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Music History and/or Theory applicants?


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I guess it's time to start the 2009 "aspiring musicologists uniting in anxiety!" festivities :)

I'm applying for PhD studies in musicology to the following schools:

UC Berkeley; U of Chicago; Harvard; Princeton; UNC-Chapel Hill; Ohio State; UIUC; Brandeis; UPitt

I believe the earliest responses I might see will be in mid-February. I'm really hoping that UC Berkeley will work out; after that, it would be a lot of weighing of the pros and cons, if I am so fortunate as to get into any of the other schools. And of course, it's "no funding, no way" for me.

I have three letters of recommendation that I believe are strong, a PS that I feel good about, and a few publications (one major article; several reviews; and a position as a program annotator for a professional orchestra here in Tucson). I've got a website at which committees can view samples of my writing and lecture presentations as well as my teaching portfolio (I've been teaching music in a public school for the past three years while my wife has been doing her Master's in music at the University of Arizona). I did pretty well on my GRE (except for the writing section, which was truly frustrating since I have already been published; hopefully the one will cancel out the other). Of course, I've never applied for Musicology studies before (my Master's was in Choral Conducting), so I have no idea what I'm up against. I guess I'll just have to wait...........and...........see.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

Musicology here. I'm applying to the MA programs at Boston U., UNC-Chapel Hill, and McGill; and the PhD programs at UPenn and U. of Michigan. My undergrad degree is in music composition, but my Honors thesis was history-related, and I tried to emphasize that in my applications.

My GRE writing score was disappointing too; I hope it doesn't affect my applications too much. I think my writing samples are pretty good, so maybe they'll overlook it.

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I'm also applying to theory programs. I've gotten a couple of interviews and I'm waiting on the rest... but I'm very nervous!

Ah, good times. ;)

I'm starting to freak out because I have yet to hear from any of the schools I applied to....if you don't mind me asking, where did you apply (and hear back from)?

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The earliest that I expect I might hear from anybody is the last week of January, several during the second or third week of February, and another group in the middle of March.

To which schools did you apply? I might be able to let you know when to be watching for them. Also, you can check the "results search"forum (the music* search pulls up the most complete list) for a listing of when several programs notified in 08.

Best of luck!


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I'm starting to freak out because I have yet to hear from any of the schools I applied to....if you don't mind me asking, where did you apply (and hear back from)?

Of course I don't mind. I applied to U of Chicago, Yale, U of Mich, SUNY Buffalo, Indiana U, and Eastman. I have interviews at Indiana and Eastman. They might have notified me so early, though, because they had December 1st deadlines. Maybe your schools' due dates were just later?

Still, I think that mid-January is too soon to worry, but then again, I understand why you are freaking out. I was surprised when those schools notified me of interviews as early as they did (IU emailed me in mid-December and Eastman in early January). I expected to hear something in February, though.

Anyway, I'll let you know if/when I hear from the other schools. Good luck to you.

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Hearing that makes me slightly less freaked out. I'm so afraid that schools will start to contact me and I won't get the letter/email/phone call. I applied to the Graduate Center (CUNY), McGill, Yale, and UMich. I'm hoping any day now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, we have our first listing. Someone was accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill's Master's program. Any details?

That's me, only I might be jumping the gun a little. I got a call on Thursday saying they'd "recommended me for admission," which doesn't sound particularly official, but in the rest of the (brief) conversation, she made it sound like I was in, and I didn't think to ask (I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone for another month or so, so the call caught me off guard). I updated the results listing and then thought "wait, am I actually in or not?" I guess I'll find out eventually!

I definitely have been accepted to U. of Michigan, though, even though they're apparently missing one of my LORs (the one from my advisor, surprisingly - I know he submitted it, so I don't think the problem is on his end, but I'm just surprised that they took me without it). That phone call came about ten minutes before the UNC one; it felt pretty surreal. In a good way, of course!

Edit 2-2-09: Just got an official acceptance letter from UNC.

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Has anyone applied/ been accepted to University of Wisconsin-Madison? I applied to the musicology masters and was accepted back in January. My acceptance letter stated that the department has not done funding offers yet and I would be hearing more about this within the next two months. Just wondering if anyone else has been accepted to UW or heard anything else about funding from them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just going CRAZY! I have heard from only one of the nine schools to which I applied (invitation to interview with Pittsburgh), which for those of you keeping score at home, means no acceptances :( I realize that it's a bit early to be freaking out (most schools say that official notification will come around the beginning of March), but I've also noticed that most acceptances go out around the first two weeks of February.

