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This ever happen to anyone?

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Since I sent all of my applications in, I have be bombarded with allusions to all of the graduate programs I applied to.

Michigan T-shirts, Stanford football games, Duke youth program flyers....everywhere!

Maybe I'm just more aware of it since they're on my mind...but it's kind of a tease/annoyance.

If I believed in fate, maybe this would make me feel better?

Anyone had this happen to them?

Edited by blackcoffee64
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Yes it has happened to me a lot. It doesn't mean anything, last year I saw LSE bumper stickers, T-Shirts etc, all over the place, I still never found the funding to go. Also, once I was flirting with this guy, and I used to see his name everywhere, on hoardings, in the news papers, in movies, we didn't end up going out.

I think since these places are in the forefront of your mind you're just picking them out of your environment more often than you normally would.

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Since I'm not in the US, I haven't seen T-shirts and such, but I've started noticing whenever someone from one of the universities I've applied to is mentioned in the newspaper.

Also, two people I've been in contact with regarding my applications have been to conferences here in Israel (one of my POIs, plus a former grad student at my dream school who does exactly what I'm interested in).

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Also, two people I've been in contact with regarding my applications have been to conferences here in Israel (one of my POIs, plus a former grad student at my dream school who does exactly what I'm interested in).

Provided you're able to make small talk, that's wonderful. Given a choice between an interesting, qualified candidate the POI doesn't know to be amicable and an interesting, qualified candidate the POI knows to be friendly, s/he will choose the second: you.

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Provided you're able to make small talk, that's wonderful. Given a choice between an interesting, qualified candidate the POI doesn't know to be amicable and an interesting, qualified candidate the POI knows to be friendly, s/he will choose the second: you.

The problem is that I couldn't make it to my POI's conference, even though I wanted to go.

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The problem is that I couldn't make it to my POI's conference, even though I wanted to go.

Ah, sucks. I think I would've skipped presenting my own paper to be there, haha. But if you've got a conflict, you've got a conflict.

As for me, I just get asked about 20 times per day if I've got any acceptances yet.

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As for me, I just get asked about 20 times per day if I've got any acceptances yet.

Same here. I keep telling people I probably won't hear anything before February, yet they ask again anyway the next time they see me.

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Same here. I keep telling people I probably won't hear anything before February, yet they ask again anyway the next time they see me.

That happens to me as well. Later on I realized that many people just want to be nice, they don't really care about your application results.

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That happens to me as well. Later on I realized that many people just want to be nice, they don't really care about your application results.

Which is ironic since being constantly asked about the results is the least nice thing that can be done to people in our situation. I certainly don't need additional help to remember my applications.

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