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Waiting to hear back - MFA in Photography


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Tysonr2- thank you so much for the great information, I greatly appreciate it!

Run photo run- Ohio University and Missou where some of my top choices, but, since my fiancé got the job out here 3 months ago I am trying to go to a school that is within driving distance from NYC. At least if I get into Yale we can live half way in between. I have seen amazing work come out of Ohio, as well as San Fran and Western Kentucky. Prior to applying to grad school I was going to get another BA in photojournalism at WKU but none of my credits would transfer so a Masters is the way to go.

As for your question- when I applied at Westminster they reviewed my portfolio and did a quick phone interview which led them to ask me to put together a photostory. Following that I was accepted- each school is different and you never know what they may require.

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it's 2/2! is everyone still breathing?

i really hope if rejection letters are coming, they would arrive sooner than later.

my work is very very conceptually driven.

in all honesty, i am not sure if i would be a good fit for yale. it really does have a reputation for being somewhat conservative.

as a conceptual person, i want to believe that conceptual types in general have a fighting chance for super competitive places, namely saic, columbia, and ucla.

as far as other schools go- cca, calarts, uic, and mica, i hope conceptual types have a good chance that requires slightly less labor than "fighting".

uhg. who knows, though. all this thinking and second guessing can effectively drive people mad.

2/3 can't come soon enough!!!

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it's 2/2! is everyone still breathing?

i really hope if rejection letters are coming, they would arrive sooner than later.

my work is very very conceptually driven.

in all honesty, i am not sure if i would be a good fit for yale. it really does have a reputation for being somewhat conservative.

as a conceptual person, i want to believe that conceptual types in general have a fighting chance for super competitive places, namely saic, columbia, and ucla.

as far as other schools go- cca, calarts, uic, and mica, i hope conceptual types have a good chance that requires slightly less labor than "fighting".

uhg. who knows, though. all this thinking and second guessing can effectively drive people mad.

2/3 can't come soon enough!!!

My work is also conceptual and I want to be able explore my ideas with photography, as well as other mediums if I so choose. I think your list has some good schools for that, especially Cal Arts, UCLA, Columbia and CCA. I'm not as familiar with the others.

I agree with you about Yale. From what I hear, it is a straightfoward traditional photo program, with not much interdisciplinary practice. I remember Shannon Ebner once said that when she tried to expand to other mediums while in the MFA program there, that she felt like the black sheep of the department. She said that the other students and professors did not believe that she should be doing anything other than photography. That being said, things may have changed since then.

Anyway, good luck with your schools!

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yes! I got an interview from calarts photography as well! do you think i can request for skype inteview!! because i live in Hong Kong

Congratulations!!!I think you should ask them and explain ur situations to them.

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Anyone who applied for photography of SAIC or UCLA received the interview request today??

Nothing from UCLA. I'm pretty sure they don't interview (for the studio art program anyway) and won't be making any decisions until the first couple weeks of March.

Edited by imbeingdead
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So I am already accepting that I will not get in this time around. I don't think my portfolio was polished enough since I decided to apply at the last minute, well, 2 months ago. Any suggestions on the value of national portfolio reviews? Which ones would you recommend? Thanks! (At least I can see I will not be the first person who doesn't get in the first time around.). Looking ahead....

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So I am already accepting that I will not get in this time around. I don't think my portfolio was polished enough since I decided to apply at the last minute, well, 2 months ago. Any suggestions on the value of national portfolio reviews? Which ones would you recommend? Thanks! (At least I can see I will not be the first person who doesn't get in the first time around.). Looking ahead....

A national portfolio review means nothing to a school. I would not mention it anywhere in my submission materials. Doing so is to admit that you can't edit your own work (at least it could be interpreted that way). Getting such a review is only valuable if helps you to refine your portfolio.

Work on building a strong cohesive body of work. Work on getting into some juried shows or publications to build your resume. Build an application money war chest and apply to more schools next year to increase your chances.

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Anyone who applied for photography of SAIC or UCLA received the interview request today??

I got an interview request from SAIC in the mail yesterday (2/11/12).

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i should check my mailbox, i dun know if there will be any delay

for people living out of US like me.

thanks nicl722!

i would expect a delay since i'm sure all the letters are sent around the same time and it takes longer to process and deliver mail going outside the US.

fingers crossed!

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Just got my first acceptance (to balance out my Yale rejection). Accepted via email to Ohio State University. Also had a phone interview today with Ohio University at Athens. And also got a phone call from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) to advise I was accepted there too.

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