Can anyone offer reasons not to get discouraged? I must admit, I can just see all of these non-rejections very quickly turning into rejections in a couple of weeks...

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I would not worry too much at this at this point. After all, it is still only February. I received an acceptance to the University of Wisconsin-Madison on January 21st (the letter was sent out the first day of Spring classes), but I am betting that the reason for the early notification is because I had already met many of the faculty and spoke to them about my work. I have two other friends at my current undergraduate institution who have applied to various musicology programs and still have yet to hear from most. One, I believe, was accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill pending an upcoming interview, and the other was invited to interview at Florida State (no acceptance yet). The person who was accepted to UNC also applied to about 8-10 programs, but as of today, has only heard from UNC.

I have been freaking out too as a result of having to wait for funding; I have told myself that it is not realistic to attend if I have to take out loans. While I have been accepted, nothing is at all finalized. With the current state of the economy (and how it's affecting universities across the country), I would not be at all surprised if the process this year is much slower...schools are still figuring out budgets, and this heavily impacts their timetable and number of acceptances they will offer.

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I hope ethnomusicologists are welcome here!

I applied to four schools (Harvard, Chicago, Maryland, and Virginia). Harvard said letters were sent to all music applicants on February 20 (who knows what that really means). I haven't heard a peep from Chicago, though my professor said they take a little longer. I had an interview at Maryland and am waiting for an official decision letter. I have two friends at Virginia who said the adcom is still reviewing applications and inviting students to the campus for some get-to-know-you time. From what they said, the committee is not able to accept who they want because of funding issues.

One of my professors forgot to send his letter to schools and I noticed it a few weeks ago. I have a feeling this will impact at least one decision as one committee had already started to seriously review applications a month before his letter was event sent :(

I work in admissions myself and spend the better part of my day dealing with frantic parents/students. I know how these committees feel!!

Anyways, good luck to all music applicants. I hope things work out for all!

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I wouldn't worry too much either. My boyfriend has heard from Berkeley (ethnomusicology, admit) and Harvard (enthnomusicology, deny; music history, waitlist), but none of the others so far (he also applied to Chicago and UNC, in addition to UCSD and Columbia). I think that these programs just notify and decide really, really late. Best wishes and luck!

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My boyfriend has heard from Berkeley (ethnomusicology, admit)

Does your boyfriend know if Berkeley has sent out acceptances for Historical Musicology? I haven't heard anything from them yet...

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Has anyone accepted to ANY school heard about funding yet? I just received an email from a friend already enrolled in my first choice (UW-Madison), and she said that the funding situation this year is "dismal." Supposedly, the school has had to cut several fellowships normally offered each year to incoming students. What is everyone's take on funding this year? Since the humanities notoriously lack resources for outside funding, how is everyone planning on paying for school this year if they don't receive funding?

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I am not in a position to take out any more student loans. Although I was funded for my MA, my undergrad degree was pricey. My husband also took out TONS of loans to pay for Harvard Law...

If I don't get funding I won't be going to graduate school. I really hope at least one program wants me :)

My Maryland interview went well. They asked if I would like to teach u-grad classes. I hope I get something from them.

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Has anyone accepted to ANY school heard about funding yet? I just received an email from a friend already enrolled in my first choice (UW-Madison), and she said that the funding situation this year is "dismal." Supposedly, the school has had to cut several fellowships normally offered each year to incoming students. What is everyone's take on funding this year? Since the humanities notoriously lack resources for outside funding, how is everyone planning on paying for school this year if they don't receive funding?

I was told about funding for McGill in my acceptance letter; unfortunately, it's not enough for me to consider going there unless the other schools I got into give me no money at all.

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I have noticed that many on this forum are PhD applicants. I plan on getting my PhD, but am required to go through the master's program first; the school does not directly admit students in the PhD program without a master's. Do many of you already have a master's degree, and if so were you able to get funding if you had to start at the master's level? Even though I indicated on my applications that I intend to pursue a PhD, I am wondering if the master's status will affect funding. I am worried that what little funding schools do have this year will go to PhD admits versus students admitted to a master's (even though they intend to complete a PhD).

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