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Campus Visiting Days at Various Schools (this year and last year...)

Jeff Swindle

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@ everybody - Would you definitely recommend staying with grad students or do you think that's not so important? My SO graduated from Santa Clara and studied electrical engineering and has plentyyy of friends in the general Silicon Valley area. I'm tempted to fly down with him and stay/catch up with these people, whom my SO could play with during the day, and generally have him with me for company and support buuuuut I don't know if that would actually diminish some of the value of these visits. Advice please!

I would suggest staying with a grad student. The information you get from just small talk conversation from them might become paramount in your final decision between programs. Plus, you'll be able to get the real inside scoop of the department in a more personal setting (vs. an open forum).

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You can take the Palo Alto Caltrain to the Millbrae Caltrain, and from the Millbrae Caltrain transfer to the Millbrae BART (they're separated by 1 flight of stairs and a short bridge), and from the Millbrae BART travel to the Berkeley BART. Total cost should be like ~$10, and you can buy Caltrain/BART fare tickets at every station. Near the Berkeley BART is an AC Transit bus stop - you can take the 51B line up to Telegraph Avenue for $2.20 (Barrows Hall is near Telegraph and Bancroft) or foot it east toward campus (15-20 minute walk to Barrows).

Edited by ohhello
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Chicago's visit days are March 6th and 7th this year, officially, but the director also mentioned in the letter that there will be an ethnographer's conference held on campus on the 8th and 9th, if admits would like to hang around.

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BTW, Duke doesn't cover travel for international students :(

Have anyone heard of any university that usually covers flights for international students?

Just for fun and comparison.

When I was applied to schools, I was an American living in Istanbul. They had said $300 for Americans, $500 for international students. When I asked, they were like "Yeah sure I guess we can give you the international student amount." And then, I checked tickets and it was significantly more than that (closer to $1000 I think?), and additionally I thought I might have trouble getting the time off work, and they were basically like, "Yeah, it would be awful if you couldn't come just for financial reasons. We'll work it out." And they took care of the whole thing. The point of this, especially at top programs, you've courted them enough, now you have to realize that they're courting you. Schools are going to try to wine and dine the hell out of you. Make sure you get there and have a good time.

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Chicago's visit days are March 6th and 7th this year, officially, but the director also mentioned in the letter that there will be an ethnographer's conference held on campus on the 8th and 9th, if admits would like to hang around.

CHICAGO ADMITS: STAY FOR THAT CONFERENCE. They're underselling it. If you do qualitative work, or are even just interested in qualitative work, go. People around here are talking like it might be the most significant conference so far this decade and will probably be a special AJS issue. It's on "ethnography and causality" and should be really great. I'm barely an ethnographer and I am still thinking of flying across the country to go to it (well that, and to visit my sister). Main site: http://sites.google.com/site/ajs2012conference/, initial site: http://sociology.uchicago.edu/department/ajs/ethnography-conf.shtml

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Boston College's admit days are March 12-14 - Monday through Wednesday. I'm on the waitlist, and I'm a teacher so taking days off, especially three in a row, is a big no-no.

How important is it that I go? Would it be bad if I didn't? I don't want to take days off from school unless it's really necessary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Boston College's admit days are March 12-14 - Monday through Wednesday. I'm on the waitlist, and I'm a teacher so taking days off, especially three in a row, is a big no-no.

How important is it that I go? Would it be bad if I didn't? I don't want to take days off from school unless it's really necessary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Honestly, attending would show that you are serious about attending the school and might help you get into the school. I do realize you have to teach and that is important to consider, so I would say go with your heart.

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Has anyone heard about dates for UCLA? I need to book my ticket to visit UCSB and UCSD. I haven't heard anything yet from UCLA, but just in case, it would be nice to only book one flight out to California.

The acceptance letter I received included tentative dates: March 8th and 9th.

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Ugh, I just need to vent, but if you have to use a university's travel agency in order to book your flight, make sure you research the prices of the tickets beforehand. I just paid for a fare where I could've saved $110 for a cheaper flight. I'm sure the travel agent oversaw the cheaper flight and instead focused on his commission. It doesnt help that he was a complete jerk on the phone once I called to ask if I could get a refund. Now I have to pay for part of the trip out of pocket, which is really ridiculous considering the school and the fact that I am the one being courted here.

I really don't see the point of having a travel agent. I know some schools use them probably to make sure excessively expensive flights aren't booked, but they are totally worthless if you have to plan out the flights yourself.

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Ugh, I just need to vent, but if you have to use a university's travel agency in order to book your flight, make sure you research the prices of the tickets beforehand. I just paid for a fare where I could've saved $110 for a cheaper flight. I'm sure the travel agent oversaw the cheaper flight and instead focused on his commission. It doesnt help that he was a complete jerk on the phone once I called to ask if I could get a refund. Now I have to pay for part of the trip out of pocket, which is really ridiculous considering the school and the fact that I am the one being courted here.

I really don't see the point of having a travel agent. I know some schools use them probably to make sure excessively expensive flights aren't booked, but they are totally worthless if you have to plan out the flights yourself.

I just e-mailed a travel agent for a school. The point was that if I go through the travel agency, it comes directly out of the school's account. But I said in the e-mail to please quote me before the ticket is purchased. I definitely don't have any intention of paying the overhead, since I already found a cheaper flight that I could pay for myself. I wonder what school you're talking about....

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I think we're talking about the same school. The "supremely competent" travel agent just happened to overlook the cheaper fare.

Ugh, just thinking about it makes me angry.

I just e-mailed a travel agent for a school. The point was that if I go through the travel agency, it comes directly out of the school's account. But I said in the e-mail to please quote me before the ticket is purchased. I definitely don't have any intention of paying the overhead, since I already found a cheaper flight that I could pay for myself. I wonder what school you're talking about....

Uh oh, I hope it's not my program! We have people book through a travel agent, although we pay for the whole thing. So I'm hoping that's not us. I'm sorry to hear that y'all are having trouble with recruitment travel though. Hope stuff goes more smoothly at other places!

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Boston College's admit days are March 12-14 - Monday through Wednesday. I'm on the waitlist, and I'm a teacher so taking days off, especially three in a row, is a big no-no.

How important is it that I go? Would it be bad if I didn't? I don't want to take days off from school unless it's really necessary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I think it's very important to go. We tend to give priority to waitlisted students who show up on the weekends. It shows a high level of interest. The most common strategy I've heard for waitlisted students is to let the school know that they would absolutely attend there if they were taken off the waitlist.

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i'd like to second that question. but also was really hoping that like corduroys or khakis and not-sneakers would be formal enough. all my slacks are tailored to heels and man do i not want to wear heels...

So...this might be a silly question, but what are you all planning to wear to visit days? Would a polo shirt and dress slacks be appropriate, or would business casual be better?

Don't wear heels. We always have one or two students who are really overdressed and it seems to alienate them from their potential cohortmates.

Try to dress like you're going on a first date. So your nice jeans, a nice sweater or dressier shirt. Heels/dress shoes are not necessary.

/advice from a graduate recruitment chair

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