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NSERC 2012-2013


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Hey guys, I'm new here. I astill waiting on the response for my PDF application, I am at Scripps Florida. It's taking very long!! Anyone nearby that has already received the letter?

Have a good one!

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are you also shortlisted for PDF?

Yes I am. Got my letter yesterday and shocked. Shortlisted + pre approved IRDF. I was expecting the award with 13 first author journals among which 7 is accepted/published and rest are submitted. My grades are always A+ and good record of leadership. Dont know the reason :-(

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Yes I am. Got my letter yesterday and shocked. Shortlisted + pre approved IRDF. I was expecting the award with 13 first author journals among which 7 is accepted/published and rest are submitted. My grades are always A+ and good record of leadership. Dont know the reason :-(

It is very much shocking!!!! 13 first author journals were not enough!!!!! What is your area of research?

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Hi, so I got a CGS-M, but I'm planning on taking it to the U.S. to a PhD Program. I looked online to see what forms I need to fill out, and it's a bit confusing. I've tried contacting NSERC by phone, left a message and haven't gotten a reply. I also tried e-mailing, but just got an automated email back which wasn't helpful. Anyways, if anyone can help with the following questions I would really appreciate it :)

1. Can I email Form 1A and 1B to NSERC or are they supposed to be sent by mail?

2. I read online that I am supposed go complete Form 1B to change universities because I haven't yet taken up the award and I haven't yet submitted a Payment Activation form. In Part I of this form it asks for email address, telephone number and mailing address (Part II). Is this referring to the addresses for my Department at the university that I'm going to be taking the award to or my own contact information?

3. Also on Form 1B Part I (which is supposed to be sent to the university) it says I have to submit a copy of my NSERC Award notice. My award letter I received was for a CGS-M, but I will be declining this to get a PGS-M (which is $200 less). So would it still be fine to submit this award notice, or will I be receiving another one for a PGS-M?

Thanks :D

Edited by OMVs
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This is a really strong record. I do not expect I will get it.

Yes I am. Got my letter yesterday and shocked. Shortlisted + pre approved IRDF. I was expecting the award with 13 first author journals among which 7 is accepted/published and rest are submitted. My grades are always A+ and good record of leadership. Dont know the reason :-(

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

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Got my mail today... no letter from NSERC. I'm a 5 minute walk from Ottawa, so I'm not sure why I haven't heard yet.

Is this thread full of 1600+ troll replies just to get my hopes up, or have people actually been getting PGS-D results in the mail??? ;)

Another letter confirmation - my parents got my PGSD letter on Vancouver Island yesterday - so letters are indeed out west.

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Well, it finally came. Meritorious but unable to fund for a PDF in ecology/evolution, pre-approved for an IRDF. 9 papers (6 first author), 2 submitted, two refereed reports, loads of conference presentations, heavy involvement in scientific societies (I'm actually on the board of directors of one), good number of previous awards, including a PGSD3, reference letters that make me blush. *sigh*

Seriously! This will be me when I apply for the PDF... not looking hopeful. Sorry, seebee. This sucks bigtime.

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

Also so hard to believe! What on earth does it take to get a PDF in this country??

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

I am not in a situation to believe it. Probably NSERC denied due to the over qualification. :( Did you apply for Banting? I think you can easily win Banting. Your profile is even very suitable for a faculty position.

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

Also got my PDF rejection letter with IRDF pre-approved. I'm sorry to say this, but reading your credentials must make a lot of us better... You surely seemed to have a very strong application. At least you already are in a postdoc position in good school, so good luck to you!

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

I only had 4 first author journals and one second author but all where is IEEE trans. high impact factors. I also was a visiting researcher on top US schools and invited lecturer to some other schools and one best paper award and 5 grants (CGS etc.). I am on a waitlist and it would only be reasonable if you at least got waitlisted!!!!! I dont get whats going on with NSERC, two years ago 4 first author journals meant 100% PDF.

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I got my PDF rejection letter today in Montreal (Pre-approved IRDF)

Published papers: 9 (5 First Author (PNAS, Anal. Chem, J. Phys. Chem etc; 3 second Author: Nature Chem, Nature Nano, JACS)

Oral Presentations: 12 in National and international (4 Best oral presentations)

Leadership: Organized conferences, Initiated science outreach programs, President of a posdoc association etc

Status at the time of application: Postdoc in a top school.

After following this forum for while, I was almost sure that I won't get my PDF.

I tried to include as much information as possible about my application.

Good luck everyone,

You sound like a very deserving candidate! I don't understand this. I haven't heard back from NSERC yet, but I'm finding it hard to be hopeful.

Has anyone from Toronto heard about their NSERC PDF?

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I got my PDF yesterday in Edmonton (It was successful).

I have gone over this forum while waiting the results and I feel obligate to post my results.

Good luck everyone,

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I've also got my PDF results - rejected, no IRDF, no waitlist. Extremely embarrassing. For reference, I'm in the UK and received my letter to my UK address today (April 12).

Sorry to hear about that. I am also in the UK and waiting for the PDF results. Can you please tell us about your stat?

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Sorry to hear about that. I am also in the UK and waiting for the PDF results. Can you please tell us about your stat?

With all due respect to everyone on this board, I'd rather not tell my stats. I think we've all learned that the type of stats that everyone is interested in have a limited bearing on whether or not you're offered an award. There have been plenty of reports of many, many publications in exceptional venues, plenty of academic community involvement, and prestigious award holders who were not offered an award from NSERC. What it comes down to is whether NSERC wishes to fund your type of research and if you research proposal and reference letters were strong enough. When it comes to publications and awards, I'm right up there with plenty of the stats that have been posted here already. I will say that I'm in computer science, though :)

Edited by Tangelo
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Hi, so I got a CGS-M, but I'm planning on taking it to the U.S. to a PhD Program. I looked online to see what forms I need to fill out, and it's a bit confusing. I've tried contacting NSERC by phone, left a message and haven't gotten a reply. I also tried e-mailing, but just got an automated email back which wasn't helpful. Anyways, if anyone can help with the following questions I would really appreciate it :)

1. Can I email Form 1A and 1B to NSERC or are they supposed to be sent by mail?

2. I read online that I am supposed go complete Form 1B to change universities because I haven't yet taken up the award and I haven't yet submitted a Payment Activation form. In Part I of this form it asks for email address, telephone number and mailing address (Part II). Is this referring to the addresses for my Department at the university that I'm going to be taking the award to or my own contact information?

3. Also on Form 1B Part I (which is supposed to be sent to the university) it says I have to submit a copy of my NSERC Award notice. My award letter I received was for a CGS-M, but I will be declining this to get a PGS-M (which is $200 less). So would it still be fine to submit this award notice, or will I be receiving another one for a PGS-M?

Thanks :D


My case is a lot simpler, but I hope my answers would still help!

For Q1, I emailed NSERC regarding the same question for my PGS-D since I'm out of the country. The email reply says "Yes you can either send them by Fax or email, however please send it only once. " I would assume that this applies to you as well.

For Q2, I assume that it's the personal contact info. I am not sure why they would need the school's information since the school name should be enough...

For Q3, I'm not sure :( I had some questions about the forms, and I contacted GSO at my university. They were very responsive. I guess they should be less overloaded compared to NSERC. You can try asking them too.

Congrats :)

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