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NSERC 2012-2013


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Je ne suis pas sur, de toute facon je vois pas ou on va publier les resultats sur researchnet !!! y a aucune section pour ca ! peut etre qu'ils vont changer le statut de complete a rejected ou accepted ? Je sais pas la ! Mais je sais qu'une fois informe de Vanier tu dois pas publier le resultat jusqu'a ce qu'ils decident eux meme de le publier dans un genre de ceromonie a Ottawa ou un truc comme ca ! Je ne suis pas sur de toute facon !

Anyways, je sais pas combien de gens ont passe de mon universite, mais d'ou tu tires l'information de 6 ? Peux tu me donner le lien ?

Le voila :


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Someone in the Vanier forum that the results are now available on researchnet. I do not see anything,

Other people with vanier: Do you just have 3 headings: current activities, completed (where I see my vanier application), and inactive.

I do not see a results section anywhere...

Are you sure Vanier results are released ? because I see nothing as well !

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Vivaldi, does your researchnet look like mine?

I.e. 3 headings: inactive activities, completed (where I see my vanier application), and inactive

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Are you sure Vanier results are released ? because I see nothing as well !

If the results have been posted, you can see the link under the active activities section. If no, then your result has not.

Edited by faming
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Merci , ca donne froid au coeur !!! beaucoup de gens ont applique !! Mais les titre du tableau, je comprend pas trop ! on veut dire quoi par Solde ...etc ?

C'est un plan triennal. Par exemple à concordia, pour 2010-2012, il avait droit à 8 pour le Vanier NSERC. Il ont deja utilise 2 pour les 2 premieres années. Donc au maximum, il pouvait envoye 6 cette année.

Si tu regarde la fin du tableau, 300 peuvent appliquer au NSERC et 55 ou 56 l'auront. Donc chacun part avec 18.33% de probabilité.

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Vivaldi, does your researchnet look like mine?

I.e. 3 headings: inactive activities, completed (where I see my vanier application), and inactive

I see : current activies, completed activites, and inactive activities

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Vivaldi, does your researchnet look like mine?

I.e. 3 headings: inactive activities, completed (where I see my vanier application), and inactive

Michalk, peut êtr que le gars est en train de bluffer

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If the results have been posted, you can under the current activities section. If no, then your result has not.

There are no Current Activities at this time.

Which means ? The people in the other forum are f****ing around !

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Michalk, peut êtr que le gars est en train de bluffer

Or perhaps he is with a different funding agency and they released their results?

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There are no Current Activities at this time.

Which means ? The people in the other forum are f****ing around !

Your result has not been posted yet. It will be soon, they should complete before 16:30.

Mine is the same as yours

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Your result has not been posted yet. It will be soon, they should complete before 16:30.

Mine is the same as yours

Do you think they'll be able to manage posting all the resutls before 16:30 ? It's kinda hard for me to believe it !!

Anyway, did you here any news about someone winning the award ?

Do they publish the winners results first ? :-S

Edited by vivaldi
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Do you think they'll be able to manage posting all the resutls before 16:30 ? It's kinda hard for me to believe it !!

Anyway, did you here any news about someone winning the award ?

Do they publish the winners results first ? :-S

Vivaldi, it's a automatic process i think... I dont' think that they will dod this one by on.

You will receive an automatic e-mail whe it is available. So do "F5" in you inbox.

Edited by eliasg
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Do you think they'll be able to manage posting all the resutls before 16:30 ? It's kinda hard for me to believe it !!

Anyway, did you here any news about someone winning the award ?

Do they publish the winners results first ? :-S

They told me that the results will be posted today four hours ago.

They also told me that I can tell them if I didnt receive the email.

I donot think they post the winners first.

Fingers crossed!

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Vivaldi, it's a automatic process i think... I dont' think that they will dod this one by on.

You will receive an automatic e-mail whe it is available. So do "F5" in you inbox.

I have push technology man :-P when I receive an email, I will get notified :-P In addition, I use a MacOSX so I don't have the F5 fashion :-P

Good luck

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