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was hoping that every day that went by that I was NOT notified was a good sign. But I guess not?

I consider myself something of a NSF result notification hobbyist... A few years ago someone uploaded two copies of their personal statement, omitting the research proposal by accident:

Sinking feeling develops as I read my ratings sheet, seeing "uploaded wrong file" and "missing Research Plan." I look at my submitted application, and my personal statement is there in place of my research plan. On a brighter note, my broader impacts were both 'Excellent.'

Despite the obvious DQ, menzies was notified on the same day as everyone else. Ineligible applications are supposedly notified sometime between November and February, but evidently not always. Otherwise we all hear back on the same day...and apparently that's what's meant by "as promptly as possible."

::giggle:: menses...

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Ineligible applications are supposedly notified sometime between November and February, but evidently not always. Otherwise we all hear back on the same day...and apparently that's what's meant by "as promptly as possible."

Yeah, the man on the phone at their offices said that the ineligible people had already been notified, and that everyone else, regardless of whether they won or not, would be notified by email at the same time and date. On the downside, though, he also said that it would be early April this year, and almost certainly not in March.

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This was just sent out over the National Scholarship listserv:

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). We are still waiting to

find out exactly how many awards will be made. We actually would expect

the announcement date to be either the very end (31 March) or, more

likely, early April. It is almost certain that the awards will not be

finalized next week.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free

at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at



GRF Operations Center

1818 N Street NW

Suite T-50

Washington, DC 20036-2479

Website: www.fastlane.nsf.gov/grfp/


Good luck waiting, guys!

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Did anyone else notice this page showing that the NSF's EHR got a cool $50 million more than they requested for the 2009 budget? The GRFP accounts for ~20% of the EHR budget so maybe we will see some of that surplus. Since the budget request included a 33% increase in GRFP funding, I guess we're guaranteed some more awards this year?

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I don't think it would be wise for NSF to just start handing out awards all willy-nilly. We have to be brutally honest with ourselves and realize that some proposals don't get funded for a reason. To lower the bar because NSF has some cash laying around would be detrimental to the award itself. Just my .02.

edit: I'm sure I'll eat my words when I don't get funded.

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I don't really think that the increase in funded proposals really translates to "willy nilly" funding... Only the top 10% of people who apply are funded currently (as is my understanding), so even an increase to the top 20% of proposals being funded would still be guaranteeing good projects. It would decrease the prestige of the fellowship a bit, but I think it would help more than it hurts. Additionally, just because NSF doesn't fund a project doesn't mean its not going to be done (I'm still doing my research no matter what - just determines if I can eat regularly or not ^_^). So those projects that are not funded for a reason would likely still fall below the 20% mark and would likely be partly funded by the home institution anyway.

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more money for GRFP awards could mean a larger number of absolute awards, but wouldn't necessarily raise the percentage of successful applications if more people applied overall. I know a couple people who are leaning towards staying in school for another degree mostly because they don't want to have to search for a job just yet; does anybody know if more people head to grad school in hard economic times? I remember seeing a phdcomics that showed that the number of engineering phd students varied roughly monotonically with unemployment.... and if people do head to grad school more in hard times, there might be more GRFP applicants overall.

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While I think that would be the case for subsequent years, I don't think this year had an increased number of applicants - meaning a higher percentage of successful applications. I do remember seeing the same phdcomic about that, which might explain why the government is dumping more money into research - woot! Next year, will probably see more applicants if there are increased number of funded individuals, evening it all out again.

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I'm not hacking anything. I'm just editing the html file to allow me to see what's already there (albeit poorly hidden); nothing more, nothing less. The trick is explained in the previous year's thread if you are interested.

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It's just a facade. Even after they put the info onto their server, the "default" award list won't be populated until they change the html to allow "2009" to appear in the drop-down menu. Point is, you catch them in between.

It may not work, but it did last year. It gives me something to do. ;-)

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Arghhh...How much more do we have to wait??

Has anyone look at those budget reports from NSF to see if there is something regarding the GRFP?

The last one I saw was from March 18, but there was nothing relevant there.

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