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Lit, Rhet, Comp - Chat Thread

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I'm trying desperately to forget the three digit area code for stanford. And also regretting that I didn't apply to Northwestern. What's one more school when you've got 15 already on your list?

EDIT: And it's now the 26th of January. We are in a realm in which it wouldn't be ridiculous to actually hear from schools.

Edited by WellSpring
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(as in last year, today was Northwestern Day). We need to rush the "Chat Room" en masse when shit starts going down.

omgz you gave me a heart attack. Anyone heard yet? I'm desperate for Evanston omgz aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgghhhhh

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There's a Northwestern admit up on the board. Whoever it is: CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was just about to post the same thing. I'm glad someone got an early decision that was positive. Congrats!

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...as much as I dislike waiting, this is better than applying! At least now we are delightfully out of control.

I believe this whole process tells us much about ourselves. For example, I am neurotic and an utter control freak, and find this excruciatingly more painful specifically because it is out of my control.

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Just wanted to say that, as a person who's not applying until next fall, watching you all wait for these decisions is really exciting to me. No, I'm not a sadist or anything. It's just that I know it's crazy stressful, but you're at the verge of a major, life-changing event, and I think that's awesome/exciting. Keep it cool (as best you can) and remember to enjoy the interim -- if things work out, you'll never be back in this time/place in your life again! Savor friends/family/freetime (what little you might have) for now. Who knows, you might need to start planning a cross-country/Atlantic move pretty soon!

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Apparently someone has gotten wait-listed at Yale! Good luck!

Well, it wasn't me, but I did notice it was a "waitlist/other" entry and the comment stated that Yale doesn't do interviews for the English PhD. I think this comment was left by a Yale hopeful who called the department asking about interviews and thought they would share their info/spare the Yale English Department similar calls from Grad Cafe readers.

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