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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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anyone get NYU rejects yet? anyone know if NYU has a waitlist and stuff? coz i have not heard from them, and i'm still in denial.

No rejection for me yet, but looking forward to it.

Congrats to the UCSD and NYU peeps! I can't go to a single freakin' class without major shit going down!

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It seems quite apparent that this isn't the hottest school to speak of on the forum, but does anyone have any info on Irvine? It's the only polisci program to which I've applied, mostly due to the atypical focus (political psychology).

Good luck to all of the other posters on hearing results soon!

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Just got a follow-up from an administrator at UCSD about the visit weekend (3/10-11) that didn't have recipients addresses hidden. There were 54 addresses in the to: field (and no I won't reveal any of them...), which to me probably means if you're not among them, you're not in (though I don't know what they do in the way of a waitlist...). Sorry if that bursts any bubbles (and maybe I'm wrong), but I figure I'd rather know all the information than be kept waiting.

I appreciate you letting us know. Congratulations!

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In at UCSD as well! Congrats to everyone else, but yeah it's kind of weird to get an email with everyone else's emails displayed as well.

Let's hope the CA budget crisis miraculously resolves itself so we'll all be assured of funding. I wonder how they'll determine who gets funded or not in this environment since historically I think they were committed to fully funding everyone. It's a relief to get in anywhere though.

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To those who were accepted into U. of Washington: What does your online application status say? Mine used to say that they're received all materials and now it says "You will receive notification of acceptance or denial by email or postal mail." I have no idea what this means or if it's even new (maybe I just haven't noticed it). Thoughts?

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To those who were accepted into U. of Washington: What does your online application status say? Mine used to say that they're received all materials and now it says "You will receive notification of acceptance or denial by email or postal mail." I have no idea what this means or if it's even new (maybe I just haven't noticed it). Thoughts?

Hi PoliSci guy, it didn't say that this morning, but it now does. Good luck!

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Ugh, more NYU huh? I'm wondering if they're doing it one by one or if they emailed everyone at once...hrmn.

This is a good question. I'm guessing the former, seeing the way the news is filtering through. Though it's hard to be sure. Also I note that everyone who's been admitted so far has been an American applicant- different system for internationals, or is this just wishful thinking? A sample of 5 can't tell us much, admittedly, but still.

Last year people were admitted over the course of several days.

So if I haven't heard anything by this evening, I'm going to assume I'm not in - but with a healthy dose of equivocation!

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To those who were accepted into U. of Washington: What does your online application status say? Mine used to say that they're received all materials and now it says "You will receive notification of acceptance or denial by email or postal mail." I have no idea what this means or if it's even new (maybe I just haven't noticed it). Thoughts?

Mine says the same. From my call, it sounded like formal decisions won't be for a couple of weeks, so I wouldn't expect any change before then.

On the other hand, at Wisconsin the Department recommended me for admission nine days ago and the Grad School still hasn't taken any action on my file. I'm almost certain other people said their status at my.wisc.edu changed last week. What could be taking so long with mine?

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