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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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God i know that feeling... at this point i'm avoiding advisor's and anyone else who might ask "hey, you heard from any of the schools yet" ugh i hate that feeling...

---my last hope is georgetown

It's all a matter of perspective. For some of us, Georgetown is a huge reach, not a safety... You have submitted yourself to a rigorous process and you have a great deal of ambition, given your list of schools. Your advisors all know how intensely competitive this process is. I've been pretty quiet about the notifications I've received, mostly because my job doesn't know I'm leaving. But when it comes to friends and loved ones, I'm not taking any sympathy, nor offering up any excuses. It is what it is. Some people are way smarter and have worked way harder for this than I have. Others have not. It is what it is.

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It's all a matter of perspective. For some of us, Georgetown is a huge reach, not a safety... You have submitted yourself to a rigorous process and you have a great deal of ambition, given your list of schools. Your advisors all know how intensely competitive this process is. I've been pretty quiet about the notifications I've received, mostly because my job doesn't know I'm leaving. But when it comes to friends and loved ones, I'm not taking any sympathy, nor offering up any excuses. It is what it is. Some people are way smarter and have worked way harder for this than I have. Others have not. It is what it is.

Clearly you should be applying for courses in philosophy, Ivyreject.

Seriously, very good attitude. I will attempt to emulate.

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Northwestern update

Just thought some of you might want to know this, as it might help keep the hope alive: I have just withdrawn my application, and I received an email from someone in the department, informing me that my file was under serious consideration. That must mean that they are not completely done yet.

I hope that some of those who are still waiting get in.

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OK, so I saw two Boston University acceptances by postal service yesterday. I live in Florida, so i was hoping maybe today would be the day. But alas!

Rejected at BC, MIT, and now BU... I really wanted to go back to Boston.

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Northwestern update

Just thought some of you might want to know this, as it might help keep the hope alive: I have just withdrawn my application, and I received an email from someone in the department, informing me that my file was under serious consideration. That must mean that they are not completely done yet.

I hope that some of those who are still waiting get in.

Wow thanks for that update. That's a total shocker, given how late in the game it is. Nevertheless, I'm still expecting the "rejected" axe to befall upon my ApplyYourself webpage at any moment... :D

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For the past few days I have been so sad and angry and sad but today I just realized that maybe it is time to start celebrating my Georgia Acceptance and possible Howard. I feel so much better the stress is gone, the knot etc. Now am just hoping we all get funded and are happy. I think the standards of every school will go higher after this tough election opps application cycle.

I guess all of us who in to at least one school have to celebrate and stop stressing and those who haven't have faith.

I am still hoping for NWU and NYU but if not ohh well.

30 years from now we will tell our kids about this (ps am only 23). We will be ok :))

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I'm China right now so I have to wait for the Chinese to go through my mail first so that adds two weeks of anxiety. I appreciated the email rejections because then I could get over the angst in one day.

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mormegil said:
The Rice rejection came in by post. The TAMU rejection as well. I hate you Texas.

Coupled with WashU it makes for 3 rejections on my birthday. Perfect.

It is my birthday too. Got a rejection this time last year too. Head's up and have a good day.

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I have yet to receive anything from MIT (Masters). What's the deal?

I still havn't heard anything from MIT (phd) ... wonder what's up.. anyone else who's still waiting for a word from MIT?

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i haven't heard from MIT either, but since i'm at overseas, the (rejection) letter probably is on the way here...

losing much hope this year... only left with GW and USC(is it out yet?). with a scholarship and three-year experience of lecturing, i (mistakently) thought that i have strong credentials... well, c'est la vie!

btw, would it be wise to take a master's course or reapply for phd next year? generally what do people do??

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I still havn't heard anything from MIT (phd) ... wonder what's up.. anyone else who's still waiting for a word from MIT?

Yes, I am. I am also waiting on Columbia, NYU, and the who-know-what-the-hell-is-going-on Minnesota. Sigh.

14 Applications, 10 rejections received. Guess I have to find another thing to do next year. Sigh again.

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My Hopkins rejection is finally here. Time to change the signature... but I like it the way it is!

Did they send you the rejection by post or e-mail? When is the letter dated?

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