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e-mail notification


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The threads on this board are really starting to get pathetic.

Cick on the email and find out for yourself. Do you really need more information to calm yourself down during the half of a second it takes for the email to load after you've clicked it? if a bunch of people tell you that acceptances usually have email attachments and you get a letter from a school without one, what are you going to do... NOT open it?

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The threads on this board are really starting to get pathetic.

Cick on the email and find out for yourself. Do you really need more information to calm yourself down during the half of a second it takes for the email to load after you've clicked it? if a bunch of people tell you that acceptances usually have email attachments and you get a letter from a school without one, what are you going to do... NOT open it?

Whoa! Everyone needs to calm down!

Leahlearns, I've received them both ways. "Unofficial" emails tended to have a positive subject line (best one: GOOD NEWS!) but no attachment, just a message. I also received some official emails that had a message confirming acceptance and a copy of the snail-mail letter as an attachment. Rejection emails, however, also sometimes have attachments. It seems like schools use it as a way to get information to people faster, no matter what the news is.

Good luck!

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The threads on this board are really starting to get pathetic.

Cick on the email and find out for yourself. Do you really need more information to calm yourself down during the half of a second it takes for the email to load after you've clicked it? if a bunch of people tell you that acceptances usually have email attachments and you get a letter from a school without one, what are you going to do... NOT open it?

I noticed that several days ago.

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Ah, I wish there was a way to tell. But, unfortunately, there will be no way to soften the blow of bad news. (On the other hand, the surprise will also make the good news that much more exciting.)

I only wish, however, there was a way to know what my classmates are going to be like. I've already attended graduate school once, and I was disappointed with the character traits of many of my colleagues. Many were overly and unnecessarily critical and unable to be supportive of their fellow classmates. At times, we have seen that same behavior displayed on thegradcafe.com. It is disappointing when individuals--especially those in collegial situations--see it necessary to belittle others.

Regardless, leahlearns' question reminds me of a family anecdote. Before my birth, when telephone communication was difficult in my native country, people would often send messages through radio stations. An aunt who lived far from the capital city sent a message to my family informing them she was gravely ill. My family members, who were not tuned into the radio station at the time, did not hear the message, but a neighbor did. However, the neighbor only informed my family about the message a few days later, by which time the aunt had died. When the neighbor was asked why she waited so long to inform the family of the aunt's illness--given the urgency of the situation--she replied that she had not wanted to give us the bad news earlier, because she was afraid it would upset us.

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Last year, only one of my decisions (a rejection from Princeton) came by e-mail. Its subject line was simply "Princeton University Graduate Admission Decision"; there were no attachments. I don't know if acceptances bore the same subject line.

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Well, said Linden!

My entire purpose in coming to this forum, is to wonder about a process with which I am only newly familiar. I would assume anyone perusing the "waiting it out" forum is waiting and wondering as well. We're all just a bunch of pots and kettles and should be careful before saying anything unkind. And if you aren't waiting it out like everyone else, why read the forum and disparage? That seems a more pathetic behavior than asking an honest question.

Personally, I'm still waiting and am hoping to have at least one acceptance email, although I'll settle for all acceptances snail mail, as well.... :D

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