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I called my Graduate studies dept. today and they said they haven't heard anything regarding the MA results. They told me the results haven't been posted yet. Is it something weird with my university or is it they just don't want to tell us over the phone? I'm at Concordia.



I am so afraid that I may not get SSHRC master grant. I was notified that I am the first on the waitlist for the SSHRC grant at my school. Is it possible that I can get this grant????

  S_mo said:
I called my Graduate studies dept. today and they said they haven't heard anything regarding the MA results. They told me the results haven't been posted yet. Is it something weird with my university or is it they just don't want to tell us over the phone? I'm at Concordia.


It's something weird at your university. Try asking someone else. Or show up in their office.

  jaivirdi said:
this is my first time applying for sshrc. Could someone please explain what "a-list" group means? Many thanks!

A-list = not B-list.

A-list = application made it out of the institution, and on to Ottawa.

  jaivirdi said:
this is my first time applying for sshrc. Could someone please explain what "a-list" group means? Many thanks!

A-List means baically "recommended for a SSHRC.

B-List means basically "recommended as an alternate for a SSHRC"

Many many months ago, when you applied for the SSHRC, one of three things probably happened: you were recommended (A-List=good odds), you were recommended (B-List=bad odds), or you were not recommended/ your application was not forwarded to Ottawa (=no odds). If you recieved a letter saying your application had been forwarded then you were on the A or B list, and hopefully the letter said which one. At least that's my understanding.

(the above only applies if you applied through a school, I don't really know what happens with direct apps)


Again, this is a little off topic but... Does anyone know what the odds are of getting an OGS in your second year of Masters if you received a SSHRC in your first year? Is it easier to get an OGS if you have already had a SSHRC?

  ashleyv said:
Again, this is a little off topic but... Does anyone know what the odds are of getting an OGS in your second year of Masters if you received a SSHRC in your first year? Is it easier to get an OGS if you have already had a SSHRC?

This is very unofficial, but I heard from a prof that having already received a major award does increase your chances of getting one again. Kind of a "rich get richer" scenario, but he said that reviewers generally have the impression that if you were good enough to be "chosen" once, you're good enough again. However, he and I were discussing OGS (master's) first, doctoral SSHRC next (my situation). I know SSHRC actually awards points for getting external awards previously during the review process. I don't know as much about OGS's review policies, so I can't really comment on the SSHRC first, OGS next scenario you're in.

  monkeybrain said:

I would keep contacting your school officials. I would pester them significantly. I might even show up in their office. Certainly you should show up in your department office. They know! You should be told. Don't wait. Piss people off! That's what I would do. Good luck!

While I agree that they're jerks, I would not try to piss them off. Contact the grad admin in your department (with whom I would try to be as friendly as possible) and hopefully she/he will have some info for you. ((I'm an admin assistant and I'm offended that people think that we should be treated that poorly thinking that it will have positive consequences))


I have not been notified by my school either. They have spent their time putting out articles about the 6 vanier winners from the school and have ignored the Masters students. When I contact the faculty of graduate studies they told me I would have to wait until Friday! Have I not waited long enough!!!! I am soooooooo not happy about having to wait longer!


Vanier winners are incredibly important to schools in terms of prestige. MA students are not. It's not fair, but it makes sense. Besides, A-listed MA applicants are shoo-ins, so you really don't need to worry. The people who don't get MA SSHRCs after being forwarded have some horrible blight on their records. Unless you're secretely Argentinian instead of Canadian or have a year of straight Cs due to a crack addiction, you're FINE. I was in your shoes last year, and I spent way too much time worrying needlessly. Enjoy spring! Leave the house! Start planning how to spend your money!

  jasper.milvain said:
Vanier winners are incredibly important to schools in terms of prestige. MA students are not. It's not fair, but it makes sense. Besides, A-listed MA applicants are shoo-ins, so you really don't need to worry. The people who don't get MA SSHRCs after being forwarded have some horrible blight on their records. Unless you're secretely Argentinian instead of Canadian or have a year of straight Cs due to a crack addiction, you're FINE. I was in your shoes last year, and I spent way too much time worrying needlessly. Enjoy spring! Leave the house! Start planning how to spend your money!

Basically, people on the alternative list have very slight chance to get the grant?????????


Hey everyone, just wanted to give many thanks for all the emotional support over the past couple of months! I'm happy to report that I've just found out from our awards officer that I've received SSHRC for my MA. Yay! :D FINALLY!!!

  virdisun said:
Hey everyone, just wanted to give many thanks for all the emotional support over the past couple of months! I'm happy to report that I've just found out from our awards officer that I've received SSHRC for my MA. Yay! :D FINALLY!!!

Great news! Congrats viridisun!

  zhanghy said:

Basically, people on the alternative list have very slight chance to get the grant?????????

I'm also wondering, does anyone know how often alternate list MA applicants are successful?

  rufus said:

Actually, according to http://www.sshrc.ca/site/apply-demande/program_descriptions-descriptions_de_programmes/fellowships/doctoral-doctorat-eng.aspx, B-list applications are not recommended for an award, at all. I think alternates fit into a different category.

Indeed. I had my terminology wrong--thanks for the clarification!!

What I was trying to address was the A vs B list for *MA* students. I confused B-list with alternates. SSHRC *MA* site says:

"The university evaluates all applications in accordance with SSHRC

Basically, people on the alternative list have very slight chance to get the grant?????????

If you're on the alternative list for an MA, you will only get the grant if someone turns it down. This happens fairly often--people don't go to grad school, they go somewhere that they can't take the SSHRC, etc. Alternative lists are usually very short. At the school where I got my MA, forty people were forwarded and five were alternates. BOTH of the alternates I knew eventually got the award, but not for MONTHS after the initial results. Alternates, you have a fair-to-middling shot from what I know. A-listers, you're in like Flynn.

  jasper.milvain said:
Vanier winners are incredibly important to schools in terms of prestige. MA students are not. It's not fair, but it makes sense. Besides, A-listed MA applicants are shoo-ins, so you really don't need to worry. The people who don't get MA SSHRCs after being forwarded have some horrible blight on their records. Unless you're secretely Argentinian instead of Canadian or have a year of straight Cs due to a crack addiction, you're FINE. I was in your shoes last year, and I spent way too much time worrying needlessly. Enjoy spring! Leave the house! Start planning how to spend your money!

I totally understand about the prestige that Vanier winners bring to a school and how they are more important than the MA awards. I am just saying that with all the press they are doing for the Vanier winners they couldn't just spare a few minutes to say hey you got the award will send more information later. I know that everyone keeps saying I am a shoe in but I won't really feel better until I know for sure!

  virdisun said:
Hey everyone, just wanted to give many thanks for all the emotional support over the past couple of months! I'm happy to report that I've just found out from our awards officer that I've received SSHRC for my MA. Yay! :D FINALLY!!!

Way to go!!


Any UBC PhD students on this forum? Have you had direct communcation regarding your SSHRC application from FOGS or your departments. When you received notification that your application was forwarded to SSHRC was it from SSHRC or from FOGS. Did you receive a mark on your notification?


Just heard today from my advisor and grad secretary (within half an hour of each other--but kind grad secretary was first) that my SSHRC MA application was successful. Woo-hoo! I, too, was starting to wonder why I hadn't heard when I knew they knew, and feared it must be bad news. It wasn't, but I completely understand that thinking. Good luck to all who are still waiting. And Ph.D.'s--fingers crossed for every one of you also. I hope to be in your shoes someday.


It's making me really happy to read that so many of you got positive results! I know this was expected with the A-list Master's applicants, but it stills feels awesome!

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