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I can't believe it!


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I can't BELIEVE what I just saw. I've been feeling bad for everyone one here who is having application issues and I have them with a couple LsOR BUT - I swear the words going through my head are so bad that anyone would be disgusted if they heard....

A freaking school that I applied to awhile ago (with a deadline of Jan. 1) just sent me some e-mail with the subject - application verification stating they got it and fee payment -- (yeah, i got the auto one, too weeks ago) anyway I logged into the applyyourself site and they don't have EITHER of my transcripts -- wtf! Now it's way past the deadline!

Gosh darn it to heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One more thing -- my crazy reach school was UCSD, and I just checked that status, too - and it doesn't have two of my letters as received! those 2 were paper so I actually overnighted them so I could track it....do you think this is one where they just didn't update the status website? It's too late for this school....the application deadline was 12/15

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It could be entirely possible. I applied to another UC school, and was too cheap to pay for tracking. (really should have shelled out) After weeks and weeks of checking the website for updates, and seeing none, I finally e-mailed the graduate advisor asking about my documents. The graduate advisor just replied that my application is complete.

Good luck man.

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Thanks. I hope that's the case. I didn't realize that the applyyourself websites would change! Now a couple of my schools have it so you can see exactly what they've received. Just two days ago that wasn't the case.

Luckily for my sanity (and prob or everyone who's subjected to my ramblings on this board) I just checked one school that has received everything --- it's a miracle!

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ha. good call.

I actually called and spoke to someone - she sounded young (maybe undergrad can work there as part of work study)

Anyway, she was really nice and couldn't find my transcripts but told me to give it time so that's what I'll do...

sorry for the freak out.

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Ah, right, I forgot to add. I also applied to another UC school-- one without the online status thingy. In place of the online status system, they contacted applicants via e-mail. They were pretty fast, and contacted all applicants about the status of their application ~10 days after the deadline.

So, here's the horrid part:

As they sent out e-mails notifying applicants, I got an e-mail informing me that they had nothing but my GREs (oh great, at least ETS didn't jump onto the bandwagon to screw me over as well). Additionally, they informed all applicants that if they didn't receive writing samples by then, they won't take any late writing samples, though they made exceptions for LoRs and transcripts. In effect, what that meant was, if your mail was lost somewhere along the way, you're as good as out.

Totally freaked out, and convinced that my supplementary materials were buried somewhere in the history office, I e-mailed back against the sender's advice (every single e-mail they sent out was accompanied by a "Don't e-mail back"), pointing out that my mail tracking system indicated that one of their staff have signed for the package.

In any case, it turns out that they did have my supplementary materials buried somewhere.

So, don't fret! Drop them an e-mail if it eases your mind.

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I think I am harassing these various schools (even though all are reaches) just to dispel the "what ifs". I just didn't want an e-mail a couple of weeks later, telling me that I have been rejected, due to an incomplete application. Then I will spend the whole of this year wondering if I actually had a chance. :?

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I wouldn't worry about it CA. I speak from experience when I say that the application tracker updates are very low on the priority of the graduate program or the graduate school. If a school is interested in you and doens't have your transcript, they will give you one of two things: an e-mail asking you to get a copy of it to them ASAP, or a conditional admit based on receiving your transcript.

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Many of mine are still reporting they don't have my transcript. I've followed up with a few and they say it just hasn't been added to my file yet, but some of them have gone ahead and submitted the app to the department anyway (I posted about this on my deadlines thread).

Hopefully it is fine.

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If it makes you feel any better, apparently on tracking UPenn still haven't got my only paper LOR which I sent them 8 weeks ago, despite having my GRE and transcripts which were sent much more recently :S

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Goodness, your stories are quite disturbing. My apps were all filed as complete within 1-2 days of the deadline. In fact, one school called me the DAY OF to straighten out an issue, and my file was updated that same day. I wonder why so many of you are having such trouble???

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maybe they were understaffed for an increase in applications?

Doubtful, we're not really seeing an increase in apps here. In fact, it looks like we decreased in one of our programs.

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A few of my online status checks say that transcripts haven't been received, but I called my Univ and know exactly when they sent it out. I'm just assuming the grad schools have a lot of transcripts to sift through and probably won't update my status right away. I don't think that's freak-out worthy.

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Well, I can only hope...

Weird thing is I'm applying to a few schools that no one on here is applying to -- wonder in the past how it was; I mean how representative are we of the kind of schools our peers (?) are applying to...

I'd like to think of only 15 people are applying to all of my schools so I will get in everywhere! :)

Maybe I should lay off my 3rd cup of green tea....

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