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Those who have applied to Indiana might be interested to know that the committee meeting is not yet scheduled, and that the decisions themselves seem unlikely to be made anytime soon. My comment does not exactly fit with the discussion at the moment, but I thought that this info might be useful to some.

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I also applied to Duke and didn't get any e-mail. I hope this doesn't mean a rejection - I wouldn't like the first decision I receive to be negative. Oh, well, if that's what it is, I hope another program hurries up and sends me an acceptance before Duke rejects me, so I'll feel better with myself.

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Well I think PSU will be making calls throughout the week. And Vandy hasn't sent out letters yet, have they? My understanding is that you shouldn't read too much into "interviews" because they don't choose to interview everyone. (I have no info about MSU or UIUC.)

Not worth writing PSU and VU off, though...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I still feel that I am going to have to start looking for a job.

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Anyone who applied to Stanford have any idea what's going on there? It wasn't one of my apps, but I've been surprised by the conspicuous absence of info from them.

Nah, this predicting thing isn't a science. They'll probably come out sometime this week; perhaps even today.

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Those who have applied to Indiana might be interested to know that the committee meeting is not yet scheduled, and that the decisions themselves seem unlikely to be made anytime soon. My comment does not exactly fit with the discussion at the moment, but I thought that this info might be useful to some.

That is good to know not to expect anything soon (though also frustrating to add to the wait!) Do you have any more info on Indiana?

Edited by kem140
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Nothing of any value, unfortunately. Should I learn anything in the future, I will be sure to post an update here.

I would appreciate it! I am not sure if anyone else is applying to Indiana, as I haven't heard any mention of it thus far, but I am also new to the discussion board. I thought I would be less antsy after getting my first acceptance, but I am still checking this site far too often! Congrats on the three acceptances--that's wonderful! What is your subfield?

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Well I think PSU will be making calls throughout the week. And Vandy hasn't sent out letters yet, have they? My understanding is that you shouldn't read too much into "interviews" because they don't choose to interview everyone. (I have no info about MSU or UIUC.)

Not worth writing PSU and VU off, though...

This is good to hear regarding Vandy. I was a bit discouraged that I didn't get an interview.

I would appreciate it! I am not sure if anyone else is applying to Indiana, as I haven't heard any mention of it thus far, but I am also new to the discussion board. I thought I would be less antsy after getting my first acceptance, but I am still checking this site far too often! Congrats on the three acceptances--that's wonderful! What is your subfield?

I also applied to Indiana (subfield: theory). Thanks for the info "iwouldpreferanonymity."

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This is good to hear regarding Vandy. I was a bit discouraged that I didn't get an interview.

I also applied to Indiana (subfield: theory). Thanks for the info "iwouldpreferanonymity."

What aspect of theory do you cover? I know only that ohsnap, secret squirrel and myself are the other theory people...

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What aspect of theory do you cover? I know only that ohsnap, secret squirrel and myself are the other theory people...

Primarily, I'm interested in legal theory (at most schools my subfield would be constitutional studies or public law). At Indiana, however, I'm mainly interested in Professor Craiutu's work on Tocqueville.

What about you other theory guys?

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Oh, duke. Sigh. If anyone who was accepted feels like sharing what time they received the email, perhaps we could determine whether they all went out at once or are trickling out?

Just curious, what would time tell you? (I'm looking for a reason to have hope...)

Addendum: Also, any Madison acceptees seen a change in the online status? Mine still says "recommended by department" but hasn't switched officially to "admitted". Normal?

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Primarily, I'm interested in legal theory (at most schools my subfield would be constitutional studies or public law). At Indiana, however, I'm mainly interested in Professor Craiutu's work on Tocqueville.

What about you other theory guys?

I can't speak for the other theorists (please let this be a response to secret squirrel and iwouldpreferanonymity, to whom I have rudely failed to respond in my PM), though my interests are rather broad: democratic theory, philosophy of language, legal theory, etc. Though, for my schools I obviously spun a much more cohesive project in which I focus on the cultural and metaphysical relevance of history in the formation of unique reservoirs of "certainty" that operate to engender political identities. Essentially, I want to look at how different employments of the "historical" structure particular political schemata (think of the role of historical "data" in deliberative democracy, for instance), contribute to ethnic conflict, or draw in political subjects and discourses to a core symbolic codex (which ties the abstract categories of community, culture, nationalism and the nation into a more comprehensive trajectory of causal influences, while also linking said trajectory to a material and behavioral basis).

Other than that, I submitted a writing sample which analyzes a series of "civic culture" thinkers, fielding what I hope to be a more robust definition of culture that opens unto a wider range of political problems; I simultaneously argue for a rational convention follower by leaving traditional game-theoretic models behind in an effort to posit the subject at the juncture of simultaneous games.

That's basically it. I'm not really sure why people like coocoocachoo don't like to post their ideas: I think this is a horribly opaque process full of horribly opaque individuals coalescing on horribly opaque methods of sweating it out. Wouldn't it be better if this board turned into a circulation of ideas rather than a sounding board for "like, zomg, it hasn't come yet; now what"? Ah, but I dream....

Edited by wmplax
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Just curious, what would time tell you? (I'm looking for a reason to have hope...)

Addendum: Also, any Madison acceptees seen a change in the online status? Mine still says "recommended by department" but hasn't switched officially to "admitted". Normal?

if the emails were sent out at different times (separated by a few hours each) they could be sending out more tmrw. Unlikely, though. But last year, as has been posted, there were 3 acceptances sent out after all the rejections. Tomorrow will likely be the wave of rejections. Who knows, though... Certainly I don't. :)

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So I may have been wrong about Vandy. New post says all possible admits get interviewed. Person I had spoken with said not to worry about it, but s/he isn't on the committee. So if the poster is correct, Vandy will be a no. Eff.

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So I may have been wrong about Vandy. New post says all possible admits get interviewed. Person I had spoken with said not to worry about it, but s/he isn't on the committee. So if the poster is correct, Vandy will be a no. Eff.

Oh well. Nashville is awesome, but maybe something else will work out.

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Someone has info on Pittsburgh?

I did not apply to Pitt, but a woman in my Master's program found out today that she was admitted to Pitt with full funding. I am not sure if all the decisions went out today though. I hope that is helpful!

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if the emails were sent out at different times (separated by a few hours each) they could be sending out more tmrw. Unlikely, though. But last year, as has been posted, there were 3 acceptances sent out after all the rejections. Tomorrow will likely be the wave of rejections. Who knows, though... Certainly I don't. :)

Bahhhh...I've decided that, while we all just want to know SOMETHING...the hoping game is harder than the waiting game. It's more cruel. [insert comic sniffling here]

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Addendum: Also, any Madison acceptees seen a change in the online status? Mine still says "recommended by department" but hasn't switched officially to "admitted". Normal?

Normal. Mine still reads as recommended, too.

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So I may have been wrong about Vandy. New post says all possible admits get interviewed. Person I had spoken with said not to worry about it, but s/he isn't on the committee. So if the poster is correct, Vandy will be a no. Eff

I did not apply to Pitt, but a woman in my Master's program found out today that she was admitted to Pitt with full funding. I am not sure if all the decisions went out today though. I hope that is helpful!

Based on these trends it looks like I am not going to be getting my doctorate anytime soon.

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