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Waiting to hear back - MFA in Photography


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Woo!! Acceptance number 2! Got the go ahead from Kendall College at Ferris State University. It's looking like it will be a fair bit more expensive than the 3 year program at UNL....hmm...decisions decisions. Or one of my two remaining schools could swoop in with a full tuition waiver and make it easy for me. hehee. :)

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I interviewed with my favorite school 2 weeks ago. I got an email today from the photo dept chair, asking to call me tomorrow to discuss my application status. That sounds like good news as I doubt a dept. chair would email to set a time to call to decline someone. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much in case it is bad news. Tomorrow can't come fast enough. I'm not telling which school yet as I don't want the jinx it. :)

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Really? There were at least 10 of us who were invited to interview about 2 weeks ago. I didn't realize they were still conducting interviews.

They are still interviewing. I have an interview later today.

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Really? There were at least 10 of us who were invited to interview about 2 weeks ago. I didn't realize they were still conducting interviews.

My application got a bit messed up, so they were waiting for it to get corrected in order to interview me. Just finished the skype interview. It seemed to go well. I really do not know a great deal about Temple/Tyler. The professors work is vastly different from my own (but perhaps that's a good thing). If there are 10 out there that applied, I'd love to hear more about the school.

Edited by Fool4nine
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I got into Calarts w/o an interview. I was waitlisted last year..it seems they didn't need to interview me again. :D

I'm about 90% sure I'll be going there. As soon as I get there I'm gonna give Allan Sekula a big wet kiss on his bald forehead!

PM me if you're planning on going. I'm local and have a comfy couch if anyone is coming to visit!

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Arrr I still have my everything crossed to get in, if you don't mind me asking did you get any kind of tuition scholarship notice too? Congrats btw I intervoewed last week, I'm from the uk and could be taking you up on that offer!

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Arrr I still have my everything crossed to get in, if you don't mind me asking did you get any kind of tuition scholarship notice too? Congrats btw I intervoewed last week, I'm from the uk and could be taking you up on that offer!

I did not. They say after April 1st. I'm worried about funding. I missed their priority deadline since I thought I'd be rejected. I'm eagerly waiting to find out if I royally screwed myself with my own pessemism.

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Do they interview everyone? Or specifically all photo applicants?

If you are talking about Temple/Tyler, at least for photo, they interview all of the applicants that are being considered for acceptance. As I know they have 5 slots, and according to a poster above, they interviewed something like 10 people, they are likely targeting 5 for acceptance and another 5 or so for their wait list (perhaps more as of course many applicants are not on this forum).

I'm sure that no schools interview everyone but only those applicants that they are really serious about based on the portfolio. And not all schools interview. It seems that getting an interview means that your chances have increased to somewhere around the 50% mark. If you really nail the interview, then perhaps your chances are more like 75% (all a guess of course as this is so subjective).

All of my rejections, and about half of my acceptances, came from schools that did not interview me.

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Ah yes I am wondering about CalArts too? Anyone heard from SAIC for final decisions?



CalArts - Interviewed 3/8

SAIC - Interviewed 3/2

PRATT - Skype Interview 3/20

SVA - nothing?

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