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Dying to know about odds...


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Wouldn't it be amazing if, when they asked you for an interview, there would be a way to know how the odds of acceptance changed from you vs all applicants to you vs all interviewees?

If only there was a way to secretly obtain this info... maybe if i posed as a magazine reporter who telephones during the day to collect this kind of data :wink: :mrgreen:

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I had a pre-application interview during a campus visit. I set it up through e-mail, and luckily the dean was able to make time to really sit and talk about the program. My interview in a few weeks is with the same person, which takes off loads of stress, but does not change the fact that they are so selective and the stakes are higher. It's much worse to interview and not get in than just to get rejected at the beginning, in my opinion...

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I have an interview at a school that I'm interested in, but am already accepted at a school that I'm a bit more interested in, so the pressure is off somewhat....however I'm still nervous just thinking about it. Ugghh.... My hope is that these interviews will not be all that formal, and that it will be more about getting to know one another and seeing if it's a good fit.

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I had a campus visit before I applied to one of my schools. Two of the professors were ALL OVER my research - even discussed sharing my advisement - so I started to feel really encouraged, and then I had an interview with the chair of the department and it was the biggest downer ever. He was all "we don't have any money, and even what we have, we probably won't give you. See ya, kid." Okay, that's an exaggeration, but... I don't know if he just disliked me at first sight or what, but it was terrible. After such an expression of enthusiasm from the two professors I visited with, I'd expected to hear positive things, but he was so negative that I'm expecting a rejection from that school.

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The idea of interviewing really freaks me out. I'm so relieved I can go straight to acceptances/rejections without them.

I envy you! I am terrified of my interviews- probably because I'm incredibly shy and awkward. I always walk away from meetings (especially with professors) thinking, "Why did I just say that?" Hahaha. So, yeah, I'd rather not have to endure the embarrassment! Ah well. It's good for me to talk to faculty before making decisions too obviously.

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I envy you! I am terrified of my interviews- probably because I'm incredibly shy and awkward. I always walk away from meetings (especially with professors) thinking, "Why did I just say that?" Hahaha. So, yeah, I'd rather not have to endure the embarrassment! Ah well. It's good for me to talk to faculty before making decisions too obviously.

I wish I had interviews just so I would be doing something besides sitting on my can next to the mailbox, but in reality I know that if I had them I'd feel exactly like you are now - terrified. I nearly puked before my campus visits, and they were totally informal. Social phobia for the lose.

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doing something besides sitting on my can next to the mailbox,

That made me laugh. I thought about all of the meanings for can and had a visual/momentary flash of genius that i could have my toilet installed next to my mailbox in the front yard. that way i would never have to leave while i was waiting for the post to arrive. don't tempt me...

thank you.

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I envy you! I am terrified of my interviews- probably because I'm incredibly shy and awkward. I always walk away from meetings (especially with professors) thinking, "Why did I just say that?" Hahaha. So, yeah, I'd rather not have to endure the embarrassment! Ah well. It's good for me to talk to faculty before making decisions too obviously.

On a similar note, I found myself talking about how email was such a great form of communication to my new employer at a private tutoring company. Afterward, I thought to myself, "Wtf?" So, hopefully I won't do any of that if I get an interview. Part of it will most probably be in another language, which helps because I can't possibly be as awkward in a language that isn't my first.

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