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where to start?

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I am an Organizational Communications major interested in going to grad school. Any advice on how to pick programs? I have researched many different types of programs but I just feel more confused...

Any advice on how to pick a program would be appreciated, Thanks!

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Why do you feel confused? Do you know what topic you want to research? If you do, choose programs that fit this interest of yours the best. Look at funding they offer. Are there professors with similar interests who could be your advisors? Look at location - do you want to live in a big city? In a rural area? Somewhere hot or cold or warm? Etc. :)

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I have not chosen a topic yet and I think that is my problem. How do I know what I want to research amongst all the topics I have studied thus far?

Why do you feel confused? Do you know what topic you want to research? If you do, choose programs that fit this interest of yours the best. Look at funding they offer. Are there professors with similar interests who could be your advisors? Look at location - do you want to live in a big city? In a rural area? Somewhere hot or cold or warm? Etc. :)

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I have not chosen a topic yet and I think that is my problem. How do I know what I want to research amongst all the topics I have studied thus far?

Well, it must be a gut feeling. There are topics that seem more intererstig to you than others, right? Read as much as you can about things that interest you and soon you will see what kind of research has been done on these topics so far and how you can fill some gaps in this research. There are always things that are underexplored, you just need to find them, reading books and asking their authors right questions (asking them in your head, I mean, but eventually you can contact some of the professors, of course :) ).

Good luck!

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