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Hi all,

Don't know if this helps anyone, but I've emailed Chicago (just to know if I should even keep checking the app status) and this was their reply:

Admissions decisions are completed over a period of time, and are released over this period. When your decision has been released, you will receive an email informing you that your decision letter has been posted on the application website. All decisions should be announced by the end of February or in early March at the latest.

So... all hope is not lost? I guess they're waiting for the 25 accepted (according to above comment) to say yes or no!

Anyway, do with this info as you will.

Good luuuuck!

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Again, I hate to be a broken record on this, but the consequence of fit being the most important element for an application is that it takes time and effort to get those pieces to actually fit together. This is a crude example, but if you know you want two modernists, you can't just send out four acceptances and hope that two take it and two don't. Oftentimes acceptances are spaced out over such a wide period because departments need to wait until they have commitments from people of specific specialties.

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Yep, looks like it. Meanwhile, the grad coordinator said--" I'm hearing word that decisions should be made within the next couple of weeks. You'll receive a notification when they're ready. Thanks for your patience..."

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Also, as a lost undergraduate in this process, I'm curious if those who were admitted already had MAs? Is it a more practical way to go about this process (MA first)?

Really depends. My field (cinema studies, but I'm also interested in media/affect work being done at places like Duke, or broader media studies such as at MIT) has increasingly moved toward accepting people entering with MAs. On the other hand, in English, I hear that some idiosyncratic institutions prefer to admit straight from BA so that these admits can be "groomed" in the style peculiar to that institution. These names should be common knowledge in your field's conversation. Sometimes, though, gaining an MA from a top-ranked department can definitely help, as it can serve to establish credentials (apart from other potential benefits such as obtaining letters from major scholars, networking, etc.)

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It's hard to know what to do, at this point, the only PhD that's accepted me is Tufts, and I'm not sure if it would e better to get an MA and en re-apply a year from now. Very confusing. Anyways, I hope we all hear from Chicago soon, just to end the waiting!

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Tufts is a great school.... If you were set on getting into a particular PhD program, getting a funded MA and reapplying might be an option. But only if you're funded!

Plus, if why not just go to the awesome PhD program instead of the funded MA and try to transfer? Does Tufts offer an en route MA?

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