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Is anybody else in limbo becoming progressively more insane as the days go by? Last year I was flat-out rejected so I was not expecting very much this year. However, now that I know that I have a shot at an award, however small, I find myself fantasizing about how great it would be to win it. I feel like Icarus -- the closer I get to the sun the faster my wings are going to melt and the harder that crash is going to be! Yet the temptation is too great to resist.

Yeah, that's me. When I was certain I'd get a rejection it wasn't so bad. Now that they are saying it's either an HM or a cash award, I find myself very impatient and dreaming about what i would/could do with that funding. The first thing I'd do is give away all my ramen noodles :D

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No further information regarding the selection of additional awardees is available beyond what is posted on the Fastlane website.

We can say that the current 950 awardees are from all 32 disciplinary panels, and are more or less a proportional distribution of awards to each panel. We do not know if any additional awards will be distributed in proportion to the applicant pool as divided into the disciplinary panels, or if more awards will be offered in certain disciplines than others.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center

1818 N Street NW

Suite T-50

Washington, DC 20036-2479

got that today

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No further information regarding the selection of additional awardees is available beyond what is posted on the Fastlane website.

We can say that the current 950 awardees are from all 32 disciplinary panels, and are more or less a proportional distribution of awards to each panel. We do not know if any additional awards will be distributed in proportion to the applicant pool as divided into the disciplinary panels, or if more awards will be offered in certain disciplines than others.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center

1818 N Street NW

Suite T-50

Washington, DC 20036-2479

got that today

Wow, how did you get that?

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Is anybody else in limbo becoming progressively more insane as the days go by? Last year I was flat-out rejected so I was not expecting very much this year. However, now that I know that I have a shot at an award, however small, I find myself fantasizing about how great it would be to win it. I feel like Icarus -- the closer I get to the sun the faster my wings are going to melt and the harder that crash is going to be! Yet the temptation is too great to resist.

totally feeling more anxious, but I think in a good, but frustrating way. I'm pretty stoked to have gotten HM my first time applying (I didn't even have time to have anyone give me feedback on my proposal), so I'm considering funding to be an unlikely lottery win. But I still JUST WANT TO KNOW DAMMIT!!! :?

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I just looked at the three DDIG offers that have been posted so far this year. Two of them are up near $15,000, which is a definite increase in funding. Last year, the max awards given were at $12,000. Let's hope the free flowing money trickles down to us!

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NEW INFO for us all to analyze every word of!!

I sent the following email today:

"Thank you for the reply. Currently, www.nsfgrfp.org states "two weeks" as the approximate timeframe for further awards, and many people say that they have called the NSF helpline and heard tomorrow (Friday) as the release date. Can you confirm either of these sources?

Thank you,

Higgins the (increasingly less) Brave"

I received the following in response a few minutes ago:

"Dear Higgins the (increasingly less) Brave",

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

The helpdesk staff here were told around the beginning of April that NSF hoped to send all awards out by the end of this week. However, that was under what turned out to be an optimistic expectation that they would have decided on the additional awardees before this week. That decision has not taken place. Therefore, we can definitively state that no announcements will be forthcoming this week.

At this time, we have been told that additional awards may be announced within the next two weeks. We certainly hope to be able to notify applicants within that timeframe. However, the 'two weeks' timeframe should not be taken as an absolute deadline.

We understand that all the remaining applicants are anxious to know the results of their application, and we will make every effort to notify you as soon as possible after the additional award situation is decided. We sincerely appreciate your patience.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center "

MORE WAITING! :D *barfs*

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Ok that's it. We're never going to hear. I would just try and forget about it for awhile, but it's hard when my adviser asks me EVERY DAY if I've heard any news. I quit.

Yeah, this forum is officially the most depressing place in the world to hang out. I think we should all leave this forum and go have a fun weekend. I think I'll sign off at 3:00 when my class starts and not check back until Monday evening. Good luck to everybody and I hope we all manage to stay happy and productive despite being in limbo!

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Ok that's it. We're never going to hear. I would just try and forget about it for awhile, but it's hard when my adviser asks me EVERY DAY if I've heard any news. I quit.

At least your advisor talks to you and knows you applied and are in limbo... I think my advisor might remember I applied. Just trying to help you look on the bright side of things. :D

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"Dear Higgins the (increasingly less) Brave",

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

The helpdesk staff here were told around the beginning of April that NSF hoped to send all awards out by the end of this week. However, that was under what turned out to be an optimistic expectation that they would have decided on the additional awardees before this week. That decision has not taken place. Therefore, we can definitively state that no announcements will be forthcoming this week.

At this time, we have been told that additional awards may be announced within the next two weeks. We certainly hope to be able to notify applicants within that timeframe. However, the 'two weeks' timeframe should not be taken as an absolute deadline.

We understand that all the remaining applicants are anxious to know the results of their application, and we will make every effort to notify you as soon as possible after the additional award situation is decided. We sincerely appreciate your patience.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center "

Dangit! I was really hoping there may be an end in sight. At this point, I wonder if NSF will mark down their published release date as April 10th or whatever day (probably in May) that they publish our results. I'm sure it will be the earlier one so that they don't look as bad, considering they said mid March. Hooray for the latest release date in the history of the award!

At least it most likely means a decent number of additional awards! :)

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Yeah, this forum is officially the most depressing place in the world to hang out. I think we should all leave this forum and go have a fun weekend. I think I'll sign off at 3:00 when my class starts and not check back until Monday evening. Good luck to everybody and I hope we all manage to stay happy and productive despite being in limbo!

Yeah, and it's making me more depressed as time goes on. I have papers to finish writing for the semester, and a lot of other work to do. So I am going to TRY to stay away from here til Monday at least, maybe not come back til the end of next week. :::sigh::: As if we weren't already crazy enough ....

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Yeah, and it's making me more depressed as time goes on. I have papers to finish writing for the semester, and a lot of other work to do. So I am going to TRY to stay away from here til Monday at least, maybe not come back til the end of next week. :::sigh::: As if we weren't already crazy enough ....

Fool! Thou hast not the ability to do which that thou dost propose. Thy works shall be in vain; for failure in your application dost be imminent.

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hahah, that's great. I didn't realize they had facebook in Sherwood Forest. wait... is that the right forest?

anyway... does anyone have any more information?

FYI I called yesterday and was gently prodding as usual, to see if they have any more infromaiton

operator: although we honestly know nothing since we're just a contractor that NSF GRFP has hired - they make all the decisions- I do know that the extra time is so that they can try to decide where the stimulus package is being spent and if they were already sure that the GRFP wasn't going to get money from it, you would all know by now. Now how much of it is going to GRFP, I honestly can't speculate

me: so... totally off the record, just me asking you, if you were a betting man and had to guess...; would you say there would be like... 5 or 30 or 200 or like...500 more fellowships? just a ballpark?

operator- ::quiet laughter:: well, I really couldn't guess but it seems like an awful lot of work to do to hand out 5 more fellowships doesn't it?

so there's some more information... really just information stating that although another day has passed, we appear to be just where we have been in days past and we'll be here for some time yet.

so you humanities majors out there, anyone like Sartre's "Huis Clos"? Cause I'm really having a moment here.

"l'enfer, c'est les autres" (AKA Friar Tuck:-)

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Fool! Thou hast not the ability to do which that thou dost propose. Thy works shall be in vain; for failure in your application dost be imminent.

Yeah, whatever. Heard that before, and from faculty. Yet here I am waiting to hear if I have an HM or an award, so failure is not an option. Pick on someone your own size :wink:

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