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You bet Zygo!

I recently visited the campus, have you been there? I certainly left with a favorable impression of the program!

What is your sub-sub field again? You can send a pm if you want, I also may have some info on their funding situation,...

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Uh oh...who got the rejection letter from CUNY?

Now the real waiting begins.....it wasn't entirely real for me until now. I find out my future "in the future"...wasn't really even stressing about when the letter comes. Now that they're going out it's a little different. I guess I should buy a lawn chair, so I don't have to stand next to the mailbox.

To whoever posted the rejection, would you mind sharing who applied to work with? Have a BA or MA? Thanks and sorry.

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Sorry, needed to get that out of my system. It's not a scream of rejection, just frustration... another week down, and still only 1/2 of one response........ I really don't know how much longer I can take this!

Ah, well, back to the grindstone. :x

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I'm still waiting on 2 programs, but have managed to achieve a bizarre state of relaxation - I just would like to know by March 24, when I'm visiting one of my accepted programs!

God, there are just so many of us motivated, smart applicants with amazing records. It's no wonder the process becomes so arbitrary!

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Guys, I need a hug. 2 rejects in one day. The real bummer is that all my phd programs are rejects, so that means I have to go through this crap again in a few years. Now I get to go to work at a job I despise. Yay.

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Guys, I need a hug. 2 rejects in one day. The real bummer is that all my phd programs are rejects, so that means I have to go through this crap again in a few years. Now I get to go to work at a job I despise. Yay.

((hugs)) It is their loss sunshine6.

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Guys, I need a hug. 2 rejects in one day. The real bummer is that all my phd programs are rejects, so that means I have to go through this crap again in a few years. Now I get to go to work at a job I despise. Yay.

*hugs* You and me are paddling along in the same boat, dear. I'm also feeling really low about going into huge, HUGE debt for an MA and then having to do this whole organ-grinder-monkey application dance again the year after next. I have a sick feeling in my stomach about it. But hey, at least we can go back to school!!

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Tonights and Sunshine, I have totally been there and it's been devastating. I have -two- MA degrees and the debt to prove it (only one came with any aid), the second of which I got after being rejected from every PhD program I applied to.

I went into the PhD process thinking I was pretty amazing, and would surely get in most of the places I applied (I thought it would be like undergrad apps, and I'd have my pick.)

The head of my present MA program said this is the toughest year EVER in grad school applications. I know that's small consolation (for me too), but there are just too many of us and between 40-60% fewer slots depending on the school.

He also told me a lot of programs prefer students with an MA who have had to apply more than once because those students are less likely to drop out of a PhD program.

Anyway, I'm really sorry. :( But it's not you, it's the 'system'.

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Aw Sunshine, I'm sorry, you deserve some hugs. But don't feel too bad, you will be going to grad school next year and you will be on your way to getting a PhD...this will be one more step towards being where you want to be, and you can and will make it work.

Tonights, same goes for you, but also - fingers crossed for your last two notifications!

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Okay. So I got the nicest rejection letter from my prospective advisor at WashU yesterday. It's nice to know that even if you don't get accepted somewhere it doesn't mean that they think you are an idiot ;) So... While I haven't heard back from all my schools, I have decided that I will be attending UMass Amherst and I'm sooo excited!! Any one else going there too? I'm leaving the land of internet now for a week and I'm so happy that I won't have to fret about what is in my in-box!!! Good luck everyone!

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I_heart_fieldwork said:
Okay. So I got the nicest rejection letter from my prospective advisor at WashU yesterday. It's nice to know that even if you don't get accepted somewhere it doesn't mean that they think you are an idiot ;) So... While I haven't heard back from all my schools, I have decided that I will be attending UMass Amherst and I'm sooo excited!! Any one else going there too? I'm leaving the land of internet now for a week and I'm so happy that I won't have to fret about what is in my in-box!!! Good luck everyone!

Sorry to hear about WashU. ? Congrats though on UMass.

I am still waiting to hear from 3 and funding info. Crazy! The poor mailman speeds off when I come out...tired of hearing "is this all?" :lol:

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Got home today after a long night of catching up with people... and also after multiple pitchers of Sangria... to find a GW Hominid Paleobiology small envelope on the dining table. It was a standardized rejection letter with a scribbled personal message from my prospective adviser saying that though they couldn't offer me a spot, to keep in touch.

Gotta say, it's TOTALLY okay. As long as we all make it on the radars of our respective anthro rock-stars, we're all going to eventually work with them and become oober successful in our respective fields of study.

It may be the pitchers of Sangria talking, but if you're driven enough, it'll all work out! Keep your heads up guys, it's gonna happen eventually. The universe isn't against us.

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Got home today after a long night of catching up with people... and also after multiple pitchers of Sangria... to find a GW Hominid Paleobiology small envelope on the dining table. It was a standardized rejection letter with a scribbled personal message from my prospective adviser saying that though they couldn't offer me a spot, to keep in touch.

Gotta say, it's TOTALLY okay. As long as we all make it on the radars of our respective anthro rock-stars, we're all going to eventually work with them and become oober successful in our respective fields of study.

It may be the pitchers of Sangria talking, but if you're driven enough, it'll all work out! Keep your heads up guys, it's gonna happen eventually. The universe isn't against us.

efficient biped, sorry about GW :cry: . Your right though, with enough drive we will all get to where we want to be. This year has been an even more difficult one with regards to dept decisions, and funding. Just can't control the economy and the resulting dept budget cuts. Many programs that we may all have been admitted to, just can't take students due to these circumstances.

Hopefully next month we will all be celebrating going somewhere....drinking pitchers of something...maybe sangrias because that does sound yummy! :P

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My big demon right now is jealousy.... everyone I know who applied got into a school they really wanted to go to.

And I don't even know where I'm going yet.

I am asking myself lots of useless, unproductive questions like "what's wrong with me?"

I understand the jealousy thing...last year I did not get into any programs but watched classmates with lesser grades and gre scores get into programs. :evil: Spent the last year adjunct teaching and wishing I was in a class somewhere because it sucks teaching the same class as a PhD holder and know that they make waaaayyyy more $.

"What's wrong with me"....I would venture nothing (okay we are all a little crazy for picking anthro because lets face it, not the most lucrative profession!! :lol: ). As one prof wrote me (from a program I was rejected from) "I was the victim of bad timing". Any other year I would have gotten in, it was just bad luck because of the dept lowering the number of admittances. He went with an MA already in program to advance to PhD program. That hurt me this year, I think...trying to come in already holding an MS. Or maybe I am just trying to lessen the rejection. :(

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