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Notifications, anyone?


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well, first official rejection- from Berkeley (not a shock- I had 1/1000000 chance as a Berkeley anthro undergrad). Not really even a disappointment, since I knew I didn't get in when the first admits were posted weeks ago. Cal woulda been nice, but oh well.

I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear from my 1st choice, since the more I think about it, the less I want to go to my 3rd and 4th choice schools. I'm likely to just say screw it and start applying for 2010-2011 programs and funding (with considerably more breadth: will reapply to top 2, but probably focus on research MA program[me]s overseas).

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Can we do a collective update on which programs are definitely contacting people? Let's collaborate - and go with what we know from beyond the world of the Results page.

Off the top of my head: Northwestern, Berkeley, WashU, Wisconsin, UCSD, various other UC schools, Illinois, U. of Chicago...where else?

Chin up, Medianerd! Oh, and I have it from a very reliable source (in my family) that some schools waitlisted people because they are actively trying to get (i.e., demanding) more money so as to expand the upcoming cohort. That is, the Grad Schools themselves are trying to get more from their universities. Just a heads-up.

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Lizzle said:
Can we do a collective update on which programs are definitely contacting people? Let's collaborate - and go with what we know from beyond the world of the Results page.

Off the top of my head: Northwestern, Berkeley, WashU, Wisconsin, UCSD, various other UC schools, Illinois, U. of Chicago...where else?

Chin up, Medianerd! Oh, and I have it from a very reliable source (in my family) that some schools waitlisted people because they are actively trying to get (i.e., demanding) more money so as to expand the upcoming cohort. That is, the Grad Schools themselves are trying to get more from their universities. Just a heads-up.

Lizzle, I like this idea . . . from various reliable sources (i.e. not necessarily personal experience), I can report that UC Irvine has made (some) offers, NYU has held (some) interviews, Univ. of Michigan has made (some) offers, and Stanford appears as one lonely acceptance on the results board . . . off the top of my head, that's all I can think of. And, I am careful to say "some" in each of the above listings because there is really no telling if ALL offers and/or interviews have occurred. Can anyone else contribute?

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Lizzle said:
Can we do a collective update on which programs are definitely contacting people? Let's collaborate - and go with what we know from beyond the world of the Results page.

Off the top of my head: Northwestern, Berkeley, WashU, Wisconsin, UCSD, various other UC schools, Illinois, U. of Chicago...where else?

Chin up, Medianerd! Oh, and I have it from a very reliable source (in my family) that some schools waitlisted people because they are actively trying to get (i.e., demanding) more money so as to expand the upcoming cohort. That is, the Grad Schools themselves are trying to get more from their universities. Just a heads-up.

Michigan too.

Well, I feel like I'd have been notified at this point if I were really on Michigan or Chicago's waitlists (I am aware of people who have been waitlisted there.) I dunno. I don't wanna go to the school that admitted me very much, but I'd be okay with every single other school that I applied to. I really am having a huge freakout today. sdsfsfsddfs

ETA- Did anyone say if UCLA is notifying anyone yet?

ETA Again- Lizzie, you should come over for a martini :?

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None of my schools have contacted me yet (I've only applied to three), but I'll definitely post something when they do... Keep in mind that I'm a tri-state area girl, so the programs are all located in PA and NJ. Lets hope that we hear from some programs soon. I've been checking my e-mail every five minutes or so and to be honest my spirits are really low... My anthro advisor left a message for me today and she basicly said that Penn is "a big pond with many big fish" and that I should consider this before I choose to go there... Now I ask you, what kind of advice is this?????? I don't know if I'm even going to get in and shes already telling me to reconsider going there???? And why now? She was very supportive when I decided to apply to the program back in November. I wonder what prompted her to tell me this? She's a Penn grad, so I wonder if she's heard anything. Like I don't have enough on my mind already. Perhaps, it's time for me to try the healing powers of a turkey sandwich...

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I new to this board, (only found it a few days ago) and I am the one who posted from Boston University. I received an email from another office about the fellowship, and when I emailed the department about it, they let me know I got in. I think they have made their decisions, but official letters should come soon. I'm cultural BTW.

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I got an official acceptance from Stanford recently (I'm the "evil" :-P unofficial results poster from earlier... all I had until this week was unofficial). I know some other people have been at least unofficially notified, but I'm not sure if the different branches are synched up (e.g., couldn't say anything about cultural). If this can be considered bad news, I apologise for being the bearer :(.

I'd still like to know where UCLA stands...

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I got an official acceptance from Stanford recently (I'm the "evil" :-P unofficial results poster from earlier... all I had until this week was unofficial). I know some other people have been at least unofficially notified, but I'm not sure if the different branches are synched up (e.g., couldn't say anything about cultural). If this can be considered bad news, I apologise for being the bearer :(.

I'd still like to know where UCLA stands...

Someone told me Stanford hasn't notified on cultural yet, but I don't believe much of what I hear these days :/

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I new to this board, (only found it a few days ago) and I am the one who posted from Boston University. I received an email from another office about the fellowship, and when I emailed the department about it, they let me know I got in. I think they have made their decisions, but official letters should come soon. I'm cultural BTW.

*&^$#&^@#$%!%&@^)*$@#^%(% ?!?!?!?!?! I think I need something stronger than a turkey sandwich after this....

I think I can officially declare that I have now lost it.

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This may be the point where the results board becomes more a curse than a blessing.

Definitely...but it's also like crack...you know it's not good for you, but you just can't keep off of it for too long. My greatest fear used to be rejections across the board. My new fear is being waitlisted everywhere and THEN rejected. Torture.

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That's about where I am. Totally checked out mentally but still in a state of panic.

I know it sounds totally stupid, but it truly does make me feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one feeling this way, even if it's just some faceless internet-person. :D You guys are wonderful!


Definitely...but it's also like crack...you know it's not good for you, but you just can't keep off of it for too long.

Oh, yes! I know it's bad for me, everyone around me tells me it's bad for me, and now I almost I feel like I'm standing beside myself, watching myself freak out, seeing exactly what the constant checking & checking is doing to me... but I can't stop!

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My greatest fear used to be rejections across the board. My new fear is being waitlisted everywhere and THEN rejected. Torture.

I am soooo with you on that one. And the best part? It could conceivably prolong this process all the way til April 15th. No way can I take that abuse.

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