want to make that investment in someone who they think isn't positively thrilled to be there???

And I know, I know, we have no right to complain, I'm proud to even be considered and I honestly think It would be the happiest day of my life if I get this fellowship. It will be the difference between me loving what I do vs. having to force myself to care... everyone knows grad students have to pull 16 hour days and I'm fine with that... but 16 hours feels a whole hell of a lot longer when you don't care about what you're working on.

And the isn't the WHOLE POINT of the GRFP to give students the freedom of what they want to work on and now while I try to wait to see if I'm to be granted that freedom I'm actually jeopardizing the possiblity of getting into ANY lab.

so what do I do? Sign the contract that straps me into a lab that isn't my first choice? What happens if I sign the contract and then actually do get the GRFP after it's too late to join the lab doing the research that I love? Do I not sign the contract and keep putting it off? The absolute and final deadline is June 6th but 90% of my class has already committed to a lab, so I'm worried that sooner or later my back-up labs are going to decide they're better off just waiting until they can get someone who actually wants to be there.

and belieeeeeeeve me, I KNOW that I have no right to complain and I know it won't help anything and I appreciate very much the fact that we're still in the running.... and I know that they could just say "fine, nobody gets anything, we'll save it until next year" but I am at the point where I honestly can barely take it anymore and I just had to get my frustration out somewhere. The prospect of this continuing until june makes me feel like I'm going to puke.

that is all. I'm going to go home where I can have a good cry in peace.


Wow, BioMedSciMed, that just sucks. Sorry to hear about your situation. I wish I had advice.

You can't decide on your own project if you go with another lab? I know zilch about your program, but in mine, if you have a good advisor, you come up with your own project which can be totally different, but related in some way, to their work. Of course, you can get into a lab where the professor wants you to basically research what they tell you to research, well, that happens too.

Good luck hanging in there and I hope you hear really soon.


I said i wouldn't post here anymore, but a curious visit back here has made me realize how insane this place has gotten. Posters are still clinging to hope, when it's just not a good idea. It serves to set yourself up for bitter dissapointment and frustration down the road, instead of pleasant surprise. It's better to forget about this, and move on. Go with the 2nd choice lab. Perhaps more important than your interests, is your relationship with your PI. I'm in a similar position as you. Except, if I don't get a fellowship, I don't have any labs to join, as funding for structural engineering has dried up (this is at a top school too, it makes me wonder how the grant funding situation is at other schools). I've already resigned to the fact that I'm not getting it, and have started preparing for my summer internship (where I need to do well to get a job). Be very happy you even have the option to continue on for a Ph.D.



This is my first time applying for the GRF and the last year I am eligible. So I will offer you some advice because hindsight is 50:50. You may ignore it if it is not helpful to you. Wait until everything falls into place. If you get the GRF congrats and go to your first choice lab. If not wait until next year. This probably seems awful because all of your friends are going to grad school or have a life plan or whatever, but so what? One year of the freedom to do what you want isn't as terrifying as it sounds (I have no data to support this, in fact it may be exactly as terrifying as it sounds). BUT 5 years spending 70+ hours a week on something that you are not totally committed to is much worse. If you cannot get excited about joining one of the other labs, don't. It looks like next year there will be a lot more money for science (thanks Obama!) and the labs you apply to might have better funding and the GRF might have more funding too. So if funding (or lack of) makes going to your first choice lab infeasible, take the time to have fun, travel, visit friends or family, and all that other stuff you won't have time to do once you're in grad school :D

Best of luck!

http://www.nsfgrfp.org is down, clearly this means something and we should all get our hopes up.


i'm in the process of submitting a TA application for the quarter that i'll have to do that next year. i'm still assuming an HM and an award would just be gravy.

. . . a really big, expensive pile of gravy.

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