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Favorite ice cream flavors?


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Hi folks!

I recently took the plunge and bravely ponied up $3 each for some pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream (which I had never had before), and I have to say that I am delighted! So far I've had Boston Creme Pie, Strawberry Cheesecake, Blueberry Cheesecake, and Creme Brulee.

I can't really identify a favorite--they are all delicious!

Anyone care to share their love of B&J's or just of any ice cream flavors of any brand?

Thanks, and all the best!

Edited by HyacinthMacaw
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This topic makes me upset because it makes me think of all the flavors Ben and Jerry's has simply stopped making. Currently though, my favorite flavors of B and J's ice cream flavors are Coffee Heath Bar Crunch, Pistachio pistachio, Mint Chocolate Cookie, and Everything but the... There actually are a few flavors I have tried I didn't think were as good as I hoped, ex: Red Velvet cake.

On most occasions though, I simple go for a simple chocolate ice cream and toss a bunch of candy in it and there's my bowl of indulgence for the time being. Now if I am traveling somewhere and can find it I always choose pistachio gelato over any ice cream.

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Wow, two votes for Americone Dream already. I will definitely try it next!

This isn't B&J's, but I had nutmeg ice cream in Grenada, and it was heavenly. I never would have imagined that nutmeg would go with ice cream, though then again I'm a fan of rum and raisin and other Caribbean flavors. Sweet, creamy, mildly spicy--nutmeg ice cream is delicious in every way.

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Wow, two votes for Americone Dream already. I will definitely try it next!

This isn't B&J's, but I had nutmeg ice cream in Grenada, and it was heavenly. I never would have imagined that nutmeg would go with ice cream, though then again I'm a fan of rum and raisin and other Caribbean flavors. Sweet, creamy, mildly spicy--nutmeg ice cream is delicious in every way.

If you ever have the chance, and you like bacon, try some bacon ice cream. Best stuff I've ever had.

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If you ever have the chance, and you like bacon, try some bacon ice cream. Best stuff I've ever had.

This sounds so healthy, lol. So is it just vanilla ice cream with bacon bits in it or what? I am definitely interested, those are 2 of my favorite foods. I would imagine the saltiness of the bacon would go really well with the sweetness of the ice cream. Yum.

Wow, two votes for Americone Dream already. I will definitely try it next!

This isn't B&J's, but I had nutmeg ice cream in Grenada, and it was heavenly. I never would have imagined that nutmeg would go with ice cream, though then again I'm a fan of rum and raisin and other Caribbean flavors. Sweet, creamy, mildly spicy--nutmeg ice cream is delicious in every way.

You definitely have to try Häagen Dazs Rum raisin ice cream.

Seriously, is it bad that I practically drool while reading this topic? Also, another flavor I have tried a few times while traveling throughout Europe is beer ice cream.

Edited by orst11
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This sounds so healthy, lol. So is it just vanilla ice cream with bacon bits in it or what? I am definitely interested, those are 2 of my favorite foods. I would imagine the saltiness of the bacon would go really well with the sweetness of the ice cream. Yum.

I grew up in the midwest...this is our healthy! J/k, of course. I've mostly had it at restaurants. They've all used real bacon, nicely crisped, but I definitely remember some vanilla undertones. The bacon provided more of a salty quality than anything else. I don't recall a meaty or smokey taste.

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Hm, is Americone Dream really that great, or does this have something to do with a certain deity of truthiness? ;)

I hail from the land of frozen custard, which basically means start with vanilla and make your own. I go through ruts, but old classic favorites of mine are vanilla-pineapple, strawberry-chocolate chip...and absolutely NOTHING with banana. That's THE fastest way to spoil a perfectly good concrete.

It's not the same by any means, but now that I'm stuck in a land that frozen custard forgot (and on a stipend that is not yuppie fro-yo price friendly), I have developed an unsurpassed love for McDonald's soft serve.

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Hm, is Americone Dream really that great, or does this have something to do with a certain deity of truthiness? ;)

I hail from the land of frozen custard, which basically means start with vanilla and make your own. I go through ruts, but old classic favorites of mine are vanilla-pineapple, strawberry-chocolate chip...and absolutely NOTHING with banana. That's THE fastest way to spoil a perfectly good concrete.

It's not the same by any means, but now that I'm stuck in a land that frozen custard forgot (and on a stipend that is not yuppie fro-yo price friendly), I have developed an unsurpassed love for McDonald's soft serve.

Mmmmm, frozen custard *drool*. I love it with strawberry and butterscotch.

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For all the people that like Americone dream, Breyers has a similar type flavor Waffle cone with Hersheys chips. Truthfully, I think its has a little more chocolate that's about it. On the plus side, you can get it in the 1.5 quart size and I see it on sale all the time.

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Cherry Garcia used to be my fave B&J's flavor until I developed an allergy to chocolate.

I don't have the budget for B&J's right now, so my latest indulgence is Kroger's Private Reserve New York Cherry Cheesecake ice cream. And yes, I do love cherry-flavored anything, as you might be able to tell. ;) They also make a Maine Blueberry Cheesecake ice cream that's pretty good.

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B & J's is AMAZING!! I like Phish Food and the carmel flavors. If you have a Kroger near you, you should also try Graeter's Ice cream. It's made in Cincinnati and will blow your mind. The Black Raspberry Chip is the best flavor. It's a bit pricey at 4-5 dollars a pint but you can save it for a special occasion.

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Cherry Garcia used to be my fave B&J's flavor until I developed an allergy to chocolate.

I don't have the budget for B&J's right now, so my latest indulgence is Kroger's Private Reserve New York Cherry Cheesecake ice cream. And yes, I do love cherry-flavored anything, as you might be able to tell. ;) They also make a Maine Blueberry Cheesecake ice cream that's pretty good.

Kroger's actually has a few that I like. Just the other day I tried chocolate hazelnut mascarpone an fell in love. My only complaint is when Kroger's relaunched their premium ice cream line is that they got rid of a few really good flavors.

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