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Comp Lit 2012

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I just heard unofficially about an acceptance, but that's because I'm a current MA at the school in question. So happy to definitely be going into a PhD program this fall! (Not comp lit, but my interests are very similar to some of yours - interdisciplinary approach to Modernism)

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congrats on your acceptance, effess. I'm jealous that your first decision is an acceptance, but I'm happy for you. Takes the pressure off big time because you know you are getting in somewhere.

Continuing to pray to the academic gods.

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damn, i applied to cornell but haven't heard anything. did they email you tonight?

congratulations, btw! in my original post, anxiety took over, and i forgot that that's a tremendous achievement.

Thank you. No, they emailed on Friday. I'm stunned and have been unable to wipe the stupid grin off my face all weekend. They haven't sent official details yet and for all I know might not be done with selection. Best of luck to you.

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I can claim the Berkeley admit. I was stunned to see an email from Frank Bezner on Friday night; haven't heard from anywhere else, though.

Congrats! I've applied to the Complit program at Berkeley, but no word yet!!

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Complit and Arabic applicant here. I've applied to Complit at Chicago, NYU, Berkeley, without any word yet. I've been hearing all this noise about interviews and telephone interviews, and it's gotten me really worried!

I've also applied to the MESAAS department at Columbia, and the Arabic program at Georgetown... so far, I've heard nothing from anyone!! >.<

Edit: Sorry for double post..

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I can claim the Berkeley admit. I was stunned to see an email from Frank Bezner on Friday night; haven't heard from anywhere else, though.

Congrats again! I didn't know you were doing classics..

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Haha, no I'm not actually, I suppose he's the point person for the adcomm. I do 20th century Latin America and Frankfurt School CI (among other things).

On another note, it seems like the big-name privates are starting to slowly send out acceptances/interviews. Duke has sent out invites as well, as other people are confirming.

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Well I didn't apply to Duke but didn't hear anything from Berkeley either. I'm assuming I'll be waitlisted or rejected... I think Brown results will be out soon.

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Hey comparatists! Anyone heard anything new?

Yes, Berkeley has sent me a rejection letter! My first notification is a rejection. :(

I saw another rejection from Complit Berkeley on the result board.

I am really really worried now because I thought I had an okay chance of getting into Berkeley. I don't know though. I didn't really get in contact with any professors there, nor did I have any professors in mind when I applied there. It was my last choice school because no one popped out to me.

I feel like no one else is gonna accept me! I feel like it's already over! >.<

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I wouldn't feel too discouraged. Arabic is a really specific area, so if there were no professors qualified to work with you, they probably couldn't extend you an offer.

I really, really hope you're right. That's the only way I can think positively about it. To tell you the truth, I don't think Berkeley would have been the best place for the type of research I want to do. Now that I think about it, that was probably clear from my application... Modern Arabic lit professors are few and far between. Let's just hope that it wasn't just because I am not good enough. >.<

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Aldousarendt, did you apply to UCLA or UC Irvine, by any chance? I know a few folks from their comp. lit. programs, and I know there's a lot of fantastic work on Arabic literature and culture coming out of those institutions. Hang in there, and good luck!

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On 2/2/2012 at 12:41 AM, Grunty DaGnome said:

I think it's important to remember [for all of us] that we are not our applications. Just because Berkeley didn't pick you out of hundreds, doesn't mean YOU aren't good enough, it just means your application wasn't a fit.

Thanks for this Grunty! It's really easy to take rejection super personally... I'm slowly getting over it.

Good things come to those who wait. Trying to be patient!

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Hey Aldousarendt, I was also rejected by Berkeley, but there are 8 other schools that I'm waiting to hear from. I'm sure I understand how you feel but there is still hope!

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Hey Aldousarendt, I was also rejected by Berkeley, but there are 8 other schools that I'm waiting to hear from. I'm sure I understand how you feel but there is still hope!

Thanks pelin!! I wish I would have applied to more schools, like you did!! >.< Ahhh I just want to know about the other schools now!

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I really, really hope you're right. That's the only way I can think positively about it. To tell you the truth, I don't think Berkeley would have been the best place for the type of research I want to do. Now that I think about it, that was probably clear from my application... Modern Arabic lit professors are few and far between. Let's just hope that it wasn't just because I am not good enough. >.<

I have a similar concern. My focus is mostly on 19th century Tagalog literature, and partly medieval Spanish lit. The medieval Spanish lit can be accommodated, but it's hard to find any profs specializing in Tagalog lit, much less Tagalog lit from the 19th century specifically. :/

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